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Everything posted by sanskrit

  1. have you tried the trick where after getting into the game you turn off then back on a advanced video option to reset the video (like soft shadows)? this clears up my slowdown if it happens... of course it has a chance to come back the next map change it is nitpicky of me to nag their spelling, i agree i just wanted to get it off my chest... *phew*
  2. That loose and lose are two different words and have different meanings? There are at least two points in the game where the subtitles use loose when the character is obviously saying the word lose. lose, to be unsuccessful in retaining possession of: he's always losing his car keys. loose, not fastened, restrained, or contained: loose bricks at least there are no there, their, they're confusions... but still... kind of sloppy i would also like to express my displease with some of the animation in the game, it wasn't terrible, it wasn't good either, seems they just took most of the stuff from kotor1 and didn't bother adding anything to make the situations in the new game look any better some of the scripted sequences are pretty bad too, your ship crashes and you're dragged out by someone and lying outside... ok... fine your ship crashes again and your whole group is lying outside, no explination it could have been a quick... "ouch im slowly crawling out of the ship... fade to black" but no... nothing the pathing is also terrible all around but that seems like another issue left over from the original game i still have high hopes for NWN2, i really hope they can pull off some nice looking animation and scripted sequences when they look cheesy it just gives the whole game a cheesy feel, although i can ignore most of it and enjoy the game still (and i am loving kotor2), i dont think i should really have to
  3. Well, no.. I guess not... I don't want to spoil anyone that reads this but I guess it's inevitable to solve my problem... I got this power from the Sith girl, the blind one. When she first got to the ship I talked to her and got the power. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> press caps lock ( i think) to go into first person mode in order to use the power
  4. i'm sorry but you're wrong, a eula is worth something i don't know about specifics if the validity of when it comes into effect has been challenged, but you say you're the expert yet you have not cited any cases the eula for the software our developer has produced has held up multiple times in court for denial of service when the contract is broken playing a huge (and recent) role in a major copyright case defending legal liability with use of the software etc etc etc i don't doubt that in the US legal system somehow, someone could argue that a peice of software didn't run on their specific system and that they require compensation but a EULA is and has proven to be a legitimate contract in many cases you would have to prove the software is defective any way, which it isn't, it runs fine on my machine and also on machines with the same specs as people having problems it does run on ati cards let me back up and say that i hope they do patch the game, and i personally do not have any doubt that they will my first any only complaint is when people demand a resolution when those demands are not theirs to make people have a right to complain and in this case i think it is warranted with the issues that exist, but there are tactful ways to go about it my view doesn't change anything, i was just stating it personal attacks are probably warranted, i am attacking those that choose to throw their weight around and scream and demand to talk to a manager because something didn't go the way they want or something they bought isn't right or isn't working for them i just know there are civil ways to go about it, but maybe i handle frustration and dissapointment better than some i realize anonymity raises it in a lot of people that it otherwise wouldn't too when someone says 'they owe us a patch', it raises an 'or else' at the end or else what though? you'll make more posts? you'll call LA tech support and yell at some guy getting paid minimum to listen to you? you can't get everything you want by demanding it or raising your voice well maybe you can in the US... maybe i should move to canada...
  5. make a complex game that runs on 100% of all machines and you will be worshipped it just isn't possible there are obviously some big big problems with kotor2 same as the first one it was developed as a console game and the pc version is an afterthought, although i hear the xbox version is just as buggy facts are that console games outsell pc games hands down, why put in extra work to polish a pc game when you can get better sales by making a console game that is easier to produce? it isn't dubious, it's business i also am not defending the practice of not supporting a game properly, only fighting against a mindset that makes the consumer believe they deserve something extra LA or Obs should release a patch, it is the right thing for them to do however they are not obligated to, of course they will or else they would take a huge PR hit and possibly lose sales i just don't appreciate it when people start demanding things when they are not entitled to do so ask nicely, provide information on what is wrong with the game, provide thoughtful posts don't get red in the face and start screaming about how you better get your moneys worth OR ELSE you can get a full refund within the first 90 days if you don't like the game or it doesn't work for you and they never release a patch so that it does i think that is more than fair, but if you don't like dealing with this you may want to pick up an xbox, ps2 or gamecube it is a reality all PC users have come to expect and deal with, it will not change because you're outraged
  6. ok well i guess im kind of a moron, but they're also labled poorly when you interface with a droid or panel they're called repair parts but when you buy or make them they're just called parts, which i thought were for something completely different so i CAN make them on the work bench... ugh why not call them repair parts everywhere? ... double ugh thanks for the previous help, im going to go cry now
  7. once again i need repair parts and there is no way to make them on the workbench, so i think you're wrong about that i can even make computer spikes, and repair kits but no repair parts please tell me i'm missing something!
  8. t3 only makes spikes for me and i do not see any way to create repair parts on a workbench maybe repair KITS but not parts no matter, i set my repair skill to 50 which meant i didn't need any parts, fixed it, then set it back to what it was before
  9. im sure it doesnt have to be completed, but that is the way i play games i complete anything and everything in an area before moving on it's OCD or something
  10. im on dantooine, im trying to repair it because it needs to be... i dont know what it will do i haven't been to any other planets and i would prefer not going to them before i finish dantooine does it really matter though? i just need to know where to find repair parts
  11. theyre used like computer spikes when accessing a computer console i can't find any ANYWHERE, granted i haven't been many places but i don't want to move on without fixing this one console... just cause im crazy someone please help me or give me the item id so i can cheat, i dont care at this point im not talking about repair kits either someone help me :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
  12. it is possible they will but you may need to have a refund issued through lucasarts and they will give you one if the retailer doesn't the EULA has saved game devlopers in multiple cases, and saying it means squat... you obviously have no idea what you're talking about you think they put it there as a joke? or to try to scare people? EULA's do hold up in court, there are many cases of it you are not bound by the EULA when you purchase it, you are bound when you install it and not only is it in the back of the manual, you have to manually agree to it while installing the game your physical acceptance says that you have read and understand the agreement i can see some of your points but they simply would not hold up, find me a case where someone challenged a game developers EULA for having a buggy game and won they offer full refunds, there is no obligation for them to make the game work on your system
  13. yes, don't hijack other peoples threads that have no relation to your problem make a new thread and start by turning off auto-restart in XP so you can at least see the error Control Panel - System - Advanced - Startup and Recovery - Settings - Untick "Automatically Restart"
  14. I dont even think you want to know how long i have been waiting.. suffice to say over an hour! just red this now so let me get back to you on the tools worked thx <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Rad tools just do playback and conversion outside of the game. So they won't affect playback in game. Good for viewing the movies later but really messes uo the flow of the game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ahh ok, thx mate.. them no need for taking my computer through the horrible blizzard! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> at least it USED to install their 'codec' that could help overwrite what the game uses in case there is a problem with the version the developer used
  15. try running it again, start then run but type this instead chkdsk /f /r it should then say it will have to check next time you reboot, agree to this and then reboot the machine, after the XP loady bar shows up your drives will be more thoroughly scanned/fixed
  16. it would not cut out a whole swathe, there are very few video cards that are able to run the game and that came in PCI versions it isn't necessary to have an AGP or PCX card, it does not say that anywhere in the requirements, only that your video card meet the requirements by being one of the video cards listed on the bottom of the box i think 'high-end PCI video card' is an oxymoron " if your PCI video card doesn't cut it I would recommend a geforce3 PCI version, i wish you the best of luck finding one though... don't get a geforce4 mx, which also came in PCI, i don't want to type up a whole explanation... just don't unless you have aboslutely no other options
  17. even though you have tried to close down background apps i would like for you to try a selective startup 1.Click Start, click Run, type msconfig in the Open box, and then click OK. 2.On the General tab, click Selective Startup, and then clear the Process System.ini File, Process WIn.ini File, and Load Startup Items check boxes. You cannot clear the Use Original Boot.ini check box. (don't clear system services checkbox) 3. Click on OK and accept the restart. This can always be reversed if it is found to not be helpful by running msconfig and selecting 'normal boot' again.
  18. do you have a different cd drive you can try? or another machine you can just test installing it on? it may help narrow down where the problem is (damaged CD's, faulty drive, or other)
  19. go to start run type in chkdsk and press enter i wonder why it would be corrupt... is that the entirety of what is in event viewer for the entry when the game crashes? have you scanned for spyware, adware, viruses like i said?
  20. with a good EULA you could never sue a software company for their software, well you could but you would get no where look at page 40+41 in the back of your manual "By installing or otherwise using the software, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license." "... the Software and any related documentation or materials are provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind. (Except for the limited 90 day warranty)" "LucasArts does not warrant that the functions contained in the software will meet your requirements, that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects in the software will be corrected." you agree to a binding contract when you open the box and install the game, any lawyer would laugh in your face if you tried unless there were a HUGE amount of claims and the software ... i dunno... put a virus on your machine or something similar indeed if you sold a car 'as is' and wrote up a sound and legally binding contract then those were the terms of the agreement (regardless what happens to the car after purchased), it would probably help to have it notarized or something, but still... placing an ad in the paper 'as is' isn't a contract, the EULA is (end user license agreement) i am not a lawyer and i never claimed to be, i work for a software developer and i know the validity of a license agreement
  21. are you overclocking? using newest video card drivers? i assume you have to have dx9.0c installed to even play at all? try going to your display properties (right click on desktop and goto properties) then goto the settings tab advanced button troubleshoot tab lower hardware acceleration 1 notch (assuming it is at full acceleration, if not put it there) click ok try the game again
  22. i wish they hadn't but they used bink for the video compression you can always try installing the RAD video tools which can sometimes help with video playback in games that use bink http://www.radgametools.com/bnkdown.htm when it fades to black how long have you tried waiting? i wonder if it's on a timer to load etc after the movie finished... that would probably be too sloppy though i assume you could sit at that black screen forever and nothing would happen any way, let me know if the above suggestion helps
  23. im not disagreeing that there are issues however the product is sold as is and if it doesn't work for you (defective) you can return it to them for a full refund, they have no obligation to make the game work for you i sure hope they do, you should be able to play and enjoy it its a pet peeve of mine i guess, when people demand things when there really is no right for them to do so other than they believe they should be entitled to it, maybe its from working retail for so many years no offense meant towards you personally
  24. try disabling your sound card just as a test control panel system hardware tab device manager double click sound, video, game controllers right click on entry labeled after your sound card and choose disable try the game again, obviously you will have no sound obviously but it may narrow the problem down to your sound card if the freezing stops
  25. yes some of the ithorian dialogue was too quick what about using the space bar during conversations? does it pause it? probably not... what bothers me more is when dialogue is skipped completely yes what was that t3?, *flash of t3 and no dialogue*, ok good i was getting worried! argh
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