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Everything posted by ChillinR

  1. I went to Dunstan to have him reforge the Blade of the Endless Paths. At the time, I thought you only needed three parts of the blade. I had the pommel stone, the hilt and one part of the broken blade. Dunstan correctly stated that I didn't have all parts. However, he said I was missing the hilt, which I have (emphasis mine): This obviously confused me because I thought the game was not acknowledging the presence of the hilt in my inventory. Googling quickly helped me find out that you need four pieces, meaning that I was indeed missing one part (just a different one), so it's a minor bug.
  2. I agree that there is not enough explanation and that the execution is rather poor. However, Gabrannos being evil may make sense because his mastery of the elements apparently meant that he could create (and was creating) blights. From the wiki (emphasis mine): So, normally, blights would be the result of natural disasters, but Gabrannos was creating them, which means he needed souls. That requires killing people (or having someone kill for him), preventing their souls from returning to the wheel, and instead have them remain in agony forever (or perhaps until the blight they form is destroyed). At least that's my interpretation. As a sidenote: Gabrannos' actions don't seem that much worse than what the rest of the Engwithan people were doing (and what was probably accepted in their culture), since they often use souls as a resource (e.g. for animats) and built the machines used in the main questline. So Kana had plenty of reasons to become disillusioned before meeting Gabrannos, but oh well.
  3. I can confirm this issue. (Using the English version from GOG.)
  4. To what? "Restoring Brighthollow will allow you to receive resting bonuses from spending night in Brighthollow" [...] To "Restoring Brighthollow will allow you to rest in Brighthollow. Addittionally, you will receive resting bonuses from spending night in Brighthollow". The wording in the original texts could be interpreted to imply that resting is already possible, and that the restoration would only add resting bonuses. Confusion about that is what brought me to this topic ;-)
  5. It cannot be activated from the main menu. If you start a new game with expert mode on, and then go to the options menu while ingame, expert mode is ticked. If you untick it ingame, you won't be able to reactivate it in that game. Therefore, to try this out without risking any important saves that have expert mode on, you could create a new game with expert mode on and see what happens and what unticking it does.
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