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Admiral Joe

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About Admiral Joe

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. actually I tried both ways - so I found the 3rd random option, ie. the game decided that it won't let me solve this puzzle at all? Seriously, I tried hard to find that solution myself, and when I finally got it I was pissed that it didn't work - thought I hit the wrong answers but after double- and triple checking and trying divide as well as multiply, the game still wouldn't accept the solution. So I left that room for good, not that I felt like I missed something, but it's a bug nonetheless... KotOR2 beats the original in almost every aspect, including bugs and technical issues, so while I enjoy the game a lot, it's annoying how often the game crashes, "minor" quest bugs like the one mentioned above just add to that.
  2. Well, that's what I thought. Only my game thinks differently " With either 6x2-8+9x1 = 13 of 6x2-8+9/1 = 13 the game says: Incorrect Friggin' bugs in this game drive me crazy <{POST_SNAPBACK}> same for me :angry:
  3. neither 6*2-8+9/1 nor 6*2-8+9*1 works for me, game says "INCORRECT" and blows the terminal up either way they better release a patch for that ridiculously bugged game soon :angry:
  4. i found said fight vs. three HK-50s ridiculously easy - first I thought OMG, three of them vs. my astromech droid, but even the default unlimited-use shock-arm and the unlimited-charge driod-shield (make sure to do the short and easy quest for that on Nar Shaddaa first) made this fight (and others) with T3 a cakewalk. Also on Goto's yacht, I took T3 and did most of the fighting with him till I got my char back, because he's basically invulnerable with that shield vs. the other droids' blasters
  5. I'm currently trying to play KotOR on an Acer Extensa 3000 (P-M1400, 512MB RAM, Radeon Mobility 9700, latest driver (doesn't mean anything for vendor-supplied drivers, I know) on WinXP Home). I don't have many problems except for movies always crashing the whole computer ( so I disabled them, I know them inside out anyway...), and sometimes the game crashes just for fun, also alt-tabbing doesn't work well (game crashes with 99% probability). I don't even dare to try KotOR2 though, because on my desktop (A64-3000, 1024MB RAM, R9800XT (Catalyst 4.10) on Win2k) KotOR2 thought it's fun to launch in a window after I started it the 2nd time, it crashes every few loading screens (completely locking up my computer), and I sometimes have problems in dialogues, when the game seems to continue on its own, or doesn't register my choices at all for half a minute (like it's a lagging online game). It's not exactly unplayable, but it's a lot less fun if you expect a crash everytime the game loads or tries to show a movie... my advice for potential buyers: wait till a patch or two are out. That game's much worse than everything I've played on my computer(s) - which includes notoriously bugged games like Vampire: Bloodlines and - drumrolls - KotOR right after it came out
  6. the story so far is great (Telos atm, ), but I'm already getting tired of the technical issues I mean, c'mon, KotOR had its fair share of bugs when it went retail, only 1.02 was kinda stable, now the same thing happened again and it sucks. I modified the swkotor2.ini manually (took out the [Display Options] part, dunno what that's for, actual setting are in [Graphics Options]...) and now at least the game starts in fullscreen mode. It does, however, still crash every other loading screen, and having to reset my computer once every hour feels really bad for an AAA title. Also, the movies seem kinda low res, and some textures do as well (it doesn't look like I'm playing the PC version on high detail/full AF/AA for sure...) I'm simultaneously playing through KotOR the about 10th time (well, actually the 4th) and I have to admit while KotOR2 offers some interesting new ideas, the predecessor was more solid IMO. And to repeat myself: I'm still disappointed that they released the game in that state, that's ridiculous and even beats V:tM-Bloodlines <_<
  7. I had to quote that one again... In KotOR1, swoop racing wasn't exactly hard but kinda challenging if you were looking for the best time (for yourself, beating the "NPCs" wasn't hard at all), but now it's extremely annoying. Not only don't you earn much money, the whole swoop racing mini game feels so much worse than in the predecessor. For me it's not about beating my own time again, but beating the track design because with the shacky controls, chances are that I finish 1/10 of my races without even touching anything, and that's not fun at all. And with the crash-at-loading bug it's a joke that there's not even a "retry" button - IMO, the devs screwed up big time on swoop racing :angry:
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