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About GreenKnight

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  1. The Ascencion Of Christ, also known as 'Himmelfahrtstag' in Germany, and as plain 'Ascencion' in the protestant regions in France and Switzerland. And yes, it's a Holiday. :cool:
  2. Hah ... they lost everything ... Bremen and Stralsund ... and Norway ... till only Stockholm and a bit of countryside were left. But the original question was about dubbing computer games, films, and translating books ... well, with Germany, I can at least see the economic aspect behind it. Germany has 80 millions of inhabitants, and it's an important market for videogame producers. Hence, delivering translated German versions of videogames is economically reasonable; the revenues make up for the costs of German translation and dubbing.
  3. Okay. I see your point. And I cannot deny that both Undersigil and the so-called 'Prison area' beneath Curst didn't contribute to roleplay at all ... which is most unfortunate since it's mandatory to get through that boring and combat-heavy 'Prison area' ... I am more forgiving with Undersigil. I know that the devs wanted to make it part of several sidequest that were cut from the final version, or weren't even ever implemented ... but, fortunately, the player is not forced to go there.
  4. Heh heh heh ... I daresay German is fun because it's so torturous. [Translation: Hur hur hur ... Ich w
  5. Humidity and temperature.
  6. No ... there's nothing rushed in PS: T ... and even if it feels rushed after you get out of Ravel's maze, that's only because the 'worlds' (planes) and cities you visit then are smaller than Sigil ... Once you get out of Ravel's maze, the game acceletates its pace, it gets faster ... but not rushed. And the ending, very much unlike the KotOR ending, does not leave any questions open. Everything is tied together; every party members fate gets an explanation, and even if TNO's original crime is not explained in detail - everything gets a solution. And please don't tell me anyone that it was in any way relevant to the story what TNO's original crime has been ... it's enough to know that it was so horrible that the Planes still suffer, and that he merits his condemnation to the Eternal Blood War. And yes ... I do not know if PS: T is the best CRPG ever ... but I'm quite positive that I've never seen anything as touching and as well-conceived as PS: T in a RPG ... never. Not yet.
  7. Yes, but they say that you only get the additional dialogue when you've beaten the game both Lightside and Darkside ...
  8. Someone made a joke about Star Wars in a Leisure Suit Larry setting ... ... actually, that's about the only type of game that would definitely not work with the Star Wars license. Point-and-click adventures just ... don't have the rhythm that Star Wars needs. They're too slow.
  9. Urgh ... you're right. I'm just playing thru' for the first time with a female char: and frankly, Disciple's portrait looks like ... like the portrait of a man who drinks too much. Hence the puffy, flask cheeks and the bloodshot eyes ... :'(
  10. ... yes ... all this happens without any explanation, and very sudden. But it's supposed to happen like this ... except for T3-M4 coming in to help you. That should not have happened ...
  11. Yes. You should be able to see your defense go up if you boost your wisdom ... by wearing the Circlet of Saresh, for instance ... If even that does nothing, then you've hit another bug.
  12. Yes ... I only repair him to get him out of the storage room, so that he won't stand in Mira's way later in the game. Maybe he was supposed to have more personality and backstory than he actually has (in KotOR 2), but again, that never made it into the released version of the game ...
  13. And, for Heaven's sake, tell her to get dressed after the sparring sessions. You don't want her to get a cold, do you?
  14. Hmmm ... I have met many people who were like HK-47: they loved their work, and they knew two or three jokes they reiterated over and over again ... and if nobody laughed, they would repeat the joke once more ... And about HK-47 being my only honest party member: that's true. Probably due to his lack of personality.
  15. How about a game based on the Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings engine? Let's call it Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. I'm sure it's going to be a big success ... (w00t)
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