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Found 4 results

  1. I was playing and accidentally hit my burgle with my mint mallet I didn’t have enough Science points for what I needed so I went off to do other things and then the next day I RL I came back with more science points and he wasn’t there I couldn’t get stairs my base is really hard to get to because it’s in the hedge so stairs I needed stairs Unless I have to Keep doing parkour to get up to my base
  2. I could not pass the Randy Marsh abortion mini game. Part 1- a little tricky but doable. Part 2- just use the joystick ( no button mashing). Part 3- impossible as the on screen prompts do not appear telling you when to move the joystick, so Randy keeps dying. TURN ON THE TEXT CAPTIONS IN OPTIONS. Part 3- on screens prompt appear, and while a little tricky it can be solved. I was ready to quit the game after 30 failures with no prompts. Once the on screen prompts appeared solved it after the 2nd try.
  3. Hi team, I cannnt proceed the game in the middle of Randy's abortion scene. Do you have any bug fix patches or something like that? Before the new kid vacuums Randy's balls, the display is freezed or blackout or the game does not accept any command. Actually in the scene I just should press "L <-- to vacuum" but it does not work really. I get dead. Please fix the bug. Let me know if you have any concern or something. thanks
  4. As it stands right now in the bb 257 I find combat too cluttered/chaotic to be playable. Being able to rotate the camera view would be extremely helpful but so would making clicking or moving the cursor over a character/enemy's health bar select/give info on the object/character. The health bars seem to find a way to be seen unlike the actual character, and if you could highlight the selected character then combat would be considerably less chaotic.
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