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I think if the comic book writers ideas are such that Mandalorians got thier reputation as being great warriors came form thier great flying cocroaches that could shoot down spaceships with their great lasers that poked out of the roaches nose. good for the kiddies, but not really for adults
I find it really annoying when people say "This game has stats in it.. it must be an RPG!" An apple is red, does that make it a fire engine? For a game to be an cRPG, it needs character development, statistically and through story. It needs... well, a story. It also needs interpersonal development, though dialog, or whatever. And also whatever else I have inevitably forgotton. Just one of the same features doesn't make a crpg. ps. Dark Alliance should NEVER be spoken/typed in the same sentance as RPG, unless it is "RPG wannabe" {edit: ps I thought beyond good and evil was the last hope for adventure games... or is that action/adventure... hmmm}
Unfortunately, games aren't for nerds anymore
grayjo replied to Ginthaeriel's topic in Computer and Console
yea, sorry, grammatical error. When i said it would take the work of two computer games, i meant a succesful FPS/RPG hybrid that fully allowed you to go on a FPS rampage if that is what you really want, but is not required. Adding "shootemup" as a RPG playing style, like stealth, magistry and diplomacy would take more effort, unless it comprimised the integrity of the other styles or the story. And that isn't good -
Unfortunately, games aren't for nerds anymore
grayjo replied to Ginthaeriel's topic in Computer and Console
[rant] And when did you play them? Did you play them when you were five? That seems really unlikely given that you were born in 1969 (according to your profile), while Sonic the Hedgehog for Genesis was released in 1991, and Super Mario Bros. 1 was released in 1981. I don -
I liked both kotors. I prefered the original though, but am definetly not as fanatical about RPGs as most people here. Don;t get me wrong, rpgs are the greatest, there should be more. But i never played through kotor1 more than 2 or so times, and i can't seem to bring myself back to my second go at k2. But I prefered K1. not are any tangiable reason, they are both worth games, but K1 supplied a "suspension of disbelief." I didn't feel like it was a game, but a story that I was a part of. K2 had an ok story, but it wasn't as immersive as K1's story IMO. I think half the problem was the Influence. Great idea, but the way it wa implememted slammed home that it was a game, continually reminding you with "Influence gained" or "Influence lost" or "Influence failure". It would have been better imo if they had left the feedback messages out, and have different initial responses thet reflect how they feel towards you. Anyway I digress. K2 didn't suck, but it had the potential to be so much more.
Aurora are you guys changing any code in the main executable? If you are just changing script files and the like, they probably are easily compatible either by copying the game to your hdd, and adding the extra files there or, copying the game to your computer, adding the files and burning to a black dvd... but if you are modifing exe code, someone would probably have to make an etm trainer for it or something.
OK. I will have to look into it. I bet it beats NWN though. i can't see anything as repetitive as the OC being seen as good by anyone. And after saying that, i own NWN and the SOU and HOTU.
To have a good roleplaying experience, you need more than just "3-5 ways to complete every quest in the game." A good experience for me is an immersive story. That includes character development, and i haven't heard anything about that yet. A good game needs a "suspension of dibelief". KOTOR had it. The BGs had it. K2... almost had it. If JE has that immersive feeling, so you connect with the characters then fine, good game. If not, it might as well be Dark Alliance.
exactly. how many people complained about the graphics of k2? how many said "it was great, considereing it was ising an obsolete engine"(their words, not mine) Now how many times did we hear the the kotor engine and the xbox was pushed to it's limits for k2. It only makes sense for K3 to be out on X2
Possibly, it depends on how/if they make a new engine. A lot on engines these days just use the char model to make cutscenes. voce might be a prob, but it really is jsut 4 readings instead of 2, not impossible. It would be hard, but I think that LusasArts (most of the time) puts the wants of the consumer base first, otherwise, they kill their precious franchise...
KoToR 3: Ideas and Suggestions
grayjo replied to hattifnatt's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
geeze take a chill pill nuke... no reason to get all hot and bothered. I don't now if there will be a council, fully developed or ragtag group, none of us do, unless we are secretly working on it for LA. And seriouly, what are the odds of that.... (someone prove me wrong... please) Anything is possible, remember, they have the advantage of time, so they can eliminate the "mights" regarding which chars became jedi, becuase they could just say they connected to the force after. And I do not think people actually mean council, as in council as in jedi order. There will probably be a bunch of guys who are semi-formally in kinda charge, but only becuase someone has to be. And remember... its only a game... no need to get frustrated -
TSL Restoration Project: Work in Progress
grayjo replied to Aurora's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
As i do not have the PC version, i have to ask... Is the xbox's file archetecture much differnt to the PC's? if it isn't it wouldn;t be hard to just use this mode for the xbox, if you eiterh put it on you hdd or burn an edited copy of it. Just a thought edit: or we could recruit someone who know how to build trainers......... -
People these days seem to forget an important aspect of a sequel. For is to be Kotor 3, it needs to bring that baggage along. Othereise it would be Kotor: The sith wars or somthing. RPGs are story driven, not action driven, so totally eliminating the story thus far would not only be incredibly stupid, it would also casue a HUGE backlash. Were you satisfied with the ending on k2? do you think, all the closure you need can be supplied with a conversation at the begininng (which by the way, is an incredibly wimpy way of closing off a story)? The reason people complained about the end of K2 was the open story. People like the Reven and Exile stories, and it would be cruel to just say... ooops... they are dead, start again.
Speculation: We probably won't hear anything at all about KOTOR 3 until XBOX 2 comes out. It makes sense to develop kotor 3 for the next gen xbox, and all information reagarding development of XB2 games are held under the strictest of security.
KoToR 3: Ideas and Suggestions
grayjo replied to hattifnatt's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
ok a few things... <blabber> 1. we probably won't see a "council" per se, be we probably will se a ragtag semi-organisational group directing the preliminary rebuilding attempts for the Jedi. 2. Answering what the subject actually is, ideas for Kotor 3... - I minght be possible to play as the Exile again, and not level 50. (cringes from emminent Hades loud protestations that "There is no level draining in Star Wars d20"). It has always been more important to justify the lower level realisticly in the story, for there be an actuall rule in the ruleset the game is "based" on. So anyway, Spoiler: don't really like this idea though. - More interpersoanl interactions. The Influence system was a great idea, not implemented fully though, and there were no quests that allowed the NPC to grow. There should be more convos like when you first get to Nar Shadda. - change the dialong system. I would like to see every option you make affect your alignmight slightly. Put the darker options at the top, so if you just zoom through it, you get darkside options (patience is the mark of a jedi). Also, when you are slipping to the darkside, you should get more and more darker options and less light options, and the light options give you less. This would help demonstrate how hard it is to return from the dark side. You could also have the option of saying a line in jest. - more epic final battle... this gripe is differrnt to other fianl battle gripes. I was seroiosly upset when we got to the starforge on jotor1 that i had to leave some people on the ship. Why? i envision a gradoise battle where your entire posse did battle with an entire army. Same with kotor2. - closure (gos without saying really) - hand to hand forms. When you get taught Echani forms in kotor1, i expected to be able to fight wth a different style, with more grace and power. - a heavly character driven story. Even if you can;t bring lots of people with you, they should all chat on the Ebon Hawk. You should even have some non-party members traveling on the Ebon Hawk to offer insights. As i said, like the start of Nar Shadda. - Ebon Hawk can stay, but i liked how it was upgraded slightly in 2. So i would like to see purchasable upgrades fro the EH and maybe some real space battles. Anyway</blabber>