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About mentaltyranny

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    Phoenix, Arizona
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    Mind Tyrant


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  1. For the next patch, can we please fix the ridiculous relationship between prestige and security in the taxing system? If your prestige goes up alone, it should not lower your tax collected. Perhaps, it should instead compare security to the total number of turns which have passed, representing more and more bandits appearing over the time they have to travel there for the opportunity. The lower the security, the more bandits that should appear; the more time has passed, more bandits looking for an opportunity arrive.
  2. @Boeroer, thank you so much for your reply! I will consider the AI friendly monk. Do you know any other builds "specifically build to run on AI"?
  3. I promise I am asking for something simple here. At mid- to late-game, which classes have the best companion AI? I do not mind micromanagement if it is necessary, but if I can reduce it by taking different party members, I will. Any help, even it is like "Wizard AI" sucks, would be helpful.
  4. One of the benefits of Durgan-Reinforced (shield) is "-15% Single-weapon Speed penalty". To what exactly does this bonus apply? The shield or the weapon in the main hand? Does it matter if the shield has Bash?
  5. That is I started to figure out. So there is nothing specifically different about implements and other ranged weapons other than what talents apply to them? Thanks for the clarification!
  6. I noticed that the Fire Priest build on these forums recommends "Abydon's Hammer... when in 'caster' mode". I always assumed that it was for the Mythic accuracy and damage bonuses when casting. However, then I noticed the Might bonus, and thought it might just be that. After all, in my old D&D 4th Ed. days only implements contributed to damage and accuracy on Powers with the Spell keyword. So do wizard, priest, and druid spells benefit from the quality enchantments of implements in PoE1? If not, what makes an implement an implement and not a ranged weapon? Just the talents from which they benefit? Or is it just the name/label of the category of weapons?
  7. If this is wrong forum (as in for making mods, not dealing with them), please let me know...
  8. I am playing PoE1 with mods. I am getting some strange behavior. Potions fail to be drank, often but not always characters fail to engage the enemy (even while not stunned/paralyzed/unconscious), and occasionally characters stay idle and don't attack. Here is my patchwork mod list: Any ideas as to the problem? Or is this just pillars behavior?
  9. Weird... With Stalker's Torc equipped, if you compare the item card for Stalker's Link it reads like damage over time. However, it does use "per" instead of "over" like known DoTs like Touch of Rot. I just don't know how else to read "per 3.0 sec". Could someone please clarify what this language means in the Stalker's Link item card below. I included the item card for Touch of Rot for comparison.
  10. Does anyone know if Predator's Sense is triggered by Stalker's Torc? I know that the latter was bugged and was supposedly fixed by a patch, but I am not sure how both of those items and Stalker's Link interplay. If this was a tabletop game, I would assume if you Stalker's Link you get "+10 accuracy when attacking the same target as animal companion". Stalker's Torc should says it modifies Stalker's Link to do "+20% Damage per 3.0 sec", which I assume also triggers when attacking the same target as animal companion. The question is whether "+20% Damage per 3.0 sec" counts as damage over time, which if so would give the Animal companions of Rangers with Predator's Sense "+50% damage against targets affected by damage over time". Can anyone confirm whether this is the case?
  11. Any chance of getting a separate mod just for: "fixed a ridicules dependency between prestige and security in the taxing algorithm (Prestige nullified security, if it got bigger. That is why one had outcomes like "500 Bandits/ 500 self" at 1pre 1sec and at 30pre and 30sec)"? I would love to have this fixed, but the rest of this mod isn't for me. I understand why others use it, but I am using IEmod to increase the experience required to level and the workaround to implement the main feature (stronghold turns to days) would drive me nuts with the -1. If not, I am perfectly willing to spend the time to learn and do this myself if I can get pointed in the right direction...
  12. Could someone please point me in the direction of how to mod PoE1? I'm pretty good at Elder Scrolls/Fallout modding, but have NO experience with Unity. I would love to change this!
  13. When I started playing PoE1, my intuition told me that Greatswords should use the best of Slash or Crush damage. While they are visibly just larger swords, anyone who understands swordplay knows their use is very different. In order to swing such a heavy blade, you have to hold it in both hands much higher, practically over your head, and use gravity to swing the blade effectively. This means the Greatsword attack functionality is quite limited to uses. You can swing the blade by twisting your wrist from side to side, to let the blade gain momentum from the top of one side of your body diagonally down to the other side. On a miss, that momentum can be used to quickly reset the blade to starting position. A hit would result in slash-like damage. Alternatively, you can bring your arms straight down, using the blade's massive weight as a giant club. A hit would likely be to the head or shoulders, and against an armored opponent, the hit would "bounce" the blade back into position. The result is crush-like damage to both the armor and soft tissue underneath. This means the Greatsword's most realistic representation within the PoE1 ruleset should be the best of Slash-Crush damage. While this is currently the same weapon profile as Pollaxes, and I admit I know little of their use, a Pollaxe appears to be more like a Slash-Pierce weapon. Essentially, it is a long stick with an axe near its tip, which also has a point on it. Therefore, I would like to change Pollaxes the Slash-Piece damage as well. Are their any mods doing this? If not, what would it take to edit object bundle files myself? It doesn't look like many files would be affected, but I know little about editing ,unity3d files, and I don't have any experience with Unity. I would love to do this myself with a little bit of guidance...
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