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About kopolee13

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  1. Now that the PC version has been out for a while, I would like to hear what people now think about the two main characters of KOTOR. As for me, I liked The Exile more than Revan for a number of reasons. I felt more for the Exile, than I ever did for Revan. Revan was just some superman who was perfect, while The Exile was more of a human; both with flaws and strengths. Also, with The Exile, you had more control over your past. In KOTOR I you had little to say about your past actions, you were not able to say why Revan went to war over various past actions of his/hers. In KOTOR II you can tell why The Exile left for The Maladorian War in several points in the game. You could say you left the war for just reasons or for more selfish ones. Anyway, that's enough rambling; I want to know what you guys think.
  2. You want a General Grievous clone.
  3. During the Clone Wars the Jedi were more or less united in the cause to defend the Republic. With the Maladorians, the Jedi were split, some wanted to fight for Revan and the Republic, while others stayed behind with the council. The Jedi that followed Revan were following a young obsessive Jedi Knight-Master, who the evils of war corrupted himself/herself. Without the councils guidance I think it might have made it easier for many young passionate Jedi to do evil. Anyway just my two cents. :cool:
  4. Good to see that some people like the game. :D This makes me want the game even more!
  5. I don't necessarily think so. I think people can say which character they like more without revealing the whole game. Just because I want to know whether more people liked The Exile over Revan does not mean I want to know who the last boss is. However if the mods feel that this will likely have too many spoilers, then they can move it to the correct forum. Thank you for your opinion. (And not telling any spoiler. )
  6. I was wondering for all those who have played the game, if you could tell us which character they liked better, Revan or The Exile. I mean in personality, back story and so on. I do not want to know if you think that Revan was stronger than The Exile or vice versa. Try not to include spoilers (for I must wait until February ), and if you must please use the spoiler tab. Thanks and I can't wait to hear what you guy's think!
  7. It's aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! :D Seriously you have some great ideas that are very creative, keep it comming.
  8. True but like Nur having Revan have all those perfect qualities make me like Revan less. *NOTE* I still like Revan a lot, he/she was my 2nd favorite character in KOTOR (2nd only to the ultra cool Jolee :cool: ) Thanks, I come by practically everyday, but I read a lot more than I post. That seems cool, but the darkside path seems too similar to KOTOR. I think that if this theory is true, than the Sith Lord may have had many spies through the galaxy. I think that in KOTOR II one of the party members might be a spy for the Sith Lord. (Most likely not, but I think it would be cool)
  9. Exactly, just like I said before there is more to KOTOR than meets the eye. I truly hope Obsidian uses a storyline like this (or something more creative) rather then the MSG (or whoever is the Sith Lord) was a former Sith that took control. The only thing that truly is not explained in this theory is what does the player character have to do with all of this. I think people are stressing more on Revan then what happened to the PC of KOTOR 2. I personally have a theory, but it is a rather lame one :D and would rather hear other people opinions on this. As for Sion and the Lady Sith I always assumed they were apart of the
  10. As I said in the first post
  11. Don't get me started on the Bush/monkey comparison...
  12. That's alot for me!
  13. I heard it will be in this one but it will be improved and 100% optional.
  14. First I am very glad so many people responded. The reason the Sith Lord would need Revan was to use him/her as a distraction. Just like the mandalorians, Revan
  15. I am sorry about the HUGE post, I am just trying to explain my theory. I am also sorry if this has been discused before, if it has please lock this up and direct me to it. When I first played KOTOR, I had an interesting talk with Canderous (among many B) .) he told me that the sith told the mandalorian to attack the Republic. I was wondering what sith? Who were these sith that had such sway over the Maladorens? I just assumed that these sith were leftover Krath and sith from Exar Kun. (If I
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