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About Neurological

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    Music & Games
  1. Well unity let reference an assetpath called StreamingAssets, creating this folder upon building the game it will be made avaible to be used by the game. Take for example Shadowrun Returns for example it uses that internal folder to parse data without the hassle. I did a test with it to write directly into that folder in a txt file for later parsing and it was all ok. more on it here: http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/StreamingAssets.html Still doesn't specify if you need admin access or not, but is a usefull resource folder also for an eventual Override system like in BG.
  2. Oh I see, I did my own way trying to figure out what you sued, in this simple prototype: http://games.neuro-lab.net/resources/Build/Build.html Just wait for the cylinder to move. I did it with two cameras, one is top down and render only the 2D background, the other render only the 3d portion which are placed on top of the 2d background, but the second camera render isometrically. Surely is not pixel perfect on the colliders, especially with AA off you can see the seams.
  3. Don't know if this has been discussed, tried to find something on the forums, but couldn't find anything. My question is about how is gonna be dealt the fog of war if there is gonna be any. In towns or cities i guess it can be avoided much like Baldur's Gate 2, but in dungeons I think something should be put in place, you know to get surprised by the next room, instead of knowing how to move and what to expect. Again if this is has been already discussed, feel free to delete this thread but I would appreciate a link to a proper thread maybe via pm.
  4. Ok nevermind, found a solution using another camera for the 3d stuff, even if I feel like talking alone here the result: http://games.neuro-lab.net/resources/Build/Build.html The colliders aren't very precise, but I didn't do any measuring work, just by eye for test. Just wait the 3d cylinder to move by itself.
  5. Hello, sorry to resurrect this thread but I was interested in the way you build your scenes, especially with the colliders part to occlude view. I have asked on the tech section how you would do that and got a link in here, so I gave it a try to make a simple test scene in unity trying to replicate your method. For the occlusion colliders I wrote a very peth mask shader that hide everything that goes behind a mesh with that shader, and thats ok, the only thing I'm dinfing difficult is how to build a confortable workflow. Looking at another of the preview videos of PE, in aprticular this one: I noticed that in your example of the test scene used for the preview you have the background image as top down plane, and not rotated on 45 degrees, presumably because is more confortable to move the camera ingame this way. But having characters and I guess doors and other objects in 3d, you can't fake them to be isometric so they have to be rotated for real somewhow, and here is where I'm interested in your approach, this is a pic of my test scene trying to achieve what you have done on the pic of this thread: As you can see surely this isn't the way to work on this, as it would put up a lot of other problems, but I'm really curious on the way you guys use to build a scene inside unity. Maybe you use a second camera rotated that only render the 3d object?
  6. Can you link me an update where I can see this? I guess I lost it in the sea of updates. Thanks.
  7. Still a model of the pillar alone won't do anything as is just a bunch of polygons, so my thougth was maybe some sort of shade using your idea of a dummy model when you get behind the shader on the model hides the player geometry. I always found interesting one pic on the Baldur's Gate credits video: If you look around 1:40 you see they drawn some invisible polygons probably weren't polygons there, but they were used to say what is background or foreground with a base too, so I wonder if Project Eternity have this approach like Pipyui suggested with the dummy model and maybe a shader to tell when is back or front.
  8. Hello everyone I'm new here, I have registered mainly to ask one question that made me wondering for some time. I'm a Unity user too and was curious about Project eternity using 2d environments, so one day I wanted to try something in unity to achieve a quick half ***ed project. But I was concerned about one important aspect of the whole thing, the depth in 2d. Now I'm not a big explainer so I'm gonna give you guys an example. So imagine you have an isometric 2d box room, and in the middle of it there is a pillar. Now when you are front of the pillar you see your character, when behind it should be hidden by the pillar, and thats fine. But how you really calculate the depth of the 2d space, the pilalr beign just a 2d element have no real height, so I was curious how Obsidian managed to have a fake depth on items like the pillar, how you know when something is in front of the item or behind. I'm really interested in how that was done(in Unity, not just the basic concept of it), just for the hell of it.
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