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Everything posted by aimo
Exxy: Hehe, thanks! Glad you like the shading since I had to make do with the only grey Copic marker I brought with me during my vacation T_T Midnight Hawk: Hohoho, thanks! Careful you don't accidentally turn the shower to 'HOT' though! Ouch ouch ouch! Roger the Sith: Hey, even scoundrels get mushy too! Well, if I did a Handmaiden/Male Exile version, I'm sure there will be blood and gore in the aftermath :D Silvershadow: *fans the girl* Starbreeze: Thanks! I only use Photoshop for the lettering in the ESB-tribute strips, but yeah, I generally use that software to do digital art. LadyCrimson: Thanks! I'm apparently only nice to Disciple when I do sketches XD;; Glad you like them! Lord of Hunger: Thanks! As for the font, I use 'DigitalStrip' that I got from blambot.com actually. Royal_Nonesuch: Thanks! tmp: Yikes! XD;; Ioini: Heh, though the initial idea is to depict a protective Mandalore, I have resigned myself to the idea that he's copping a feel off Exile in that pic TwT Leia: Thanks! Yeah, something should've happened with Atton considering you can't bring him along to anywhere on Dxun/Onderon initially. But heck, that's what fan art is for, yeah? Padmi: Thanks! 'Adult art'?? Yikes XD; Nartwak: I actually used white-out for the lighting effects in there XD;; Talk about special effects on a budget! jaguars4ever: Thank you! I actually did that on a whim being one of my regular sketches, but I love how it turned out :3 Saraya: Thanks! For me, even though analog drawing skills is important to learn regardless of styles, what's equally vital are the ideas behind the art. I try to improve in this area by attempting scenes that contain conflicts/drama/anything that can be related to on an emotional level...it's really nice/interesting to see the audience's reactions. George: Thank you! That means a lot I've never been as passionate over a series until KOTOR came along (I wasn't as nuts about SW in general too!) because of the story and characters, and I can only show my love for them the only way I know how...which is through fan art! I'm sure others who dabble in the artistic side of KOTOR fandom feel the same Okay, update! (So quick?!) Apparently many of my friends are rascals who know how to prod my 'perfectionist' side to get their way, and they felt the homage should've been longer to be perfect. I originally wanted to leave the scene that just covers the romantic moment, but apparently even I now feel that it is not complete without the C3P0 interruption part. So I added another 2 pages just for that. Hurrah! And I'm putting all the pages because we're all lazy bums to even try to check back two pages behind :D Click on the thumbnails to see the pages. Enjoy! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Saraya: Thank you! Yes, it is kinda tricky balancing the work and study aspects, especially when I do multiple jobs (comic drawing one moment, commissions the next! @_@). But at least I'm doing what I like, and I'm lucky to be able to have that luxury in earning my keep. Do keep your spritis up and keep on practicing! I myself have so much more to learn Darth Spock, Darth Vader, jediunknown, Nartwak: Thank you! TetsuJedi: I guess it depends on how you play the Exile; IMO, Exile had to make that choice in using the Mass Shadow Generator, it was either stopping the Mandalorians once and for all at a contained area or letting them ravage the Galaxy further. She only made the only choice given to her at the time, and throughout my game, she is ever regretful (shown through dialogue choices and responses) that it had to come to that especially since the Jedi Civil War immediately followed. Compared to her, Atton still felt very bitter towards the Jedi and didn't sound very much regretful about his misdeeds as as assassin during his confession. Also, that particular sketch is a follow-up to something I did earlier where Atton was blasting Exile verbally wihiletowering over her menacingly. You can see the image from the link below: http://aimostudio.com/gallery/sketch/2005/20050120c.jpg I think at one point she just had enough and struck back, putting him back in his place like the tough cookie she is Vashanti: Haha, actually those are thigh-high boots. But hey, she might being wearing garters underneath, so who knows? :D Darknesslord, Faramirk, Lord of Hunger: Thank you! Seeing that I received many requests urging me to work on the Exile/Malak/Republic Soldiers pic, I'll do just that when I get back home this weekend (currently back in my hometown :3) Okay, new update! Kotorfanmedia.com has come up with a new challenge in its Duelling Circle section, and this time the theme it's homages to the classic and prequel trilogy films. My entry is in comic format, a tribute to my favourite scene from Empire Strikes Back; I decided to go with a re-enactment of Han and Leia's romantic exchange during their flight from the Empire's clutches. In this 2-page comic, the 2nd half of that scene is played out by their KOTOR 2 counterparts (IMO, hee), Atton and LSF Exile. Because I don't have a scanner handy at the moment, I had to use my digicam to get this image on screen, so pardon the quality. I'll replace 'em with better versions this weekend. Click on the thumbnails to see the pages. Enjoy! Page 1 Page 2
Thanks! I like the slapping sketch too! I feel that Atton had it coming, with the way he described his previous occupation... I've been drawing for 16 years now. I'm sort of semi-pro; I freelance as an illustrator and comic artist while studying for my Masters degree in Publishing.
Laozi: Thanks! Well, if you want to see non-KOTOR related art, you can always go to my main website. Lord of Hunger: Thanks for the offer, but I pretty much have all my bases covered. Anyways, new stuff to plug! Cel style on pencils. It's Female Exile, ready to kick some alien bums'...er...bums? I wasn't too happy with the primary sketch because it looked so sloppy, so I was bemoaning its suckiness all the way through the coloring stage. However, I kind of fancy how it turned out :3 So the moral of the story is that I'm a whiney artist. Something I don't know WHEN I'll finish this; It's General Hotpa---I mean, Pre-exiled Exile and Malak walking through a sea of recuperating Republic soldiers during the Mandalorian Wars. Young Exile and Revan. Done in blue pencils, it would be pointless to scan since it won't be detected. And photographing it with my digicam apparently is an almost futile exercise as well. Thank god for Photoshop! This was supposed to be a montage of SERIOUS scenes (Exile falling through a manhole in Jek Jek Tar, Exile slapping Atton after his vicious confession of being a former Jedi Killer, Exile and Kavar ambushed during their first meeting on Onderon)...that is, until Eisu narrated a disturbing scenario depicted through these pics @_@ Here's the Bad Ass Exile sketch before tweaking for colors.
Thanks TwT New pic! Atton and Exile having fun at a rave in Nar Shaddaa.
Ooog, I am so bushed from a whole day of part-timing (oh, THE IRONY!), and will be doing so again tomorrow, so I be needing the 40 winks very soon. Mucho apologies for not being able to reply to your remarks at the moment....will do so soon. Thanks for viewing, anyways! Three pics today, and they are all gift art, btw. Can we blame Bao-Dur for wanting some peace and quiet , seeing what he has to put up with? Click for larger image Younger Atris, with a part-timing archiver Young Exile, and Younger Kavar Click for larger image Mission and Zaalbar (izzat dandruff or fleas? @_@) Click for larger image
Maybe Kreia should've passed on that suspicious-looking Gizka Burger at the cafeteria...so the real reason she kicked the bucket at Trayus Core was from indigestion? @_0 The comic still needs to be shaded with screentone to give them dimension, so for now, Kreia has a moustache :D Okay, plugs! Just some rough pen sketches of characters in the Exile/Atris story I'm planning. A rough visualization of one of the scenes in the planned comic. Atris tries to disuade Young Exile from going off to join Revan's army, but the latter is much consumed with the passion to help out in any way she can to end the Mandalorian threat. Click for larger image Young Revan, post-Malachor V, consumed by the Dark Side. Someone pass her some Nivea/Olay cream! Page 3 of 'Premonition'. Turns out to be my favourite of the bunch. I just finished inking all ten pages, so off to shading. No more previews after this one though... Click for larger image
Page 2 Is Kreia wrinkly enough? Hmmm...
Thanks for viewing, everyone! Well...maybe one day, eh? Below are 2 pages from a 10 page story I'm working on, meant for a fan comic anthology I'm compiling called 'EXILE'. As you can see from the few panels, it's full o' angstness! 5 more pages to go, and after that I'll have to finish ANOTHER 10-pager focusing on Atris and LSF Exile.
Thank you for dropping in to check out the artworks! Your input are much appreciated :3 Actually, no one has asked that before...it's a welcome question! For sketches, the time varies; simple ones (singular characters) can take maybe 5-10 minutes to complete, while scenes can take btween 1/2 hour to 1/2 a day depending on the complexity. Thank you. The day that I feel satisfied with my art is the day I should really start to worry...there's so much to learn out there, and if one doesn't strive to improve, the skills will become stagnant and start to decay. For me, I thought the girl head were bleh compared to the gorgeous ladies in K1. Am glad that the male selections in K2 are better though (helloooo, latino Exile :3) Actually, I'd prefer if you just link to the file instead of having it displayed directly in threads....I myself am starting to use smaller thumbnails to link to bigger art to save bandwith. The reason my site went back up recently is because I switched hosting services because the old one can no longer sustain the amount of traffic. Good thing too, because just now I checked to find bandwith for the last 12 days has surpassed 5 gigs (which was my old hoster's limit!) T_T Hehehe, thanks XD Okay, pic posting time... Latino Heat Male Exile is so hot that no one can resist his sparkly charm XD;; Click for larger image Below are jam sketches, where I collaboratively sketch with friends. This was done during a Star Wars event recently (which was uber boring T_T Thank god for pencils and sketch paper!!) Female Exile avatar exchange between Eisu and I Click for larger image Atton is asking for it... Click for larger image Original Trilogy scribbles Click for larger image
A shocked Mira
tmp: Well...sorta ^_^ TrueNeutral: Oh, well, the game soesn't have FFX level models, but we still love it for what it is, yes? Disciple, no? Errm. Starbreeze: It's my lifelong hobby, so I've been going at it for 20+ years. Still lots of room for improvement, that's for sure New pic! Click for larger image Description: Atris is pleased to see that the quiet new girl in her class is beginning to open up to her surroundings. It's a good thing to see her chatting with the friendly Master Kavar who no doubt will make her feel more at ease at the academy. Perhaps like her, he can sense the potential in this one... Notes: Just a rough sketch, trying out my dip pen to scribble (instead of the technical pens I normally use). So far so good! :3
Arrr, I moved my site to a new host, so it's finally up again. *shakes fist at old host for having such limited bandwith >.<* Anywayy...thanks for keeping in touch with this thread. My exams are over, but I still have real life work to attend to, so I can only post a few bits of stuff here and there. Pazaak Atton and a (scrumpilicious?) LSF Exile Embarassed Carth Different men, different reactions: Disciple, Atton, and Bao-Dur This was actually done two weeks ago before my exams, featuring Exile surrounded/protected by her Padawans. Never felt like finishing it though...maybe later. Ver. 2 of the pic I did during breakfast last weekend, but it's kinda...meeeh. For one, Disciple's face is blocked, and Exile's a wee bit too short in here.
Thank you for taking a look, everyone Tsel: In what way? The walking into the sunset thing? <---Never seen Fist of the North Star T_T The Great Phantom: So far, I've done only two Male Revan pics (one of them pointed out by tmp). The male version just doesn't interest me as much...I haven't even finished my only male playthough in K1! Thanks for the well wishes, btw. Darth Abomination: This won't be anytime soon since I haven't even started playing male Exile. I set my Exile's age as 30, so she would've been 20 at the start of the Mandy Wars, thus fulfilling the classic RPG cliche of young adults in a commanding military position I would think that SW mythos indicates that LS jedis look younger than their age because of their positive Force affinity. Besides, there are loads of people in RL who don't look their age....if Leo Dicaprio can play a convincing 14 year old in 'Catch Me If You Can', anything is possible eh! Whatever helps you sleep at night, dude " Force Reaper: Thank you! My recent playthrough is as DSF Exile, so all them nasty/violent illos will have her in it. DSLuke: Someday... Eisu: Well said, buddy. Thanks! Icon: I'm a freelance comic and graphic artist in the offline world But nothing beats doing artworks of stuff you love AngryTarsier: Aww. Maybe after my exams end on Wednesday I'll come up with a cheesecakey art or sumfink LdyShayna: Thank you! Even though I'm a total Atton!Fan, I do like Disciple too, since he's nice and simple. It's unfortunate his in-game model wasn't that polished. Oh well, I'll try to do him justice in future fan arts! Wyked: Thank you! I'd prefer it if Atris was the last boss in the cut ending since it would make the confrontation even more vicious...and catfighty :B Gelfling: Thank you! I'll probably stress over freelance comicking to pay the bills T^T Okay, okay, pic plug (STILL STRESSED!) LSF Exile guides a scared Mira in listening to the voice of Nar Shadda...turning her into a Jedi in the process.
The split costume is one thing; The determination on Atton's face? TEH WIN! *swoons* This is definitely in my wallpaper rotation list :3 I bet Disciple's feeling even more unloved now ^_^;;
Since I have a tendency to draw rough K2 sketch fanarts whenever I'm stressed (exams on Monday T_T), I'm hoping that it's okay if I place whatever I churn out within one thread. I'll probably post finished illustrations as well, but they're few and far between as they take longer to finish compared to 15-30 min rough sketches. Anyway...enjoy! In this sketch, Disciple finally realizes Kreia's true identity. Sensing possible danger to the Exile, he steps up with a warning: "If you harm her..." DSF Exile delivers the finishing blow onto Kavar. I was thinking maybe that of all the Jedi Masters she had to hunt, Kavar would be the one she executed with a heavy heart, considering that he was the only Master to have somewhat openly sympathized with her dilemma pre-Mandalorian Wars <---yeah, yeah, I ramble... Someone asked me to draw Atton's Death Scene from the cut ending. Here it is...after he dies, LSF Exile cries in despair over her loss. I was playing Across the Stars (AotC's Love Theme) on repeat to get in the zone for this *schniff* But I am a sucker for HAPPY ENDINGS, so I immediately countered the tragedy chi by following up with a pic of the alternate cut ending, with LSF Exile and Atton walking away from Trayus Academy. They don't know what future awaits them, but at least they'll face it together Also, if anyone's interested, I have some wallpapers made using my K2 illustrations. They're all sepia-toned only though ^_^;; Bastila - 800x600 Carth & LSF Revan Kiss Scene - 800x600 Kreia, Atton, & LSF Exile - 1024x768
Exile and Mira will always make a great team XD I love that bit and Exile's fake seduction! Poor Atton, but he really needs to bathe more if more than one in the crew has brought up his BO problem
aimo replied to AngryTarsier's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Thanks for crediting me, AngryTarsier Kudos to Exile for her excellent coloring of Cheesecake Handy. So, don't say I don't do any art for the guys, now! -
I hope they don't close the forums
aimo replied to Ricc Maal's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
And posters here are generally well-mannered and respectful of each other's opinions...not like a certain *cough*official*cough* forum -
Thanks, everyone. Glad that you like Kissamies: Heh heh heh...right on > It's just that it's rare to play as a strong female protagonist in most games, so I was happier than normal when there was jedi action to be had as a girl in KOTOR. Not to say that male Revan doesn't have his own merits...I'm just playing his game...really...slowly... NeoHunter: A couple of friends mentioned that they had the same thing happen to them. Sorry for the weird looks you got ^_^;; Japanese manga was my primary influence when I started out drawing when I was 9, so yeah. I don't restrict myself to just that though; I'm a comics fan in general. Kyppeh: Aw, that's nice of you to say. That aside though, it is sad that they're closing the K2 forums since there's so many in-depth game-related discussions here, and goodies that pop up here from time to time Witchzenka: Hoho! I hope he likes them! Rosbjerg: Not at the moment, since I do these in my spare time in between work and studies. But sometimes when ideas strike, there's no stopping a new comic page! I usually post my stuff regularly in this K2 Forum Community. They're lots of great artists drawing KOTOR here as well! Eji: Atton/Disc is a new one. And naw, your Atton and Carth are teh best XD Goodwood: Collaborations would require quite a bit of commitment to be able to see it through, though! I don't rule out doing it, but looking at my own schedule (exams, thesis-writing, work, fanzine compiling AH!) it's not an option for me atm. Plus, I might scare Eji with my control-freak style of writing @_@ Oh, I'm semi-pro actually. I do published comics to supplement my income, though just mostly in the local scene. And as for a K2 graphic novel, it's too bad that the game copyright issue is not anything like in Japan, where artists can easily pay tribute to the games they love though 'doujinshi, or fan-press comics as the companies think of them as free 'promotion/advertising'...then there would be lots of unnoficial KOTOR comics (especially humorous ones that DH won't pick up) in a physical form for fans to enjoy.
Hottest/Most Desirable Male Character in KoTOR!
aimo replied to Eji's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
The face. The voice. The way he drives LSF Exile up the wall. It's gotta be Atton -
Aaah, the forums are closing! That'll teach me to lurk 24/7 T_T Anyways, I've done K2 fan comics in my spare time, and there's no sign of stopping for this girl I post these regularly at another K2 forum, but I thought you guys might enjoy them as well...unless you've been to Galactic Theatre, that is... This first one pager is still my all time favourite :D (Here be links to others since I don't wan't dialuppers to scream bloody murder) Too Much Information Irresistable Irresistable II Apprentice Breakdown And my latest, featuring DSF Exile and her unique way of stopping an argument I may do another one tonight. HORRORS. Thanks for viewing, anyway
Thanks, Aurora and HighPriest! These are absolutely priceless! Though I'm definitely disappointed that these Malachor V scenes didn't make the final cut, I'm somewhat relieved that these were uncovered. To know that at the very least closure was in the original planning is enough...it was definitely going for something darker than ESB, from the looks of it! Looking at HighPriest's rearrangement of scenes, I was wondering particularly about Atton's Death vs. Following the Exile...maybe if he became a Jedi, he was supposed to die to protect LSF Exile as foreshadowed by his pre-jedi turning dialogue, while he would live and follow her to wherever she was headed if he stayed a scoundrel? Questions that'll remain unanswered I guess. Oh well, that's what fanfics/fanarts/and fancomics are for