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Everything posted by Cantousent

  1. Can I ask a question, what happened to Missy's channel? I haven't been there for some months and now there's no one there at all. Am I going to the wrong place?
  2. MISTARY!!11! I remember when you was cool, Jaesun.
  3. Crashgirl is Mer, right?
  4. I aim to please. I wonder what Obsidian thinks about Interplay's boards and Missy's boards going down at the same time. This place is like a refugee camp. Pretty soon someone's gonna create some sort of Interplay Liberation Group here.
  5. Now, be kind to Vis. He knows not what he does. Nor does he know what you do. In fact, he is lucky to know the day of the week, his name, his birthday, or even human speech. Still, we love Hades-One because we are sensitive men who can admit when we are hurt. I'm with Josan all the way on this. I'm a man of the 21st century, dammit, and I've evolved from the knuckle dragging, beetle browed, jutting jawed cave era of the 90s. I can still drink beer, though, can't I?
  6. The one thing I've always wondered about you, Jackalmonkey is: are you a jackal, or a monkey, or both? There's something not right. As for you buns.... I'm glad you enjoyed Winterwind. Are you sure you don't want to join the mod team?
  7. If that's romance, give me dirty sex any day.
  8. All's I know is that I used to think Aurora was a good girl. I never had any such false notions about Howling or Jackal.
  9. Oh my goodness. I'm cryin' here. Best thread evar.
  10. Okay, are we even talking about sex? My God, this place is turning into Missy's. AHHHHH RUN! :ph34r: :D
  11. Ewww. Good God, get a room.
  12. Lair members scare me...
  13. That came off as a little harsh I guess. My post was more an expression of confussion than anything else. For the record, I'd rather be respected than hated. Sometimes that choice is out of my hands. At any rate, I didn't mean to instigate any flamings. As for Vol.... He's a real message board warrior. Me, I'm a message board wimp and so I'll just reread your comments until I understand them better.
  14. So, you don't like games but get a kick out of coming to boards to complain. Oh, and you get a kick out of complaining about the complainers. *shrug* okay.
  15. Just for the record, Vol, I'm not irritated with you. I say that just in case you care one way or the other. I think you bring up a valid point. There are worse problems in the world. I'm just saying that I tend to discuss things that are a concern to me personally. Whether you agree or disagree, I tend to enjoy your "in your face" style. Well... maybe not so much when it's in MY face. B)
  16. I remember folks being livid because the L.A. Rams went to Saint Louis. Yep, I would have thought, "hey, it's just a football team. Who gives a crap?" Virtually everyone cares for something that someone else, maybe virtually everyone else, considers trivial. For instance, you seem to care about our interest in gaming companies, Vol. If it's truly insignificant, why are you reading and responding in this thread? Clearly, we find something in this topic worthy of discussion. I, for one, don't feel ashamed to say that I care. If you care that I care, then that doesn't say anything bad about me.
  17. No, I get you, taks. It's just that it's hard to blame the design team for having two successive projects yanked. I actually enjoyed IWD2, but I understand that it really was a hack and slash through and through. I know a lot of folks didn't like it. It still seems as if we would have had a better idea of what Sawyer and friends had to offer if we would have seen Jefferson. ...And when I say it was a disservice to the consumer, I'm really saying having Jefferson pulled so late in development wasn't good. Would it have been good? I dunno, but I'd sure as hell like a chance to have found out first hand.
  18. You know, the reason I'm not glad that Interplay bit the dust, and that seems increasingly apparent, is that the folks who everyone blames for this isn't the one who will suffer. I don't know "Herve" and I really don't care about him one way or the other, but I seriously doubt he will end up losing everything even if his company falters. With the amount of money flowing between Titus, Avalon, and Interplay, there's little doubt he's protected himself very well. The only people who will suffer are the employees. ...And, to a lesser extent, the consumer. After all, we want more options, not less. Almost all of us here were following Jefferson and wanted to see it come to completion. That Interplay is going under provides absolutely no comfort to me, not even grim satisfaction.
  19. ^It seems likely that they won't fully get what they're owed though. Still, better something than nothing. Maybe someone can salvage the VB/J engine or the actual games themselves for some value. Tough on the employees that are inocent, though. This is true, Atreides. I can't bring myself to gloat over folks losing their jobs. Still, I understand folks being embittered about the loss of Jefferson and Van Buren.
  20. I believe so. For the Eulogy: http://www.gamertalk.biz/viewtopic.php?t=1213 For what other folks are saying: http://www.gamertalk.biz/viewtopic.php?t=1218 Read to the end. I've had several folks give me the news. They expect Interplay to file the papers this week. If I'm wrong... *shrug* What a waste.
  21. Hmm, I just can't see how I can delete this post. As it is, I'm going to edit out all of the information. Moderators, feel free to delete this thread. There just isn't any point worrying over Interplay or Interplay's boards anymore.
  22. Well, they said you could work there, Sarge. They didn't say you could get "paid" there. It was all true. Of course, they should have at least mentioned that you'd be working out of a cardboard box in an alleyway because they're on their way to getting evicted.
  23. There have been times when I would have done bodily harm to Vis if he had been in my presence. ...Or gone to my fate trying. For the most part, he's an okay fellow. I can't think of a single problem he has. Vis is a pretty good guy. I don't know what I could possibly find irritating. I like Vis alright. What could I say against him. Vis is pretty good old dog. There's nothing bad I could say about him. B) Sorry, Hades.
  24. Okay, if we get away from the argument aspect, I'd like to clarify something as a staple of what Christians believe if I could be so bold as to try to explain something for a huge group of folks. Still, this is generally true for all mainstream Christian religions. The trinity is considered one being. That's axiomatic. If you don't like it, then we'll shake hands and go back to square one. If you accept that this is a staple of most Christian beliefs, then there's no issue about Christ, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. They're all one person. In Christian thought, all divine power comes from the Trinity. Saints don't cause things to happen. Saints pray on your behalf to the Trinity. (I'm playing a little loose with the Trinity idea, but thousands of pages of Christian theology, mot of which I don't really understand perfectly anyhow, won't be summed up in a single post.) Saints, like the Virgin Mary are venerated in a somewhat historical sense, but they are not the focus of worship. Saints are not considered gods. They don't serve the same functions as the Greek pantheon. The closest thing you can say is that saints don't hesitate to ascend into heaven when they die. That's not a function of godhood. It's a function of goodhood. Anyhow, none of you guys have hit on the really weird beliefs. Here's one that I think most folks will believe is weird. Roman Catholics used to sell indulgences, right? It's a past thing and indulgences don't exist anymore, right? Well, that's not exactly true. According to current Catholic belief, Saints, those folks who go to heaven right away... they have a goodness surplus. That means that they're a sort of net goodness positive that's left behind for the rest of us sinning clods. The church, as God's caretaker on Earth, still dispenses that surplus goodness. I'll be disappointed if I don't catch some (hopefully) good-natured ribbing from some of you heathens over that one.
  25. Actually, I tend to let bygones be bygones. I really hate board vendettahood. I absolutely refuse to hold a grudge, which might be why I've never had to put anyone in the ignore list.
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