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Posts posted by talharbash

  1. The point is that they're not "mobs."  They're AI-driven simulations of how an actual combatant would react in their situation. 


    If there's, say, a wizard in the back ranks raining hot death on their friends, it makes perfect sense for an intelligent combatant to try to slip through the front line and stick a knife that guy.  If you want to prevent that, you have to block his advance with abilities, other characters, etc.  Giving front-line characters mind-control abilities to make opponents switch targets is a terrible idea. 


    Aggro mechanics would actually make the enemy make a B line for whoever has most threat. The taunt ability would be on a long cool down.


    <-- Ex WoW tank


    Buggy games is a well worn Obsidian trope and I don't think they can afford this Kickstarted project to have a buggy release. There's no point defending Obsidian or pussyfooting around the glaring truth. Obsidian need to step up and prove themselves this time. Delay the game for 6 months if need be. Casting aside this awful reputation is worth that.



    Obsidian has always raised the publisher flag and claimed it was the publishers fault which I never bought. I think the "polish" phase doesn't exist in Obsidian's world, or if it does it does not mean getting rid of all bugs.


    We'll see how PoE does in the end.

  3. Would everyone be relieved if Obsidian announced a delay of a few months for release?



    It depends on how much progress they can make in a short amount of time. We don't know if the path finding problem is just a small bug or whether they need to sit down and come up with a whole new algorithm, implement it, fix it, and get feedback.


    I'm a little surprised we didn't see a quick patch come out the same week to address the low hanging fruit. Maybe there isn't any and they need more time.

  4. It really -really- helps when you see criticism of the game to resist arguing and devolving the thread into a big argument. All the white knighting does is bury the criticism and then the developer has a hard time seeing it.


    I remember during the FTL beta the developer was adamant that the game should have no save system. Luckily, in that particular feedback thread the white knights didn't go on a rampage and enough people posted their thoughts on why a save system is good. FTL shipped with a save game system. The exact opposite happened with SRR.


    Really, just resist the urge. If you're very emotionally involved with this title it's better to direct your energy to something more constructive than arguing for several pages with someone who has a negative opinion of the game.

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  5. I can't sit through the beta. One big problem I have is lack of companions and no back story to WTF I'm doing.


    It may have sounded great on paper to do a beta this way but I feel its really lacking because of all the stuff that is taken out. Hopefully the final game will have all the community feedback you need for the game mechanics.

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  6. User interface and path finding needs another pass: Everytime I select group and click to talk to someone some other character in my party (and not me) walks up to the character I clicked on. Very annoying to have to deselect every time. Path finding is erratic at best.

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  7. Wanted to start a thread on this since I have some thoughts:


    I found the portraits were not enough. I couldn't get one to match my red haired human since her skin color was darker than most of the portraits. Can we get the option to generate a 3d headshot? That would solve this for me.


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