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About chtitelarve

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  1. As for prisms in level 7 of Cad Nua : I encounter a bug where i didn't actually had to put em all in place to open the door leading to level 8 ! I had only the wind prism in my inventory, and pull the lever facing the door, and it opened... Next I cleaned up the level and put all four prisms in place and nothing happened - indeed ! Because the door already opened... I did not recall gaining experience, either.
  2. Good news ! Thanks for your concern & involvement ! With the workaround mentioned above I eventually can fully enjoy the game :D
  3. You have to be kidding guys ? Well I thank you for this temporary workaround but there is no way I'm gonna disable network adapter, ahah especially on a steam-based game ! EDIT : ok i disabled ONLY Hamachi and it now works fine, i can litterally spam I (inventory), and no more freezes, the tooltips display instantly, etc. WTF ?
  4. Yup, they answered on p2. They need some files to analyze what's happening. Thought it was already on its way since august 2014 output_log.txt
  5. Same issue here. I don't want to be blunt with you guys at Obsidian because the game seems really, really great as far as I played but... This bug is known and experienced by many of us since the beta, and it's ruining the game right now. I won't keep on playing until you find a workaround.
  6. Already reported here http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/67129-character-creation-every-action-takes-about-5-seconds-to-load/
  7. Same problem here, GreatGreen reported this too http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66887-extreme-menu-lag/ I guess he may be spotting the real issue with the constant redrawing of the character displayed on screen, which would explained too the violent drop in FPS mentioned by other users.
  8. Hello, I experienced exactly the same issue - in fact I post a related topic in the wrong section of the forum, I think. Anyway, this laggy menu issue - as well a spending points in attributes, etc is extremely annoying
  9. I'm a bit annoyed to discover the game was kinda "auto-located" for my country (France) : I run steam in English so I can play each game in English. Despite the fact the Beta should run in English (so says the steam settings), the game was entirely translated in french (with the "classic" problems of too lengthy words that doesn't fit the GUI sometimes)... I really hope there is a way to play the game as it has been designed, and not as it has been translated ;/
  10. Hello, I experienced some weird issue when generating my first character. The whole phase was extremely slow - each time you would click "next" menu (sex, attributes), or add a point in the attributes section, the game would freeze a couple of seconds. Extremely annoying when you've to manage around 40 points... Makes 40 freezes as well ;/ I got a high-end PC (core i5, 8Go RAM) so I can only assume it is some game-related issue.
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