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Everything posted by Chokladglass

  1. Nope. She's an arbitrary party member (along with Jan and Keldorn) in my every playthrough. I really like how even without romance your character can develop a strong bond with her. Same, I very rarely ran a party without those three (and never without Jan). I also like how in the end of ToB tne narrator mentions "your closest companions", and Jaheira's portrait is one of the first to flash across the screen. I adored Jaheira. She was always in my party. I didn't romance her, though. My interests lay elsewhere, as is illustrated by my avatar. Love ya, Vicki!
  2. I'll wait for that too. I could play before they adjust Veteran and PotD, but not without this. Same. I'm not playing it till relationships and banters are fixed. Fingers crossed.
  3. Or those for whom having companions to take along with you on your adventures is a huge part of their enjoyment of the game and now they have one less of those companions to take along. Enough with the straw man of people being unhappy over things being different. Well is 7 party members better than 6? Where does it end? Yes, 7 is better than 6. As long as combat doesn't become entirely unmanageble and broken, I'll always choose more partymembers over more fluid gameplay. Of course, I get that Obsidian needs combat to be as enjoyable as possible for as many people as possible. Their decision is understandable, but it will definitely mess with my enjoyment of the game. Not enough for me not to buy it, I've bought games with even smaller parties, but it will add a lot of frustration and hassle.
  4. This is correct. For good or ill I imagine the Waifu/Husbando wars will rage. Although I doubt they'll reach the insanity of certain fandoms. You hear about certain things at a topical level nad WOOF are some fanbases aggressive. I'm hoping these types of things will be more cordial than other games because let's face it we all want to bang the Eothas statue. I am both dreading and looking forward to it. The discussions, that is. I doubt I'll get to bang Eothas.
  5. When I try to install is says an error occurred and to check the patch log. The log says: "Update from version to Incorrect version of: D:\GOG.com\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\art\gui\portraits\player\female\female_human_01_sm.png" I have fiddled around with the portrait names a bit to reorganise them. I have one called female_human_01_sm.png, but it is likely not the same one as before. Any ideas how I can fix this problem? patch_log.txt DxDiag.txt
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