So I am on my second play of KotOR II, and have gone for a female Dark Side character. I was male Light Side last time, so now I find I have Disciple in my party instead of Handmaiden.
He seems to have some sort of big secret he's keeping, though my influence with him is fairly bad so although I can ask why he looks familiar and what his issues with the Jedi are I don't get any answers... What I'd like to know is are his secrets something I will find out eventually, or only if I can influence him enough?
No actual spoilers, please.
The second point concerns my Influence... I have CHR 18 and Dark Side Mastery. Yet several NPCs seem to hop about the alignment scale from Light/Neutral to Dark and back, even when not in the party and I don't think my influence with them has changed. It's happened with Bao-Dur, Atton and Disciple. Is this a bug or just intentional behaviour I don't quite understand? I have the Sith Lord prestige class, but this happened before I was one too.
(Last time when I was Light Side I didn't experience these jumps in alignment, though I think most of the characters affected had Light Side tendencies anyhow. And I obviously didn't have Disciple.)