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Everything posted by thedumbum

  1. yeah we already had a post some1 like this.. yeah but random item dropper thing does suck sometimes except i found a dark robe on the harbinger or whatever **** right off of the mining factory
  2. yeah i love DS.. i just find LS a little boring at times
  3. use stimulates or whatever before you fight her.. or was that on dxun battle circle.. well try that if it doesnt work.. try to get your stats up before beatin her up
  4. are you DS or LS.. Female or male? it all depends.. i was DS female and i did everything for T3 fixed his memory/repaired/computer skilled and then it shows you
  5. kotor2 doesnt suck its worth the 50 bucks
  6. yeah i likee sith assassin because of stealth run adn stuff.. i havent done it on sith lord.. only jedi counselor.. sith assassin X2
  7. here is the TIP leave it on normal.. dont change it to easy or it will be to easy.. and you will cut right through the game.. also take your time talk to your party members.. do all the quests.. and etc.. i have done through the game 3 1/2 times and i am pickin up stuff i missed and stuff so take it slow
  8. i did that planet first.. and i got all of my light saber parts on that planet alone.. yyou might not beaten all teh quest on dxun or something to receive the parts or something
  9. i think you should another main character learnin the force and aging sorta learnin as you go.. and just have revan and exile in your party? or just have them do there part to teh story like in kotor those cutscenes with carth in it from kotor1.. but i would like revan and exile in the 3rd one to complete the story
  10. kotor2 isn't that bad at all on xbox.. just a few minor things from here to there.. ill probably still get it for pc over the summer maybe..
  11. i loved the game yet i am also waiting for commandos.. :cool:
  12. if kotor3 isnt made that would be pretty dumb part on them.. but things happen i guess.. just looking forward for march 1st yahoooo
  13. i agree with you it was fun i am going to pick it up the day it releases march 1st i believe.. its going to be kickass on xbox live
  14. yeah they did cut some parts out you can sorta tell it was rushed by the glitches taht how from time to time.. i just hope if obsidian makes the 3rd one (if there is going to be a 3rd one) they take their time
  15. portcullis, can you define that please? i am not sure what's in your way
  16. well you should find 2 one north and one south i believe.. then you have to go through another zone which requires you to load.. and their should be two more around that area.. ur best bet is to hit B (cancel combat) when u spot any beast and just fly far away out of sight of the beast..
  17. this discussion went from sentinel to item finder to arguement over item finderr lets just stick to sentinel?
  18. yeah the random item findin thing is sorta annoyin.. when i was DS male i couldnt find any dark robes except when i am just about to beat the game..yet when i started for the 4th time DS female i found a robe on the Harbinger or whateverrr.. if there is kotor3 i hope its less random and items r more placed
  19. yeah vrook has been a little prick since the first kotor when your revan and all.. maybe he is just too old tired of everyone fallin to teh dark side or something
  20. i am playin though the game for the 4th time i believe ia m going to not even bother getting my light saber until later on.. i am going to try to use ranged weapons and otehr melees just to mix it up a bit.. some of those people who have the parts i can understand why.. Jedi masters- of course they have some extra light saber parts Visas- she has her own A huts treasure room- probably bought/stole it A guy in the enclave ruins- found it down in enclave A guy from the mandalorian wars- probably got it off a dead jedi during the mandalorian wars Czerka Corp- stole/bought i dont know why some1 said you dont understand why some of these people have those parts.. sorta easy to get when most mercs will sell u light saber parts and etc..
  21. wait can you explain thsi to me t3 shows msgs from bastilla? if you picked revan as ds then u get her ds msgs? how did u pick revan as ds.. in the beginning where atton is questionin u on the mining place? i am sorta confused
  22. yeah they both talk the same and on kotor if you ask him of his war stories he hints that he was in that one clan.. wasnt that hard to link teh two together
  23. i just end up sellign the thing for some quick credits
  24. since i do dark side i like atton becausee what he did in the past for a living.. i cant remember if spoilers are allowed on this forum so ill leave it as that
  25. who profits from that movie coming out in march? i am just wondering that new star wars movie who gets all that cash?
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