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Everything posted by Choice

  1. are swoop reaces more freqent? i havent been able to read this all but they wouldnt lie about a game would that
  2. i no its feb but when does KOTOR2 come out for brits, sorry to ask but ive been away for a while and cant find any info. thankz in advance
  3. hey every1, if you use Photoshop please show me some of your work. :D
  4. does anyone no when itd coming out for us brits, im going mad here. if you know plz post.
  5. I heard its coming out December but Febuary! wtf!
  6. well thats all it needs to kick ur PCS butt
  7. , and i kno wot im getting , KOTOR2 on Xbox www000!! MERRY CHRISTMAS
  8. same, light is alot cooler but u have to be a nice tidy mofo that would never hurt anyone.
  9. Its probably been done. If you had to pick a side would it be the Light Side Or Dark Side VOTE!
  10. no ,earlier on, The one that still looks like a bad woman throught out the whole game, betrayed her master. THAT ONE
  11. In KOTOR the bad jedi who you turn good ( i forget her name, NOT BASTILA) If you actually kill her what happens? Ive never done it.
  12. Wow nice one, well where does this leave you now?
  13. Nice , at the character seletion screen U get to pic what type of JEDI you want to be, sounds cool.
  14. What would be the outcome if you had one short , one normal
  15. I was hearing in a gamespy interview about is Revan mentioned in this new game the reply was something along the lines "sorry but ive been told to not tell you this. Hmmmm, very strange. If he is added it will be good to hear from him, like hows he been.
  16. The newest one i made, bit of a rush because the guy who asked for me to make it needed it THEN nad THERE! http://photobucket.com/albums/v192/chunkyd...urrent=josh.jpg comment.
  17. Good old Britland , known to others as Britain, England.
  18. My mum is a photoshop expert, its basically her job, but her works out of this world. She taught me a litte but work got in the way, so i tried bits out. Thats how i got my photoshop.
  19. Well you learn something new everyday. This new sith lord Nuhlis or what eva it is, What makes him so mysterious, has he got something we should kno about? this sounds really creepy and makes me want to play the game even more! (w00t)
  20. When ever it is .... isnt it worth waiting For?
  21. Wouldnt it be call if Bastila was the new sith lord for this game? (w00t)
  22. What was you Kotor name in the 1st game. Looking through all the names i tried to make my own up so my name was Vortus Tangen. Sound good to me and still does for the next game i might use Apollo Tangen,(still thinking) it would be his son as the last jedi, Vortus ran away and married Bastila. Had a son and hes the last alive of Jedi. What do you think and what was Your name for KOTOR ( NO 1! )
  23. Nice work guys, i wont be making an star wars related signatures for a while bacause im doing coursework ( work for exams) so no sig making but i shall still post. When i get back , im right on it
  24. Kaftan Barlast i think you got me rong, i meant to say, i couldnt find a artwork thread for KOTOR work so ill use the general discussion to post my work on. understand now? Yes it takes bout 15misn if you do it quickly but some bits people do take forever.
  25. One lightsaber just like a jedi should have and have it purple.
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