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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. Darth Desann's idea is also of the M. Night Shyamalan "major plot twist" variety. We have already had 2 of those. I'm hoping for a main plot that is a little more straight-forward this time around.
  2. well, what can I say? Star Wars is all about returning to the tried and true cliches.
  3. in the KOTOR franchise? I don't think it has been done with KOTOR yet.
  4. I think that might be the connection to the True Sith...they give us a teaser in KOTOR II about Nadd, who was Sadow's apprentice. Since the EU does not say for certain what happened to Sadow, he could be assumed to have been put back to sleep after he trained Nadd. He might be the one calling the shots in the Unknown Regions during this whole KOTOR series.
  5. from the official LA KOTOR Chronicles: Part I: A Golden Age Time frame: 5,000 B.B.Y. Period name: The Great Hyperspace War It is a time of great expansion in the Old Republic. The JEDI KNIGHTS continue to shine a light of hope into the dark unexplored areas of the galaxy, and the mapping of hyperspace is encouraged and trade routes are discovered; many by intrepid explorers like plucky siblings GAV and JORI DARAGON, who plot uncharted courses in their ship Starbreaker 12. Meanwhile, on the far side of the galaxy, the Sith Empire has grown powerful through centuries of dark Force wielding and magic and the hundred-year rule of the greatest Dark Lord of the Sith, MARKA RAGNOS. The ruler's death leads to a power vacuum, and two leaders emerge at Ragnos' grave on the mausoleum planet of Korriban. After a bloody duel, NAGA SADOW and LUDO KRESSH's fight for destiny is interrupted with the unannounced arrival of Starbreaker 12, and the hapless Daragons are captured immediately. Kressh believed the explorers to be a prelude to an invasion, while the cunning Sadow saw the Old Republic as a vast new empire to conquer. Despite the Sith Lords' death sentence on the Daragons, Sadow arranged for their escape, helped by his specially bred soldiers, the MASSASSI WARRIORS. Gav Daragon was drawn by Sadow to the Dark Side, while Kressh began to amass a force to crush Sadow, whom he suspected as the mastermind behind the prisoners' escape. Sadow was waiting, and crushed his rival's attack, ordering Jori Daragon to flee without her brother Gav. Seizing power, Sadow crowned himself Dark Lord of the Sith, and used the homing beacon he had planted on Starbreaker 12 to follow Jori back to the Republic's homeworlds. Initially ignored, Jori eventually gained audience with the Empress of the Tetan primary world, who believed her stories and raised the alarm on Coruscant; however only a few Jedi listeners heeded her. The Great Hyperspace War began as Sadow's entire battle fleet appeared, and conflict spread across the Republic. The Sith were relentless, and despite Empress Teta's tactical superiority, and the heroics of alien Jedi ODAN-URR, the Republic forces were pushed back to the red-giant star Primus Goluud. When Sadow used Sith technology to destroy the star, his protege Gav Daragon turned against him. This betrayal rallied the Republic forces, who decisively routed the Sith Fleet. Sadow, now in full retreat, returned to the Sith Empire, where Ludo Kressh was waiting for him. Attacking these "traitors", both adversaries were surprised when Republic forces arrived in the midst of this battle, and decimated both Sith sides in the ensuing crossfire. Most of the remaining Sith escaped with Sadow in his damaged flagship, and went to ground on a little-known jungle moon orbiting the gas giant Yavin. Here on YAVIN 4, Sadow drew on Sith technology and sorcery to cocoon himself in suspended animation until awakened at a future Golden Age. -------------------------------------------------------- in another thread, I saw someone speculate that the antagonist in KOTOR III might well be Naga Sadow, someone who is of the Sith race and who was ultimately defeated in the Great Hyperspace War. But that was 1,000 years before the KOTOR time period...how can this be? Well, it can happen because the KOTOR Chronicles say the Sadow is in a state of suspended animation waiting to come back. Question: is that EU continuity? I have looked on various websites and I can find nothing about this suspended animation business outside of the LA KOTOR Chronicles. My hunch is that it was a KOTOR fabrication....a fabrication that will be realized in KOTOR III. Any thoughts?
  6. that means someone is developing it even as we speak. wow, they've done a good job with the secrecy, then!
  7. That sounds remarkably like Kreia IMO. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> right, IMO we really need to get away from the ubermentor who is also the omnipresent storytelling device. the story should be told through hologram messages, Force Ghost visitations and other triggers....your Force training should be detached from the main storytelling devices.
  8. well, I was actually thinking more along the lines of: * you are on a Sith shuttle taking you from your homeworld to the new Sith academy on Ziost. * before the shuttle has a chance to jump to lightspeed, it is waylayed by Republic-leaning pirates. * a well-known bounty hunter has been following you and comes to your aid now that you are in trouble. he repels the attackers and gives you safe passage on his own ship since the Sith shuttle is in such bad shape (conveniently, there are no Sith survivors). * you find out that the reason you were being followed by a Republic-paid bounty hunter is the same reason you were recruited by the Sith....you are Revan's nephew and you have an unusually strong sensitivity to the Force. * but the bounty hunter wants no trouble with Revan's nephew....he will take you wherever you want to go. you also meet up with him later in the game and he joins your party. this allows for a logical tie-in (i.e. the blood connection) but without the baggage of someone being cast out of the Jedi Order, amnesia, etc.
  9. as much as I really do not want any more Force Bonds in these games, I can definitely see where that could be used to help locate people that otherwise would be very difficult to locate. so, as a device for finding the likes of Exile and/or Revan, yes, very good idea.
  10. That is probably the best bet. You start off as a Sith recruit somewhere and, then, within the first 5 hours of the game, you get into a dialogue where you indicate whether you want to continue to aid the Sith war effort or join with the Republic/Jedi. You end up being captured by a bounty hunter and he states that he has connections in both camps and can accomodate you based on your wishes. The bounty hunter also asks you what your homeworld is. You get a short list of choices. Each choice will affect the story in some important way. If you stated that you want to aid the Sith, you remember that you served with Revan in the Mandolarian Wars and that you had actually spoken to him about becoming his padawan. If you stated that you want to aid the Republic, you remember having served with the Exile in the War and how you had spoken to him about becoming his padawan. DS Path: you are Revan's dark padawan. Revan is now working for the True Sith empire. You find out that Revan wants to overthrow the Sith leadership once the Republic is defeated. You can either turn Revan in and continue fighting the Republic or you cooperate with Revan and then challenge him for supremacy in the endgame. If you cooperate with Revan, you control him in a multithreaded endgame. LS Path: you are the Exile's padawan. There is no council to speak of but the Exile is trying to rebuild it. Exile is your main mentor but you have many others throughout the course of the game. You actually control the Exile in a multithreaded endgame.
  11. The toggle thing could also apply to armor. In KOTOR I, if you put on Mandalorian Assault Armor, you also had the helmet on. In KOTOR II, you don't have the helmet and there is no way to equip it. It would be nice if you had the option to equip it or not equip it....just think about a mission in which you want all of your party members to be perceived as elite Mandalorian warriors! (I also like the bit about the 2 layers of robes).
  12. if the devs decide to do only one thing differently in KOTOR 3 then it would have to be more REGULAR CLOTHING OPTIONS and appearance options. for robes, there needs to be a toggle for: Hood up Hood down lightsaber: customizable hilts (and you see this reflected in the actual graphic) * Freedon Nadd's lightsaber should not look like the one you built from scratch...I'm sorry, this is huge and they would be wise to fix it. gloves: if I am not mistaken, hand attire is not reflected in the actual screen graphic of your character at the present time....they should definitely fix that. disguises: I thought one of the best parts of KOTOR I was being able to run around dressed as a Sith soldier for part of the game. (do you remember how differently people spoke to you with that on? :D ) Need more in the way of diguises and the kind of "regular clothing" you have on should affect the kind of dialogue sequences you get. (and speaking of lightsaber, the non-traditional colors like violet need to be much rarer than they are in KOTOR II IMO....also red lightsabers should be rare since only someone very powerful in the dark side can even make one, according to the EU...finding a red lightsaber should be like finding a silver or black one...highly prized and very rare and if people know you use a red lightsaber, that should result in how they perceive you....oh, he must be Sith! they need to expand on the lore of the red lightsaber a bit more).
  13. That could be a fun game, but I don't think it's Kotor 3. We need some loose ends tying up, and badly. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> right. McBane is essentially talking about what Jedi do in peace time...I WOULD LOVE to see some KOTOR games set in a time of relative galactic peace and run errands for the High Council and officially advance in rank, etc. However, that is NOT KOTOR 3.
  14. right on! and as much as I'd like to see real-time swoop biking over land, etc, I suppose I could settle for more quick transit options....but they really need to expand on that.
  15. Right, to say that the PS3 has more power is like saying the Millennium Falcon has more power when Han says, "Chewie, take the auxillary, life support, and weapon systems offline and reroute everything to the main hyperdrive". Truely, something *powerful* is going on there but in a highly dubious way. The Xbox 360 has alot of power AND a relatively conventional architecture.
  16. at this point, I think the best-case scenario is Microsoft as the developer with Obsidian being brought in for storyline consultation.
  17. a couple of things came to mind as I was playing KOTOR II just now: * Common-sense AI we all know the combat system needs better AI but there are other areas too. for instance, I just completed a combat scenario and so all my party members are coming closer to me now that the combat is over. Well, Atton walks through 2 mines (and almost falls over) while walking over to me. This kind of stuff should absolutely not be the case. also, if you are in a room full of poisonous gas, for instance, your party members should automatically put on breath masks if they have them (this would require individual inventory, which I also think we need...plus an encumberance system). also, if a party member is down to 5% hit points, he uses a medpac automatically....that kind of stuff would be sweet. * More Squad Options the AI scripts are good (grenadier, ranged, etc). however, it would be nice to be able to issue commands to the entire squad, "withdrawl to the checkpoint" or "everyone toss a grenade" or "everyone follow me" or "everyone rush the leader" or "everyone use ranged attacks until further notice", etc. Squad commands temporarily override individual AI scripts until the PC nullifies the squad command or until the combat situation is over. Also, things like GROUP STEALTH would be nice.
  18. I just clicked on it myself and it is currently down. However, I took it without an invitation. If you think about it, that is probably why the URL is so funky...they change it every few days so that only invitees take part.
  19. well, I guess they could do that. however, by the time the movies come around, the Order is back to its "no attachments" policy. I personally would love to see different Jedi factions in future KOTOR games. Factions in general make for all kinds of intrigue in an RPG. Grey Jedi (the main catch-all for disenfranchised Jedi) Sisters of Mercy (all women, mostly pacifists, into healing and restoration) Traditionalist Jedi (reject the updated teachings of the Order) Jedi Order (the one based on Coruscant) Angels of Righteousness (a bunch of Jedi Guardians who got kicked out for being too aggressive) etc, etc.....
  20. I agree. The monastic connection is there and everyone knows it is there. "Young padawan, where are you going?" "To the brothel, of course" "May the Force be with you" Like that is somehow better than having someone to care about? No, GL, Jedi=Monks is the corner you have painted yourself into.
  21. true to a point...there actually is some evidence that LA is seriously contemplating a KOTOR III and that is the official K2 survey in which you are asked a number of questions about K3. I would encourage anyone who hasn't filled it out to go ahead and fill it out. That is essentially the only thing you can do at this point to help move it along. URL to the survey: http://home.reelresearch.com/NRG/newtest.a...10L&id=32700547
  22. while I know that some would balk at it, I personally think an issue like this dovetails well into the idea of Grey Jedi and possibly even an Enclave of Grey Jedi. Grey Jedi reject the more "extreme" teachings of the Jedi Order while seeking to maintain balance and harmony in the Force and do not try to cut themselves off from all emotion. They actually think of themselves at light side but just reject the dogmatic nature of the Jedi Order. Anyway, that is one way Grey Jedi could emerge in the KOTOR universe.
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