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Everything posted by Caleth58

  1. Yeah, I got it too. Perhaps the disgusted cries of the fans have been heard? 'Tis the nature of a survey. Of course they want to elicit as many positives as possible so they can use them for marketing, but I did appreciate being able to tell them what I really thought in the text boxes. I agree and I told them as much. Frankly (and this has all been said before) the most disconcerting thing about the game (besides the technical snafus and lack of technical support (patches) were the loose ends. The storylines that went nowhere, the inconsistences etc. Hopefully they'll listen. So what I'm curious about is what folks told them they want to see in KoTOR III? (Since that was one of the questions.) :D :D
  2. It's awesome! I've downloaded it for my PC (goes well with her outfit... :D ) Only thing I'd like even better would be to have it in a double-bladed light saber....tried to move the crystal to my double only to have it vanish entirely! But no worries...just downloaded a couple more pinks (two for me, two for Atton ) Thanks for the mod! It's great.
  3. *sigh* Of course it does. Well that makes me glad that I don't go to Dantooine until way into the game and have spent a considerable time influencing Atton. If I got the conversation with Mira about Disciple, I'd have a really hard time not sending her off for drug therapy or something. But I will have to see what less influence does in terms of other conversations. When I take Disciple on, Atton usually tries to say something about the Ebon Hawk being full and our group traveling light. However, a friend was playing and got an Atton conversation where he says something sarcastic about making dinner/throwing a party when you want to bring Disciple into the group. I'd like to see that .
  4. Saying that the female romance was a disapointment is pretty much an understatement, particularly when (as several of ya'll have pointed out) there was so darn much potential! The only thing that I got that was stronger than a hint that Atton liked you AND that gave the Female PC some opportunity to say how she felt was in a conversation with Mira. Apparently the PC thinks Mira is looking at her funny and asks what's wrong. Mira goes into an explanation of how the PC is "glowing". The PC responds that it's the force to which Mira replies, "Oh. I thought you and Atton had hooked up a power coupling." The PC then has an opportunity to play dumb (Mira is funny -- "Didn't you get out much as a Jedi? I'm asking if you and Atton have been intimate!") Anyway, the PC's options in responding are to say dumb things like: "I don't like him like that" "I see him as more of a brother." (ARGH...Shades of Princess Leia!) "I care about him but I can't get involved within anyone right now." (About the best you can do with this conversation btw.) There's a more DS answer as well but I don't remember it at this point. Anyway, some content patches would be lovely but even better (hey LucasArts, I'm willing to spend $$$!) would be if OE could take the missing material (endings, HK factory) and make a "gold" version/expansion of the original KoTOR II. I'd buy it.... hint hint... Caleth
  5. Oh man! It's not been 7 days but the link isn't working. I heard the Evil Atton -wonderful!!! Any chance you'd put this back up? I'm dyin' to hear it.
  6. Part of the problem is that of course this is a rush job -- have to get this out to stores by Christmas!!! Anyway....What isn't made very clear is that when you take off from Telos the second time, you're alone in the ship. You've left your group behind (apparently). That's possibly why you crash. Guess the PC isn't as good a pilot as Atton! The fact that the ship crashes, falls and then (at least in the LS game- haven't played DS yet so don't know if there are differences) magically rises from the planet surface and allows you to escape doesn't make any sense....but then again neither does the whole "wound in the Force" plotline. (No I'm not really bitter and I actually enjoyed the game a lot; there are just things that make the logic circuits in my brain want to short!) But the fact that your party isn't with you also is why Kreia can happily share their future....none of which seems to be linked with yours at this point. *sigh* Can't answer the other two questions because I can't quite remember the details. I mean,I remember the scene with GoTo and the Remote and I seem to recall that the reason the Academy starts crashing down around one's ears though has to do with the fact that the remote did it's job but....there may be more to it. c.
  7. Could have said it any better than you did, Plooby!
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