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About Pekachon

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  1. Impressive, didn't solo Path of the Damned was possible. Congratulations. Also, a rogue tank is an interesting idea.
  2. Until enchantable gloves are in the game there is no reason to play a monk. I mean, you have to wear armor and use weapons, how different is this from just going pure fighter? And what's even the point of the increased unarmed damage if by midgame you will have to use a weapon anyway, unless you wanna gimp yourself. The implementation of monk in Pillars disappointed me. And its not like adding gloves is that much work even.
  3. Yes, first post here. To the guy who said that most backers don't put in the effort. Has it occured to you that maybe some backers are willing to allow developers complete creative freedom with their game and see how it turns out? Yes I know, completely crazy, right? Also, what these forums would look like if all the 70 k backers started posting at least one reply per thread. Not pretty. And yes, there will probably be a nerd-rage no matter what when this game comes out. Know why? Cause among those 70 k people there are several factions that want a different experience from it. And some consider themselves somehow better and\or more priviledged than others. Peace.
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