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Everything posted by Triggaaar

  1. Same with all products. Like when Top Gear (UK tv motoring show) started 30 years ago, and slated a Citron, they contacted the BBC and threatened to pull all advertising, before realisng that the BBC so get money from advertising. I never trust magazine reviews, but sadly, I'm still influenced by them.
  2. Fairly disappointed with the ending. With the conversations that had gone on before the end, including what Carth had to say, I was then amazed when the credits came up. What was the point about Mira near the end, and the remotes, etc. All presumably because the game was released unfinished.
  3. According to Kreia, the exile was more powerful than Revan
  4. Assuming this isn't a joke: It's important to give the impression that some places are bustling with life, but you can't actually have a refugee sector in a game, where there are thousands of people in! It'd take weeks just to go and talk to them all.
  5. Only played through once, was level 29 at the end. Fighting the sith lords was far too easy in my opinion. Kreia was the only one capable of even scratching me. The first KOTOR had a better balance. There was more build up to fighting Malak, and it took a bit of thinking and effort. I was surprised that your whole party could fight Darth N - what with his cool mask, and being on the cover of the game, trailors etc, I was expecting a fight. He was dead in seconds.
  6. Too many things that made me go Huh?, but here's a couple: You go to Dantooine, to meet the Jedi (there were 3 in my game, but I assume there could've been 1 or 2 - you could kill one on Onderon, and probably another at Dantooine if you chose a different path). These Jedi (even if its only 1) are more powerful than you, and can strip you of the force. But Kreia is more powerful than all of them (even if there's 3) and can kill them all. But you're more powerful than Kreia, and can kill her. Huh? So you are a tough Jedi - the Sith have been hunting you for some time, as are all of the bounty hunters. And you can fight them all without problem. But, your achillies heal... oh no, not a remote that could blow up! (for those who didn't ask, you didn't have a choice about taking Goto with you, as he could've blown you, your ship, and a chunk of whatever planet you were on, to bits). Now, I wouldn't be totally comfortable taking such a remote with me. We travel together, get in a fight, he gets incapacitated, and can't fight on. When I've whiped out the enemy, do I a) repair this bomb, and bring it back onto my ship, b) leave the planet without him?
  7. I preferred Mira. For melee fighting, I'd use my PC, and Visas or the Handmaiden, so it would be nice to have someone in the background firing pistols, and Mira's good at that. Also handy that she can walk through mines. I wasn't too bothered about the skills of anyone, as there's nowhere you'll get stuck. I recoved every mine I came across (NPC or PC), but found it was a waiste of my time. FInished the game with over 100,000 credits, over 100 lifepacks, and an equally stupid quantity of mines. I'm also not a fan of the energy shields you get, as I can't be bothered to fire them up (I would have used them if needed, but the fighting is quite a bit easier than in KOTOR). Side point: How did you get Mira and Bao-dur to become Jedis? Whenever I went to chat to Bao-dur, my only option was to say to him 'Nerver Mind'. And there when I talked to Miras about training, she wasn't interested. Did it matter whether you were Male or female PC?
  8. Finished the game last night, and feel a little cheated. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was a great game (the first KOTOR remains my favourite game of all time), but the lask of romance was a disappointment. Here's my take (Light side male PC): Mira quite liked the male PC (she commented on his intense eyes, that he took care of his body), but said if we share a bunk, the other girls wouldn't like it (she meant the handmaiden and Visas), and that you were way too old. That's as far as it would go. Visas loved the male PC for his connection with the force etc, and looking at each other (in the force sense) was as far as it went (Kreia's warning had implied you'd have the choice of more). The Handmaiden was supposed to be the love interest for the male PC. While some have clearly liked Visas and Mira more, the intention was for us to like the Handmaiden - you had to train with her in underwear, and hers wasn't like any other in this or the first game, they had specifically given her sexy underwear. She is the one who went mad at the thought you'd been killed, she said how she wouldn't want anyone but you (ie, not Adris) to train her. And when Adris confronted the Handmaiden, she asked 'did you touch him?'. Finally, when talking to Kreia at the end, you can ask about the future for your friends, and when she comments on ones you love, the option for you to say 'the Handmaiden?' comes up. I guess there was the xmas deadline for the game to be released, but I often wondered if anyone at Obsidian had actually played the game. I was expecting to be able to further the story with NPCs, which meant constantly asking questions that I'd asked before, in case the options had changed (eg, the Handmaiden said she'd have to see you and Adris fight to know more, then after you'd fought her, she'd say the same thing). The romance with Bastilla was much better (for those who haven't played the frist as male PC, you got to tease and care about each other, eventually tell her you loved her and kiss her, and then after she had fallen you had to kill her (which was awful). But you managed to turn her back to the light, and she said she loved you (how sweet).
  9. This is sounding trickier than the first game already (with high Wisdom & Charisma, fights were a piece of cake in the first game). Can saber shoes only be worn by the dark side? I've been cursed, and can only ever play as a light sided player. I realise I miss out on a fair chunk of the experience, but I just can't be evil. Yes I've noticed I can't do much at a work bench. Is this much of a problem? I assumed I'd be able to get one of my NPCs to make anything I needed? Again, with the content of plasteel cylinders etc, are you often without an NPC who can open them for you? And is the breakable content work sacrificing other skills for? Thanks
  10. I too own all my games. I modded my uk xbox so that it could output high def, like us xboxes. It also lets me play games like KOTOR II, which haven't been released in Europe. I have also copied my games to the hard drive, so I don't have to change disks everytime I try a different game, and also to speed up loading times. As Xeric said, to rely on the timing of loading from media is very poor, especially since it affects std xboxes as well as modded ones.
  11. I abandoned my first game of KOTOR when I learnt more about the attributes, and started again, dropping intelligence and strength attributes for my consular. Is there anything in KOTOR II that necessitate a change in strategy? Thanks
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