Finished the game last night, and feel a little cheated. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was a great game (the first KOTOR remains my favourite game of all time), but the lask of romance was a disappointment. Here's my take (Light side male PC):
Mira quite liked the male PC (she commented on his intense eyes, that he took care of his body), but said if we share a bunk, the other girls wouldn't like it (she meant the handmaiden and Visas), and that you were way too old. That's as far as it would go.
Visas loved the male PC for his connection with the force etc, and looking at each other (in the force sense) was as far as it went (Kreia's warning had implied you'd have the choice of more).
The Handmaiden was supposed to be the love interest for the male PC. While some have clearly liked Visas and Mira more, the intention was for us to like the Handmaiden - you had to train with her in underwear, and hers wasn't like any other in this or the first game, they had specifically given her sexy underwear. She is the one who went mad at the thought you'd been killed, she said how she wouldn't want anyone but you (ie, not Adris) to train her. And when Adris confronted the Handmaiden, she asked 'did you touch him?'. Finally, when talking to Kreia at the end, you can ask about the future for your friends, and when she comments on ones you love, the option for you to say 'the Handmaiden?' comes up.
I guess there was the xmas deadline for the game to be released, but I often wondered if anyone at Obsidian had actually played the game. I was expecting to be able to further the story with NPCs, which meant constantly asking questions that I'd asked before, in case the options had changed (eg, the Handmaiden said she'd have to see you and Adris fight to know more, then after you'd fought her, she'd say the same thing).
The romance with Bastilla was much better (for those who haven't played the frist as male PC, you got to tease and care about each other, eventually tell her you loved her and kiss her, and then after she had fallen you had to kill her (which was awful). But you managed to turn her back to the light, and she said she loved you (how sweet).