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About jpdavis53

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  • Deadfire Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Fig Backer
  1. I believe that any "digital rewards" (pig, soundtrack, pdf etc) will be claimable through the backer portal site soon. They're just not there to select yet - the keys first, other things a bit later I think they've stated. Cool, thanks a bunch. Menacer
  2. At retail collectors you only get 1 digital key and the physical disc which will show up sooner or later. Your digital key can be for either GoG or Steam and will be a "Royal Edition" key. So, my question here is. If I redeem my digital key, does that come with everything IN GAME that would come with the collectors edition? Because I really do not want to open my collectors edition. And on the account settings it says Kickstarter reward and stuff for the Boxed edition, but NOT for the digital edition. Guess the simple question is, can I get the pre-order pig / ring AND the kickstarter pet/achievement/item but not open my Retail collectors edition??? Thanks Menacer
  3. I am almost positive something is wrong with the prices in the beta. When I first went to the stores prices were about 10k cp for everything, I entered again later to sell, sold a few items and the prices dropped dramatically. From 10k cp to below 500 cp. So I am pretty sure there is an issue somewhere with the item price code. Menacer
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