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Everything posted by Signum

  1. There is a piece on KOTOR:Sith lord in Electronic Gaming Monthly. This will be Obsidians first game (as obsidian anyway).
  2. I think much of the strength of D&D comes from the depth of the campaign worlds as opposed to the mechanics. I like the mechanics a lot more now than I did in the days of 2e, but i think it's the "fluff" of the settings which really sells the games.
  3. 53rV3r m1gr4t10n=t3h 5uXX0r.1 ph33r 1t VV1th gr34t ph33r. And stuff.
  4. The man in the iron mask was a ninja. Thats why someone ratted him out and they stuck him in the tower, in a room only 4 feet high to prevent him from doing sweet backflips and punching your mom in the eyebrow. I read it in a graphic novel.
  5. I think Star Wars: Galaxies features this option. Why, I don't know.
  6. I have successfully migrated from the black isle boards. woot!
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