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About wargamer234

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. I want to go to sleep with the game preloading, at least
  2. A dev told me "Never doubt Tim Cain; as the taste tester for every recipe in the cookbook, they are delicious!" So I'm assuming so. Delish Now lets wait and see Only if you backed for it. Look it up in the tiers description. @atn Very mature. And it adds so much to the discussion... It was on the description for the 20$ early backer so i guess so
  3. A dev told me "Never doubt Tim Cain; as the taste tester for every recipe in the cookbook, they are delicious!" So I'm assuming so. Delish Now lets wait and see
  4. So on a different topic, has there been any confirmation that the game will come with the Cookbook?
  5. Hah I am not the only expecting the cookbook to come with the game.
  6. Beta key was also add-on option to every tier that contained copy of the game No, If you pledge 110€ you got it Yes, it was. However it was like 25 euro or something, almost the full game. So I said 'no thanks'... If you go to the pledge manager you can check it... Starting 110$ you have it! inform yourselves! Beta key was part of reward in in $110 and above tiers, but there was also option to pay $25 extra on your tier and get beta key as add on. You can go check yourself in https://eternity.obsidian.net/backer/addons 404, I already finalized my 20$ pledge so i dont think i can add it
  7. Beta key was also add-on option to every tier that contained copy of the game No, If you pledge 110€ you got it Yes, it was. However it was like 25 euro or something, almost the full game. So I said 'no thanks'... If you go to the pledge manager you can check it... Starting 110$ you have it! inform yourselves! mmmmm a bit convoluted but i understand now
  8. Thanks, tis' was a bit odd that i never saw any mention of it, but now i see.
  9. So no beta for anyone who didnt pledge over 110$ correct?
  10. I am okay with not being any romance, but if they add it at some point it would be great still the game to me isnt about that but its a nice bonus
  11. Has this book been talked about since the kickstarter? will it be really released? I havent read anything about it in the updates.
  12. I am here as a early backer, kinda excited this game has taken not that much... cant wait.
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