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About Foamhead

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  1. You mean the 2009 OS that mainstream support ended on January 13, 2015? I am shocked that Obsidian isn't supporting Windows 7. Yes, the 2009 one that nearly 40% of the desktop market still uses and has no desire to upgrade. Now that Obsidian is Microsoft they won't support their older OS's. Keep sucking up I'm sure they're just about to make you a mod. Around 30% of Steam gamers use Win 7. Less for gamers in the West, the target market. Less among FPS gamers. Obsidian, Private Division, and Microsoft will have statistics on the market, they won't leave 40% on the table. Microsoft don't decide on OS support they're not publishing. Extended support ends 2020, desire to upgrade is incoming. As much as it might shatter your entire sense of reality to absorb this fact, not everyone uses Steam as a platform so it isn't a proper metric. Current estimates are 40% regardless of what Valve says. Microsoft owns both State of Decay 2 and Sea of Thieves also, they didn't release either for Windows 7 or 8. Microsoft's studios only support the current OS because that's how they roll.
  2. You mean the 2009 OS that mainstream support ended on January 13, 2015? I am shocked that Obsidian isn't supporting Windows 7. Yes, the 2009 one that nearly 40% of the desktop market still uses and has no desire to upgrade. Now that Obsidian is Microsoft they won't support their older OS's. Keep sucking up I'm sure they're just about to make you a mod.
  3. I refuse to buy rpgs with any multiplayer component.
  4. So everyone else has gone into detail why you are wrong so I'm just going to nitpick another portion in which you are wrong. Deadfire had romances in it, they were done terribly, which is why Obsidian has said that they prefer not to do them in the first place. *Insert reply about being a twit from RPGCodex here* To be fair, I found Deadfire so boring I never got far enough to see that portion. Well shut my mouth.
  5. What the hell are you on about? The game is coming out for both consoles and Windows. See here: And if you're talking about Linux, well pardon them for not creating an architecture for the %1 of the potential userbase. And one shouldn't really expect to play games on MacOS anyway. Maybe down the line, if the sales are good, it could be feasible. While I'm not exactly keen on the fact that there's no "romance", I trust them to create characters that feel close to your heart. Say, like, Veronica in New Vegas. And I will probably be adding a mod to alleviate this fact when they eventually come out. Or maybe a DLC? Who knows. And it's really hard to create believable romance in an intricate RPG. Mass Effect and Witcher could do it, because well, the main character was more defined. So the designer has a certain framework to start with. And considering these folk aren't exactly swimming in money, I understand their decision. But it's fine, I guess. You just keep being you. My bad. I meant it would not support other operating systems like Windows 7.
  6. There are always twits who think that by hating things which are popular they are so much smarter. They are usually from the RPG Codex coincidentally. They've never had romance options in their games so I don't see why Obsidian feels the need to advertise this fact in every game. At this point I think they are trying to appeal to said above twits. Between being Windows 10 exclusive and more of the same appeal to fanboy philosophy, my interest is completely zero now. *Edit* By Windows 10 exclusive I mean in terms of PC. I should have been more clear that I was not including consoles.
  7. The funny thing is that Chris Avellone wrote Planescape: Torment, which was released in 1999 (i.e. a year before Baldur's Gate 2) and was perhaps the first cRPG that featured plenty of romance that was central to the plot. I'd argue that simplifying his comments on video game romance as 'immature and condescending' is pretty immature and condescending of you. I said comments on Love and Romance, I did not say video game romance. If you're gonna reply to someone then reply to what they actually said.
  8. it wouldn't matter, because most people who hate them simply believe they are "real RPG fans" by hating things that are popular.
  9. I just want a romance that is lengthy and well written. I have always felt Bioware could have done bigger and better but seems to be stuck in the same cycle of: Player: "HI!" NPC: "Hello." (Finds NPC's lost hanky) Player: "I think you are attractive." NPC: "Oh God oh God I need you inside me right now!" (Reverse the last two sentences if you are a female player) I believe Obsidian has the best writers in the RPG business, but Chris Avellone's frankly immature and condescending attitude towards love and romance turns me off. Since this game is looking like another dungeon crawl hack and slash I doubt I'll be buying it regardless.
  10. Foamhead

    Slow reload

    I fixed the mouse stuttering but when I reload a check point the game freezes, for sometimes two minutes before the game starts. Does anyone know what causes this and the fix? I use a GeForce 450, a Pentium duel core 2.2 and have 2 gigs of ram.
  11. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you are from the Codex. Every single person claims they saw the twist coming "a mile away" and conveniently enough they all claimed this long after they finished the game. And naturally you have have most of the "I hate Bioware" talking points from the codex.
  12. Alan, Please tell me where you disagree but here is my 2 cents... Bioware has succeeding in piquing my interest in this game. What I have asked on Biowares forums and gotten no answer to is this: 1. You guys claim that players can make choices and NPC's respond yadda yadda yadda...How do you provide all this vaunted interactivity without affecting the other players? If the answer is that each player get his or her own instance then is this an MMORPG or a massively single player online role playing game? Because I fail to see how a player can have meaningful interactivity in a persistent world without harming the experience of another. 2. I hate MMORPG's with a passion. I hate being manipulated and I have no addictive personality what so ever. I do dabble in WOW but I have one level 80 and it took me three years to get it there. That is how little I play. I hate level grinding, I hate time sinks, and I hate having nothing to do but kill things. I am not into dungeon crawls which is all these MMORPG's are. I am also a full time student and do not have the time nor inclination to do these ridiculous raids that require an eight hour time commitment and belonging to a guild. I don't mean to put down anyone here who does these things but frankly, I have a life, and do not consider spending it on a computer a productive use of my little free time. What does The Old Republic do differently for people like me who do not like mindless grinds and lengthy tedious raiding? I remember WOW how I would die and have to navigate the massive roadblocks of mountains and other barricades Blizzard set up between me and my corpse just so I could play again. I pay 20 bucks a month to play WOW not a bleeping maze. If your game sucks so bad that your company needs to purposely waste a players time in order to keep them playing then you have a pretty crappy game IMHO. I also remember my disappointment upon reaching level 80 in WOW and discovering that was all. There was nothing else to do but grind away reputation or emblems. What does TOR do differently so I have a reason to play when I can no longer level up? 3. You say you have NPC's, does that mean I have character interaction and romances and all that stuff that I love about RPG's? If so how is that handled? 4. What mechanisms are in place so that all classes are fun? Because this is a Star Wars game and you can bet your bippy there will be a glut of Force users...especially Sith. I actually have started following this game with interest because if the game is the single player experience that Bioware seems to be implying...and it really is a game and not a hack slash level grind I will buy it. But not until I know what I am investing in. You don't need to take part in PvP if you do not want to. We're really pushing the story. According to discussion on Gamebreaker.tv, the consensus after many journalists played the game for 6 hours is that TOR is looking to put the RPG back into MMORPG. The personal stories are still set up, and personal. You're the one that makes the decisions and decides how to proceed through the story. It's not any different than the idea that there are other people out there that played KOTOR 1 and 2. It's entirely possible to experience your own personal story with minimal interaction with other players, and really the only place you'd see them would be as you moved to different story points. Once you get to the actual content parts, the game is set up to allow you to experience the game at your pace without interruption from other players. I'd give us a little more credit than that. As for rendering your whole gaming experience meaningless, I disagree. Nothing takes away from the fact that you played and enjoyed KOTOR 1 and 2.
  13. I'm glad you made it out okay!
  14. Overall I think Obsidian did a great job. My advice is to never listen to magazine reviews since they tend to be hopelessly biased towards major labels. Yes the game does graphically blow lightening up your ass but so what. The game play is great and the character interaction is superb.
  15. Well we already know your first problem.
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