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Sofaking last won the day on June 18 2014

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About Sofaking

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I can't tell you how often I see on the news stories about a man leaping from a building onto his wife, assaulting her with his hidden blades, and then escaping from the police by hiding on a park bench. These violent video games are wrecking our society.
  2. Where do I get the pregnant? Shouldn't she get it? OMG I'VE BEEN DOING THIS WRONG THE WHOLE TIME!
  3. As a victim of this type of violence I can assure you it is a problem. But thanks for dismissing me like everyone else. I guess I should just grow a pair of balls eh?
  4. Yeah, but those are already available in games. I was under the impression the discussion was about the triggering of the event. In your example the PC triggers the event and the time is when the event expires. Like the Fallout example, the game starts you with a 150 day time limit to get the water chip and save the vault. The game in the theoretical example would also start you with 4 days to save Shady Sands from the rad scorpions and 15 days to kill Gizmo before he takes over Junktown. All these are triggered and start counting down the moment you start the game.
  5. While an interesting idea, I have two main objections. Firstly, it sort of destroys the reason that open world sandbox games are appealing. And that is your ability to play at your own pace. If you want to spend forever wandering around doing side quests and collecting all the gnome statues you can. You’re not pressured into the story until you’re ready for it. As soon as you begin requiring the PC to participate in the story in order to avoid missing it you take away the free roam and story as options and make them a choice one or the other. You also have an issue with pacing. How do you properly pace a game so if the character arrives early, let’s say two weeks for something, they don’t just feel like they have to sit around and wait? A properly paced story makes the character want to play it because they want to find out what happens next, not because it’s just time to do story mode. My other objection is this seems like something very hard to actually program maybe even impossible. With each event on a timer, the result of which creates a story branch, which affects other branches and you have branches on branches it just becomes a huge mess to script and program. Sure you could half ass it and make a bunch of the events cookie cutter but that defeats the idea. So what if you miss some events and are there for some others. Do the NPC’s react differently if you’re just now showing up halfway through than if you’re well known and have been there. Could you imagine having to program this so the character knows what is going on, is caught up on any backstory. What about if the NPC’s get angry because you started with them, missed a deadline, and now react poorly towards you. How do you program these to make sure the character doesn’t dead end the story because of a mistake? Fallout was probably doable because you had one timed event which affected an isolated area, the vault. There were some other impacts but there was only one “Take New Vegas for example, lets say you wanted nothing to do with the war between the Legion and NCR, and decided you just wanted to be an adventurer, time will pass and the world will change depending on your choice, or lack of choice.“ This could still be a choice made in a non-timed manner. Let’s say you arrive in town, the mayor asks you to help defend against the legion and your response is “Sorry this isn’t my fight.” And the next time you show up it is overrun. You could even refresh this event over the course of time to show an ongoing war between the towns and Legion. You could do certain timed events that say do mission X in X days. But you would still need to start them. Otherwise each town would have things expiring before you could get to them and you would miss quite a lot.
  6. I'm just happy this hurricane is going to be gone by the 4th so our fireworks aren't rained out. Any other 'Muricans doing anything exciting for their 4th? Any of you unwashed foreginers want me to send you some freedom?
  7. No you misunderstand me my Canadian friend I said there isn't a societal issue with violence against men. In other words violence and abuse perpetuated against men by women is much less. Wow Bruce, this is wong on so many levels. http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mas2/ID41H3a.pdf "The results in the first part of this paper show that almost one-third of the female as well as male students physically assaulted a dating partner in the 12 month study period, and that the most frequent pattern was mutuality in violence, i.e. both were violent, followed by “female-only” violence.Violence by only the male partner was the least frequent pattern according to both male and female participants." It is really terrible to perpetuate that myth, it does nothing but hurt men and women.
  8. MGS4 had the FROGS, does that count? Sofa I wanted to say earlier how are you enjoying being active on these forums? I know you come from the old days of BSN\Black Isle forums but its good to see your perspective and the fact that you do contribute towards certain topics I am enjoying your views I a m Oh hey, thanks. It's nice, an interesting crowd here. You guys don't goof off nearly as much though. I just wish more of the people who brought me here were sticking around too...
  9. MGS4 had the FROGS, does that count?
  10. From the way he posts i always assumed he was some sort of schizophrenic dwarf.
  11. "from a smart and funny guy who we would happily introduce our sister to if not for the fact that the guy don't even realize that he is racist. " I'm totally not a racist... just saying.
  12. Careful, math this complicated might confuse Bester.
  13. Now look who's being racist. LOL.
  14. Not everyone lives in multi-ethnic societies. It's very weird for people from mono-ethnic societies to have romances with people from other cultures and ethnicities. People in America mingle a lot, so a black guy and an asian woman can have the same background. But it doesn't apply to all countries. Not going to call you a massive idiot, though, cause that's just not a correct way of having a dialogue. Also, can you truly say that all your white friends want a black girl just as much as they want a white girl? Just answer this in your mind and leave it at that. Is this Troll Tuesday or something? Look, "So I kind of skipped that huh. When the Addon (SOU) came out, there was a guy who was extremely flirty and witty from the first line, sarcastic, evilish, half-orc, OMG SEXY, he would always say things like "HUH, You're like me, we make a NICE TEAM ;)" So a green bucktooth half-orc is sexy but a BLACK GUY is just unacceptable. I mean, isn't it quite clear your fiend views black people as sub human when a literal half human is viewed as more attractive than THE BLACK GUY. Edit: "Also, can you truly say that all your white friends want a black girl just as much as they want a white girl? Just answer this in your mind and leave it at that." To answer your question my friends would most likely find a black woman more attractive than a half orc woman, because you know, they aren't racist pieces of ****.
  15. I suggest you tell your friend not to send this letter. She is a massive idiot if she thinks her racist homophobic rant is even going to be taken seriously when the point is "don't be a misogynist."
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