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About kriptonian

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Lords of the Eastern Reach Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Fig Backer
  1. I received minutes ago email confirmation for Italy. They truncated civic number in my address, what can I do? They used Royal Mail International Standard but no tracking number in the email, is it trackable? Thank you
  2. I contacted the support 3 days ago and today I have another key (hero edition) in my Products page (I'm a 140$ tier). Thank you the customer support for the help
  3. I listened the soundtrack downloaded by the backer portal and I would simply said: compliment for your work, it's very evocative and it "transpires" an epic soul and your passion in creating it! I hope let my bad english (I'm Italian, sorry in advance for any error) understand my gratitudine to you and the developers for your effort in this beatiful project!
  4. Ok, thank you for your confirmation. I'll wait a day and then, if nothing will change, I'll contact the support. I asked because I didn't understand if all 140$ should have received the addictional key or only the people which asked it in the other post.Thank for your help
  5. Doesn't seem like it unfortunately. Other than $140 tiers and the one $65 tier who posted the other thread, I haven't seen anyone else getting a key and I've been keeping an eye on my portal. Still no shipping notification either :/ I was asking because I'm in 140$ tier (plus 3 or 4 addons) but I didn't receive anything at the moment. I can't play the game because I gave my digital key to my brother thinking to receive the physical disc in a few days but my shipment status is still "shipping soon" (I live in Italy). Is there someone in the 140$ tier which already receive an additional key?Thanks in advance
  6. Hello Darren,I checked "My Products" page but I don't see any supplemental Hero key (I'm in 140$ tier). Can you check if everything is ok? Thank you in advance.
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