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I cannot accept EU ending for the Exile (and Revan)
Qistina replied to Qistina's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I think both TOR anf the book can be ignored if Obsidian make KotOR 3, why would that book being ultimate canon for Knight of Old Republic? There is nothing prevent anyone make own sequel of this series. TOR is not KotOR, it is a different game. For me, KotOR canon must be from KotOR games, not from books or other media and not from other games -
Prequels should be in a form of Codex, books and stories from NPCs, it should not be as facts but something that can be argued. Such as in Dragon Age and TES where all the answers we found is not a part of the game itself, just stories, either we take it or not. That what make it fun to discuss on forums. To make a game just to answer some questions is a waste of an effort, some may like the answer some may not, so better make it in a haze, it does explain things, but it is still arguable and not so important in the game we are currently playing Lets look at Skyrim, there are many books if the player bother to read, i myself lazy enough to read them all, but sometimes it is interesting to learn somethings of the past lore and some arguments regarding it, but they all not so important
Of course it is a mix of original Star Wars, KotOR, Dragon Age :Origin and common fantasy trope, it just an idea. Better than something we are not familiar with. expended Universe itself is a mixture of non-sense being put in the label "Star Wars" on it My suggestion is the main story or the mission that must be completed is must be in the form like what i suggested. i. find some ancient machine of destruction, the source of evil - destroy it - preserve it ii. gathering allies along the way iii. solving peoples problem or creating problem iv. searching for clues, unfold mysteries That will be the game, it is a common formula what people love about playing such game. As for "it is a war of belief" and philosophical bs surrounding it, cannot be the main issue, it must be as spices and salt in the game. Not all people like talk, talk, talk, monster dialogues in games such as in KotOR 2. Well, i like it, but better not make it such way where we sit down infront of computer watching poor NPC animation and listen, we supposed to play game isn't it? So we need action, we need missions, we need travelings, exploring, hunting...make these as the main thing we must do in the game. It could be Death Star, it could be anything, but at least something we can see visibly like in KotOR 1, and Star Wars Episode I, IV and VI. Learn the mistake of Dragon Age 2, too much drama don't win fans.
I cannot accept EU ending for the Exile (and Revan)
Qistina replied to Qistina's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
It is not a good idea, Kreia is dead, if Kreia is not dead, then why bother we kill her in KotOR 2? Not only that, Kreia is not dark side, she despise both light and dark extremes, she's unique. From what i understand in kotOR 2, Kreia want to establish "new" religion out of Jedi and Sith, she despise both, so she train The Exile in her own philosophy if in that video above is Kreia, then it destroy the premise built about her in KotOR 2, not to mention that woman in the video look nothing like her -
I cannot accept EU ending for the Exile (and Revan)
Qistina replied to Qistina's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Oh Obsidian please make KotOR 3 to clean up all these madness -
I cannot accept EU ending for the Exile (and Revan)
Qistina replied to Qistina's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I think, the best way to "kill" both character to start a new story is....in an attempt to defeat a powerful Sith Lord, The Exile have to suck Revan power and unleash the unlimited power to the Sith Lord and blast him into oblivion. The process kill them both, Revan killed because being drained, The Exile killed because overloaded with unlimited power being the Force black hole. At least it make sense provided the premise being established by both games. It may sound similar like Transformers 2 where Optimus "absorbing" the old Decepticon power (forgot his name) but it can be accepted, rather than killed stupidly being back stabbed while throwing lightsaber, it is a bad way to "kill" the character that being established as unique Jedi -
I cannot accept EU ending for the Exile (and Revan)
Qistina replied to Qistina's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I just can't understand how these stories become "canon" while it totally contradict the premise itself. It took a great deal to build the Exile and so she can beat the bosses in the game, later she got silly back stabbed and die, it is all for nothing. I don't mind if the Exile die but back stabbed while throwing her lightsaber??? Obi Wan don't die even when he lost his lightsaber many times in the movie, he's a total bad ass Jedi. He get shot by blaster cannon and fall from the cliff, he don't die. But the Exile got back stabbed while throwing her lightsaber, it is the most shameful death for a known unique Jedi master who defeat 3 most powerful Sith Lords ever in universe Look at other "ordinary" Jedis, their deaths are at least heroic, such as got outnumbered by clone army, get shot by legendary bounty hunter in an attempt to kill Count Dooku, outnumbered by droid army, die fighting a powerful Sith who use double blade lightsaber, die fighting a powerful Sith Lord in an arrest attempt....but the Exile got back stabbed throwing her lightsaber while the premise say she killed 3 most powerful Sith Lords before, have Precognition and unique state, it is unacceptable As for Revan, i totally reject TOR and canon Revan, it doesn't make sense at all. I wish there will be KotOR 3 that wash away all these nonsense -
As the title above, i totally rejected Expended Universe ending for the Exile (and Revan) because it is totally not making any sense. i. The Exile is said to be a unique Jedi, who can inspire followers, leeching their energy and controlling them the same time making them following her to death. ii. The Exile have special powers such as Precognition that allow her to see dangers before it happen, and a lot of other powers iii. The Exile also defeating 3 powerful Sith Lords - Darth Nihilus - a Sith Lord that can destroy a planet - Darth Sion - a Sith Lord that literally cannot die because the Force that keep him alive - Darth Traya - a very powerful Sith Lord that can kill 3 Jedi Masters in one strike In which means the Exile is indeed a very powerful Jedi ever other than Revan. But in EU, The Exile got back stabbed by Lord Scourge and die? That is so cheap and stupid. "Surik saw that the Emperor had all but defeated Revan without even drawing a weapon. She charged to his aid even as Revan was still reeling from being electrocuted by the Emperor's dark powers. Seeing the Emperor take Revan's own lightsaber and prepare to kill him with it, Surik made a choice which would have galactic consequences for centuries to come: rather than throw her lightsaber to kill the distracted Emperor at the cost of Revan's life, she threw her blade only to deflect the killing blow. It was in this moment that the battle was lost, and Lord Scourge realized that the only way to challenge the Emperor's plot against the Republic was to make it appear as though he had brought the Jedi before the Emperor as a trap for the servants of the Light. Taking advantage of her trust, Scourge stabbed Meetra Surik in the back with his lightsaber--ending her life"- http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Meetra_Surik So no, i will never accept EU canon
As a Force Adept the main character may have light side or dark side power, but it doesn't mean allegiance to Jedi or Sith, being improperly trained by his/her father lead to these alignments. The main character may have dark side power but siding the light side and otherwise light side power but siding the dark side. Allegiance is by choice I think my idea conclude KotOR 1 and 2, i never play SWTOR so i don't know anything about it, and my idea may breach some lore in which i don't know about. But this is the only way i can think about. It also explain where the Death Star design is come from in which become the major threat in Star Wars episode 3 to 6 The idea is this first Death Star is to make every living sentient being will have only one mind, so there will no resistance toward the Sith. If fully operational every sentient being in the universe will be mind controlled and working for the Dark Lord who control it Surely Rakatan Infinite Empire stretch out across the galaxy and so there are numerous Star Maps out there, so the story can be taken place on many unfamiliar planets. It will boring if each game we will only visit Kasyikk and Tattoine isn't it? So how about in KotOR 3 we will visit Naboo, Coruscant, Cathar planet and so much more. It can be made that different planets have their own problems, we will have to solve their problems while the same time pursuing our goal. It is good if we also gain alliances and each factions we side on will send army for the final battle. Yes it sound like DA:O but that is a good formula. So the main character will be Revan-like, a Jedi who lead an army to destroy the threat, but at the end will he/she fall to dark side or stay true to the light? I suggest the story will involve battle on a mysterious planet where the Death Star is constructed, here we can summon our troops. Then we will ship on the Death Star itself to face the Dark Lord and the Death Star own defenses. While at the same time there is battle on the space and we have to settle the thing before it being blown up. Of course light side and dark side path have different mission. As dark side we have to defend the planet and the Death Star using our troops, as light side we have destroy the base on the planet and destroy Death Star. It is good if we can become a squadron leader and involve in space battle
I have posted this idea on BSN, but no reply at all from Bioware, so i think i posted here instead After replaying KotOR, i have some ideas on how to improve the mechanic of this old game to be applied in the next game if they want to make it. I am thinking rather than creating new buggy and unoriginal WoW system, why not just improve the old system isn't it? So, let's start with force powers...in previous game, there are many meh force powers and some are against the lore of Jedi and Sith, such as offensive light side power in which Malak also use. So i recreate the force powers such as below. I also add my own ideas and based on Jedi Academy Take a note that i also suggest that Light and dark alignment give modifiers for Light and Dark powers, not like before that it give discount in which useless for Light Side players. By this, each powers do feel powerful when goes further into the alignment Alignment counted like this...each 20% phase give modifier up to 100% Light or Dark Light Side Powers i. Heal – Heal self and allies for 10, 20 and 30 points. Second upgrade heal poison, last upgrade heal injuries. Wisdom modifier +1 plus character level. Light Side modifier +5 point each phase. ii. Force Armor – Resist all physical damages by 10, 20 and 30 points. 30 seconds. Light side modifier +5 resistance and +1 second each phase. Wisdom modifier +1 pluc character level. Cannot use armor iii. Force Valor – Increase all attributes by 3, 4 and 5. 30 seconds. Light side modifier +1 seconds each phase Neutral Powers i. Lightsaber Deflection – Blaster bolt deflection back to enemy by +3, +5 and +7. Sustain. Dexterity points contribute to +1 modifier ii. Force Push – Knockback enemies in forward arc, chance to stun at DC20, DC17 and DC15 unless target(s) pass resistance check. Damage Wisdom modifier +1 plus character level. iii. Force Pull – Pull enemies toward self in forward arc, chance to disarm at DC20, DC17 and DC15 unless target(s) pass resistance check. amage Wisdom modifier +1 plus character level. iv. Force Jump – Jump attack enemy, damage by 10, 20 and 30 points. Strength modifier +1 damage. Attack may be blocked by target. The attack may trigger critical hit v. Force Speed – Increase movement and attack speed by 2, 3 and 4 times in 30 seconds vi. Lightsaber Throw - Throwing lightsaber to hit single enemy, 3 enemies and 5 enemies. Normal lightsaber damage plus character level, may land critical hits. vii. Force Sense - Reveal hidden enemies, traps, mines and routes in surrounding for 10, 20 and 30 seconds viii. Mind Trick - Single normal enemy become neutral for 5, 10, 15 seconds. Not effecting high level enemies. Open new dialogue options. Dark Side Powers i. Force Lightning – Damage enemies in forward arc by 10, 20 and 30. Last upgrade have chance to knockback at DC17. Dark side modifier +5 damage each phase. Damage both health points and Force points. Cannot use armor ii. Force Choke – Damage 10, 15 and 20 per seconds in 5 seconds. Wisdom modifier +1 plus character level. Give penalty to Constitution by 3, 4 and 5 points toward enemy if survive for 10 seconds. Dark side modifier +5 damage and +1 second each phase. Wisdom modifier +1 damage plus character level. Both target and caster immobilized except at final upgrade iii. Force Drain – Damage enemy health point by 10, 20 and 30 and heal self by same number. Wisdom modifier +1 plus character level. Second upgrade heal above initial points but extra health will decrease 5 points per second to initial health point, last upgrade extra health points decrease 3 points per seconds. Dark side modifier +5 points each phase iv. Force Rage – All resistance 10, 20 and 30 points, melee damage increase +10, +20 and +30, in 30 seconds but drain health points 5 per seconds. Dark side modifier +5 points for resistance and damage, -1 health point and +1 second each phase. Automatic turned off if health points 20 or below. Wisdom modifier +1 damage plus character level. Specialization will give extra Force powers to choose. Can be unlocked by learning from party members or certain NPCs Weapon style mechanic also can be improved. In previous mechanic there is a confusion between Two Weapon and two handed wepaon. And Two Weapon clearly have end game advantage. So there should be modified like these One Handed - focus on using single one handed weapons such as pistol and short sword, +3, +4, +5 to attack Two Handed - focus on using single two handed melee and ranged weapons, +1, +2, +3 attack and defence Two Weapon - off hand weapon will give 1/3 damage, 2/3 damage, full damage. One Handed bonus don't count Staff/Double Blade Weapon - focus on using staff and double bladed weapon, +1, +2, +3 attack +2, +3 +4 damage Now move on skills...i prefer DA:O style, so skills also have feats Soldiers have 1 feat point each 4 levels, Scout each 3 levels, Scoundrel each 2 levels...max level 30. Jedi class don't effect progression Coercion - level 1 to 3. Charisma add modifier to this Hacking - level 1 to 3. Intelligent add modifier to this. Instead of using computer spike, no no need for that. Just it appear at the screen "Hack Computer", if pass dificulty check then success, if not then fail Repair - level 1 to 3. Similar like above, only that "Repair Droid" instead. Disarm - level 1 to 3. Intelligent point add modifier. Detect, disarm or pick mines Security - level 1 to 3. Intelligent points add modifier. Open doors and chests Demolition - level 1 to 3. Enable to create bombs and mines. Recipes will automatically unlocked per level Medic - level 1 to 3. Enable to create health packs and stim packs. Recipes automatically unlocked per level Steal - level 1 to 3. Intelligent add modifier to this. Steal NPCs Stealth - similar with DA:O As for special attacks, i figured out how to improve it like below. I also add new special attacks. This time we not focus only one special attacks all the time, player can learn more than one and use them according to situation Melee - all melee attacks use the same special attack, but weapon style execute differently i. Power Attack - +10,+20,+30 to damage, ignore target armor,- 5 to hit ii. Flurry - Deal 3 attacks in one round, defence penalty -5,-4,-3 iii. Critical Strike - similar like previous iv. Sweep Attack - Hit all enemies surrounding with normal damage. Defence penalty -5,-4,-3 v. Thrust - Quick thrust on vital part that lower enemy defence and give penalty to enemy defence. Normal damage. Enemy defence -1,-3,-5 for 2 rounds. -5 to hit Range - similar manner like melee only in range and some differences i. Power Blast - +10,+20,+30 to damage, ignore target armor, - 5 to hit. - 5 to hit ii. Rapid Shot - Deal 3 attacks in one round, defence penalty -5,-4,-3 iii. Sniper Shot - similar like previous iv. Scatter Shot - Hit all enemies at forward arc. Defense penalty -5,-4,-3 v. Paralyze Shot - Shooting at vital part paralyzing enemy for 2, 3, 4 seconds unless target resist. -5 to hit Rather than having to scroll attacks or activate skills, having quick action bar like DA:O is nice and so we can place our skills and powers there to activate As for skills, as i stated above, no need for computer spikes or repair parts, each computer and droids have different difficulty also different command have different difficulty. Such example Lower level computer (difficulty will not shown of course) i. Hack (difficulty 15 Intelligent) ii. Leave i.a) Success iii. Access System Command (Difficulty 20 Intelligent) iv. View security camera (Difficulty 15) i.b) Failed iii.a) Corrupt all security droid targeting system (Difficulty 20 Intelligent) iii.b) Open all security doors (Difficulty 15 Intelligent) Same goes for repairing droids. each skill perks add -10, -20, -30 Intelligent Difficulty for governed skill As for character progression Jedi Guardian/Sith Juggernaut/Soldier i. Force feats for all levels ii. extra Force feat at each 5 levels iii. no combat feat every 5 levels Jedi Sentinel/Sith Assassin/Scout i. Force feat for all levels ii. extra Force feat at each 4 levels iii. no Combat feat every 4 and 5 levels iv. skill feat every 3 levels Jedi Consular/Sith Inquisitor/Scoundrel i. Force feat for all levels ii. extra Force feat at each 3 levels iii. no combat feat every 3, 4 and 5 levels Combat feats i. Weapon style as post above ii. Melee combat style as posted above iii. Conditioning - level 1 to 3 iv. Toughness - level 1 to 3 v. Weapons mastery iv. Force Regeneration (Jedi only) - level 1 to 3 v. Armor proficiency - light, medium, heavy vi. Implants - level 1 to 3 vii. Sneak Attack - (auto Scoundrel) - every 3 levels ix. Uncanny Dodge - (auto Scout) - +2 defense every 4 levels x. Specialist - (auto Soldier) - +2 attack every 5 levels Specialization Jedi Guardian Bonus to Constitution +3, Strength +3 and Dexterity +3 i. Knight Valor – Increase defence and saving throws by 3, 4 and 5. Sustain. Lightside modifier +1 each phase ii. Health Regeneration - Health point regenerates by 3, 4 and 5 per seconds. Passive Jedi Sentinel Bonus to Dexterity +3, Intelligent +3 and Wisdom +3 i. Force Breach – Debuff target and silence target for 5, 10 and 15 seconds. Wisdom modifier +1 seconds plus character level ii. Force Absorb – Resist and absorb hostile force powers by 10, 20 and 30 points. 30 seconds. Light side modifier +5 points and +1 second each phase. Wisdom modifier +1 plus character level Jedi Consular Bonus to Wisdom +3, Dexterity +3 and Charisma +3 i. Force Wave – Knockback all surrounding enemies, chance to stun DC20, DC17 and DC15 unless enemies pass resistance check. Damage Wisdom modifier +1 plus character level. ii. Force Empower - Using Wisdom modifier substitute Strength modifier for lightsaber damage and empower it +3, +4, +5 damage, attack and defence but it will drain Force points by 5, 4, 3 per seconds. Light side modifier +1 to damage, attack and defence each phase. Sustain. Automatic turned off if Force point 20 or below Sith Juggernaut Bonus to Constitution +3, Strength +3 and Dexterity +3 i. Force Terror - Weaken surrounding enemies defence by 1, 2 and 3 points. Sustain. Dark side modifier +1 point each phase. ii. Force Rage – All resistance 10, 20 and 30 points, melee damage increase +10, +20 and +30, in 30 seconds but drain health points 5 per seconds. Dark side modifier +5 points for resistance and damage, -1 health point and +1 second each phase. Automatic turned off if health points 20 or below. Wisdom modifier +1 damage plus character level. Sith Assassin Bonus to Dexterity +3, Intelligent +3 and Wisdom +3 i. Dark Shroud - Become invisible but visible when move or attack, remain invisible when moving but visible when attack, remain invisible when move and attack. 30 seconds. Caster may become visible by Force Sense or by any other means such as high level detector or racial ability, Dark side modifier +1 second each phase ii. Assassinate - When in stealth, damage bonus 2d12, 4d14, 5d15.Passive Sith Inquisitor Bonus to Wisdom +3, Dexterity +3 and Charisma +3 i. Force Storm - Lightning attack to all enemies surrounding deal 10, 20, 30 damage to health points and Force points. Last upgrade have chance to knockback at DC17. Dark side modifier +5 points each phase. Cannot use armor ii. Dark Impact - When in this mode all dark side powers damage increased +5 but will drain Force points by 6, 4, 2 per seconds. Sustain. Dark side modifier +1 damage each phase. Automatic turned off if Force point 20 or below
I have posted this idea on BSN, but seems to be no one care off, so i deicided to post it here also I decided to post my KotOR 3 story idea here, you guys can post your ideas too. My idea is like this...in KotOR 1 Revan going missing searching for "something dark", in KotOR 2 Surik going missing searching for Revan...so in KotOR 3 the main character searching what they are searching for, that is, the first construction of Death Star Revan and Surik will remain missing, the main character only tracking their clues they left behind. main character will never meet Revan and Surik, they just missing in action, either dead or just gone. Their gender and ideantity is ambiguous, will never reffered as male or female, so there must be a clever dialogue out of this The main character is a Force Adept, meaning can use the Force and having Jedi abilities but never join the Jedi order or the Sith. Being improperly trained by his/her father until his/her father going missing and never going home for several years. He/she never know his/her mother, and rised by his/her aunt. The story started when his/her aunt giving him/her a holocron and lightsaber designs (the player may choose to create whatever types of lightsabers). His/her father who left those things to be given when he/she have reach a certain age. The holocorn showing a map where his/her father was going and what the father is investigating. The main character following the clues to find out the mystery. His/her father was actually an ex-Jedi being expelled because of having forbiden relationship with his/her mother who was also a Jedi The mystery have relation with Mandalorian War, Exar Kun War and KotOR 1 and 2...so the main character will investigate those areas. It turn out to be that Rakatan was building the first Death Star but never going to finish it. There is someone who trying to complete the thing. Star Maps and other clues from his/her father, Revan and Surik will show the location of the place where the secret plan is carrying out. The main character will stumble upon the Jedi Order who also investigating the source of powerful dark side power they are sensing. So the main character will get Jedi companions. The main character have a choice to join the Jedi order or not but in anyway working on behalf of Jedi until the turning point. The main character will also get companions that are non-Jedi along the way It turn out to be the Sith that the main character being hunting is his/her own mother, it being revealed in some point in the game. His/her mother will offer to join her and the Sith. So it will be "I am your mother!"... "Nooooooooo.....". His/her mother is working for a Dark Lord in which later can be killed or not in the ending. The main character also learn what happen to his/her father. The father is actually trying to turn his/her mom to light side but get killed some how, not by the mother but by the Dark Lord agents. If the main character join her, the story arc changed to dark side, if not then the story arc is going to light side, however it don't determine the endings. The revelation is at the middle of the game, so the story arc changed here. If dark side then the story is about against the Jedi and destroying the Sith enemies. If light side is the other way around. The Jedi companions can be persuaded to join the dark side or killed The first Death Star is actual a giant mind control machine not just having the ability to destroy a planet but also mind controlling all the sentient beings in the universe, it can turn enemies against enemies. That is why the Sith want Bastila in the first place but Malak never know the actual plan for Bastila because he's too greedy to kill Revan quickly So, the ending are i. the main character join his/her mom kill this Dark Lord then rule the galaxy together ii. the main character kill his/her mom and become the Dark Lord apprentice iii. the main character manage to turn his/her mom into light side then kill the Dark Lord and destroy the Death Star iv. the main character have to kill his/her mom and the Dark Lord then destroy the Death Star Just an idea, what's your idea?