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Found 5 results

  1. I have read about similar issues with the game crashing after trying to load in from the ship on this and other forums. Mine seems to be behaving slightly differently, it just loads indefinitely, my load times are usually under 15 seconds I'd say and I've let this screen attempt to load for well over five minutes without any progress. Another sign that the game is crashing is that the music stutters and then completely stops and the program completely locks up forcing me to restart the computer to close it. This is a huge bummer for me as I was really enjoying the game and wanted to finish it but it seems until this is resolved I'm locked out. What I've attempted already: I tried going back a few saves in case the autosave got screwed up somehow, I tried playing the game in a small window instead of full screen, I checked that my drivers were up to date, I've tried to load in at least half a dozen times now. No dice. Any help that anyone could offer is appreciated, I was really looking forward to finishing this up. I am running the game through Microsoft Gamepass on PC. Specs: i5-7600k 3.8GHz 16 GB DDR4 GTX 1080 8GB Running the game at 1080p with minimal hiccups until this point.
  2. Yet again another bug on top of me not being able to heal at ALL still! I entered byzantium and all the citizens specifically are showing up as hostiles on my compass. Guards don't attack at all or show up as red ticks but the minute I run into a named character with a weapon, they immediately start to unload on me and the guards begin to do the same. My reputation is at 8% positive and 0% negative with the board. I have been sneaking my way through the entire last part of the game with a sliver of health and now...this happens, its beyond frustrating and is further game breaking.
  3. So I'm trying to finish the "Why bring them out of retirement?" Quest and when I come out of the elevator at the end on the dungeon, the whole city is hostile to me. Anyone know why this is? Anyone encounter this? I'd rather not blast my way through and bugger off to The Unreliable. I've got no idea what I did to anger the board but is there any way to boost relations?
  4. End-game spoilers ahead, but nonetheless important for the developers to see I think. I'm in Byzantium at the moment, and for whatever reason the Early Retirement quest dipped my reputation with the Board over the edge. Now everyone guard in Byzantium wants to kill me and every citizen runs from me. This is unacceptable, as the end-game necessitates that you be in Byzantium. My enjoyment is almost ruined by this, since I couldn't take my way in or out of situations as I've done the entire game. The impact of being hated by a reputation you are forced to interact with shouldn't be shoot on sight - quite frankly, it's nearly game-breaking. Obsidian, I hope you find some way to fix this, because I don't want to experience, say, DLC, where everyone hates me. It would be really unfortunate.
  5. I've just arrived in Byzantium naturally by going through the story - The city and the stars quest. But everyone is hostile, there's no way to get into the city to do any of the quests in my log (they're all I have in there now, all other side quests outside of Byzantium are complete) but I just can't get in. Fighting your way through just isn't an option as the moment you kill any of the guards everyone starts attacking you. Seems to be I'm stuck now. - I haven't shot or killed anyone on arrival, the NPCs were hostile from landing. The only thing I've done since landing is talk to the informant. Edit: So my reputation with the board is at angry - shoot on sight. But how do I keep going with the game? Even killing everyone in Byzantium doesn't let you continue the quests.
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