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Everything posted by GreenShirtGirl

  1. omg yes.
  2. how about a game i can play against you and school you at lets get some co-op in
  3. Thanks Mikey for doing this, and big thanks to everyone who watched/donated. I had an absolute blast doing this and will definitely be taking part in more of these streams, maybe even doing some myself sometime. You guys are all awesome and it was definitely fun interacting with everyone! ps...im still tired.
  4. Same. That was some serious feeling of accomplishment. And a damn satisfying sandwich after :D
  5. Im joining Mikey in some Mario Maker in the morning i think, I plan on finishing up the Uncharted collection with some Uncharted 3 (never played) Supposedly there may be some Goldeneye action happening? and I hope Mariokart...
  6. Totally, the best. Helping others, sharing ... if Green Shirt Girl needs help crossing Alton Parkway or ordering sushi, I am totally available. i totally dig sushi
  7. borderlands 2 was a blast
  8. great avatar! thanks figured it was pretty appropriate
  9. when in doubt, fart it out.
  10. youre better off never trying it
  11. Christopher Ranch garlic is readily available. I miss nothing
  12. Better than Gilroy. And i should know, I'm from Gilroy.
  13. Is this a trap? nope! Thread just got weird. I just got a free gift copy off NeoGAF. Oh, my love/hate for that site. i can just disappear again into the shadows like i did after the kickstarter then, if im just making things weird
  14. I'll be the one wearing a green shirt
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