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I only plan on playing through the game once as one race and class combination, so I want you, Obsidian, to focus all your time and money on making that race/class combination the best gaming experience you possibly can. Please remove all other classes and races, since I don't plan to use them. I don't care which you include. Maybe you should have a poll and only include the most popular race and class. Also, I don't like doing sidequests, so none of those, please, and no extra regions. I find a world-map that's too large to be confusing. Please make the main quest the best you absolutely can. Maybe you can release sidequests for those who want them as DLC later. There should be exactly 5 characters that will (not may) join your party. I want every moment of gameplay specifically crafted for my exact party, with each character chiming in with the perfect dialog at exactly the right time. Obviously, once you start multiplying party makeups, there's no way you can make so many different cohesive narratives on such a small budget. Please, please, please no multiplayer. I'll never use it. I would prefer that you focus on making the game the best that it can be when experienced by exactly one person. You basically have to make the whole game over again for each additional player you allow. I don't know what other features you're planning to add, but I would really prefer that you focus on crafting the best versions of the features I am going to use and leave the others out. Oh, I almost forgot. I am a male that is almost overflowing with testosterone and manliness. If I am not looking at a humanoid female's sexy body I have to immediately leave the computer and go do adult-things with my girlfriend. I will not be able to spend the 15 hours I expect the main quest to take looking at a tiny digital man-butt. For this reason I expect to play as a female. Please remove all other sexes. Her name will be Alwethia. Now you won't have to waste your tiny budget programming a field to enter the PC's name. Thanks. EDIT: I plan to have my character look like the babe in my avatar picture. I don't know what she's from, but if it's not a copyright issue, please use that image for the PC. Otherwise, something as close as possible.
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I haven't seen any talk about this anywhere. They said something about only allowing you to create the main character and not a whole party like in Baldur's Gate (damn shame that), but will that also mean that you can't play with your friends where they create their own characters? I'm pretty sure the ability to do so in a game like BG2 is the main contributor to it's longevity.
Just making this thread so we could have all the speculations of multiplayer in one place as well as all the possibilities that it would bring to the game. Also, my decision of making this thread comes from the little information we have about the game so far, here is a video for reference of information: Click My main questions (Speculations): Will the game have co-op / multiplayer for the story mode? If so, will it range from 1-2 or 1-4 players / controllers at once? Also, will there be a possibility of customizing the other players? From my speculations, I came to the conclusion by myself that you would only be able to play one main character (which is the one you start with- fully customizable) and have the ability to control your companions, either with controller 1 or controller 1 to 4. My main thoughts (Possibilities): 1. You could swap out the companion with a new character (Player 2 / Controller 2) - This new character could be a character profile (Pre-Created Character), you know, such as with other games, you would have the ability to load up a character you already played with, or have the choice to create a new one. 2. Your companions for some reason has to travel with you - In this case (Player 2 / Controller 2) would be forced to play as the companion, if no other space is available in the "party". In this possibility I'm assuming there would be a maximum amount of characters that can be in the party during combat interactions. 3. When choosing a new character for (Player 2 / Controller 2) - The character would come out from the bushes - Come out from a taxi drive-by - Come out from the sewers - Summoned by Jesus Christ in a magician "realistic" way - Just suddenly appear when you enter a new zone / area - Etc Please reply with your own speculations & possibilities on how this would work in the game. Also- feel free to discuss randomness. Thank you for reading.