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Everything posted by Asmodan

  1. My Fighter currrently has 14 Might, 15 Constitution, 10 Dexterity, 14 Perception, 10 Intellect and 15 Resolve. Beside that i'm pushing Athletics. I'm not very far in the Game but i dont have trouble in my fights, it works good for me.
  2. Thank you all for the Translation Fixes. But why so complicated? I dont have a "patch" executable and so i can not execute the command you described. Maybe i'm missing something but it is (at least for me) a lot easier to install updated string files than revert every time to the unmodified version and patch the files again after a new Update is available. And i dont know wich Version is the one with the most corrections, i try and use the nexus Version for now. And i found a new mistake in the translation, in the Item "Notiz eines Initiierten" it says: In english it says: So the last sentence must be translated to: Because of this translation mistake i had trouble solving the Bell riddle.
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