Ah liked the Godwhatsit for originality and the aquamen have their Deep Ones appeal but Pale Elves with a Frisian-inspired language are too cool to pass up. An I usually hate elves.
On a semi-related note (doesn't seem worth a new thread) any locals or team members can give me an idea how the following party composition will sit? I'm wondering what the strenghts and weaknesses of such a party composition would be:
PC = Cipher
Are there any areas of functionality like DPS or durability where this party would be overkill? Any areas it's especially weak like trap-dismantling or stealth? My thinking was: Cipher b/c it's an original class, gotta sink my teeth into that, Barbarian + Monk b/c they're the off-beat melee men, Druid and Priest for likewise being the shorter-list more specialized (potent?) spellcasters, and Ranger for dat dps (in my experience range is worth more than backstabbing). How does the anti-thesis of this party stand in balance
Chanter and Rogue would overlap in trap handling, stealth, etc. ah reckon making them either redundant or needing to specialize in different ways. Chanter + Paladin might mean some strong buff stacking while the Fighter and Paladin have to pull a lot of tanking weight for a squishy party. The Wizard and Fighter in being more straight might be able to carry more in their roles than more multi-role classes, though this's all specialization.
If ah were to swap-out a class from the build ah currently have in mind it'd probably be the Druid, with his hippiemancy, for the Paladin, to gain another frontline fighter, the versatility of his healing + the priest's, and some group-buffs. But ah speculate classes not meant to buff the group are stronger in their roles for balance-sake.
On a related note, who can take the pain the best? The fighter with his stamina regeneration? Barbarians with their health:stamina ratio reduction? Or Monks with their wound-hacks?
When it comes time to actually play ah'm not looking for an optimized party. I'll probably keep party-members around (or kick them) just based on how much ah like the characters. In that regard, any mercenary-thug archetype characters in the tradition of Korgan, Hk-47, Black Whirlwind, and Wrex? Any Love Interests among the fem party members?