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Everything posted by EldestCosmonaut

  1. I'm not sure if I went full stealth or not but when I finished the "bug Al-Samad airfield" mission in Saudi Arabia Mina praised me for not alerting anyone.
  2. Oh, OK. So then why am I getting less money?
  3. Well then I'm not sure. I just started a new game and did one of the first missions. Here's a link to the image. It's not very clear but it's the last line. http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/7340/0603002048.jpg It says the total money earned from the mission is $33,500 but when I go to the clearinghouse I only have $29882. Do they take into account the ammo and other items I pick up?
  4. I'm a little confused. I'm not getting the amount of money it says I was rewarded on the post mission screen. For example, I think one of the missions says I was rewarded $50,000 but when I go to the clearinghouse I don't have that much. Am I missing something?
  5. Who are on board the Ebon Hawk at the beginning of the game(prologue)? I know there's T3-M4, Kreia, that other astromech droid, HK, who else? Who was the pilot? Was the person you got the flametorch(or whatever it's called) in the morgue on the Ebon Hawk?
  6. I think as you become more powerful you can talk to Kreia again and she'll adjust it for you.
  7. So I've played several games, haven't finished any yet, and can't seem to find a way to really complete the bounty from Gren to find the two escaped convicts. I know that you have to see them talking to Jana Lorso, and you should see them on the Telos' surface close to the droidmaster after passing the minefield. The problem is, I've only met them once there. In my other games, once I didn't see them talking to Jana Lorso, and the other times they talked to Jana Lorso, but I didn't meet them on Telos. Is there a sure way to trigger this? Also, are they supposed to drop anything on Telos because Gren doesn't believe me when I told him about it.
  8. My question wasn't about Batu. My question was about the two fugitives you are supposed to track down. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know. I was talking to someone else. The two fugitives you find on Telos' surface before you reach the woman with her two droids. She says something like, "My droids will take care of you!"
  9. You should see them before you reach the woman with her two droids.
  10. That's Batono. Batu is the guy who tried to kill you when you first arrived on Citadel Station. It turns out he was an imposter who wants to kill you for the bounty. I would have thought you could find out more about the real Batu on Nar Shaddaa.
  11. So as soon as you land on Citadel Station and are locked up in holding cells, someone tries to kill you. He was posing as Batu. I talked to Gren later and he wants me to find the "real" Batu. I traced the fake Batu to Nar Shaddaa. Will I find anything regarding the "real" Batu there?
  12. I think Lucas Arts already has someone working on it. What do you think?
  13. Maybe they could have it so the party members you aren't using at the time aren't holed up on the Ebon Hawk all the time. If you're on a planet, the other members would be off doing what they want on the planets. Maybe Atton could have been in the cantina or playing pazaak, for example.
  14. Not a tv series, but books or graphic novels If they can write fiction about Halo and Brute Force, why not KOTOR? Maybe it could be about the exile during the time between the Mandalorian Wars and The Sith Lords.
  15. Maybe it's a minor complaint, but I thought that they were going to work on npc face models and differentiate them more. One of the major complaints of KOTOR was that a lot of the NPCs looked alike. Obsidian said that they were going to work on that. They worked on that a little, but still many people still look alike. Plus, a lot of them said the same thing.
  16. Oh, and I also want the game to be larger. More planets or at least larger areas to explore on the planets.
  17. I think it should be the exile for most of the game. The game could take place right after the Sith Lords, and you could also spend the first half of the game searching for Revan. Once Revan was found, he/she would join your group. If Revan was female, and she was lightside, maybe Carth could be in the party since they supposedly love each other. Mission and Zaalbar would also have to be in the group. I also think if the game were to take place immediately after the Sith Lords, you would start as one of the prestige classes.
  18. Bah, I'll start a new game. I'll still keep my current one, but I guess it won't hurt to start a new one. In my current game, I didn't have much influence with any of the other members of my party. Didn't talk much to HK-47... So I guess I'll take my time this and play pazaak more and do swoop races.
  19. Yeah, but as far as I remember there wasn't an option to go anywhere but Dantooine. My last planet was Onderon, and I don't recall being able to choose where I went. It automatically took me to Dantooine. Am I mistaken?
  20. I just defeated the Ravager and have now crashed onto Malachor V. Is this the last planet? If it is, I'll be mad since they kind of spring it on you. From Dantooine, to Telos, to Malachor with no way of visiting other planets? If it isn't, good!
  21. Also if you're lightside male, Bastila is there with Carth. I think I said Revan was lightside male at the beginning.
  22. When you first meet everyone on the Ebon Hawk and T3 is talking, no one else can understand him besides you. After T3 gets the transponder codes, Atton can understand him!
  23. Does this game have... 1)conversations between party members like the first one had conversations between Canderous and Carth. 2) What about sidequests to learn more about characters' past like the first one had Carth with his son?
  24. I know I have to do something to get the exchange to meet me. I've been lightside so I haven't done anything "evil". 1) I've re-programmed the droid in the pazaak den so he won't play anymore. After I did that it said I gained notice. 2) I've helped with the pylons and the freight order. 3) I've wiped out the serocco(sp?) in the refugee sector. 4) I won't lead Geredi out of the pazaak den because I'm trying to be good. 5) I've done everything else I think(reunited the wife and husband, returned the child to her mother, found the captain in the jekk-jekk tarr) What else do I need to do? Is there anywhere special I need to go to trigger the event?
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