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Darth Rabbit

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Everything posted by Darth Rabbit

  1. Dude, it's a satire.
  2. Try it, it's definately worth the 49 euros-pricetag.
  3. To Obsidianent, Please do not close down these forums, there will always be those who complain but of course also those who will encourge, help and support your activities. A forum/community is a great opportunity for a company to get feedback and build up a relationship oriented communication with its customers. I have to say that Kotor 2 was a great and fun game to play when i wanted to take a break from writing my masters thesis in servicequality. And i thank you for giving me that possibility. Above all this froum also gives a great deal of help if you need to know something about the game or if you are stuck. Take care!
  4. I have to say i agree on this matter For me the most irritating part was when you are going to the Ravanger and the only thing that you can get from Atton is the pazaak option <_< and that
  5. I never heard of this glitch before. However, it must suck for those who experience it though. And the loadtimes are very short compared to games like Doom III, Deus Ex 2, Half-Life 2, Bloodlines and Far Cry to the PC. //EDIT: Whops, girlfriend's account. -Meshugger
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