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Everything posted by betelges

  1. i want to share with u my opinion on the visual and artistic aspect of the game. I found all the ambientations with a damn, conspicuous inclination to sad colours. floors, walls, columns, normally they have all the same greish colour!>They are so tedious. Besides i noticed the lackness of care for details and interior design. It's look to me some steep behind BG2. As who works on these aspects were a sad soul, i don't know how to explain it better. As the things had done in hurry. A lot of empty spaces in the interior without decorations or well done forniture. I fell the lack of joy and artistic touch. Even the water of streams seems grey and pale. Where is colourfull brightness? where are colours? In the old games u can feel a sensation of handmade touch, that s totally absent here. The raedric's hold, for example, it tastes of fake, cool digital flavour, drafted or totally digitally constructed in few seconds, where all the bricks has the same identical colours... I mean no offend anyone just my 2 cents for your next works Bye Betel
  2. great news but i have seen stereotypical and inaccurate floors...ok..i'm too picky but how do without it after the splendid mosaics of BG2?
  3. Hi, great update!thx for your hard work. i would ask: how many years of work has taken to create BG & BG2? I'd like to wait one more year or two if it's worth for a better job. example: in the trailer i have seen in 2 different scenes the same boring blue mosaic square, i hope to see in the game something more, like the sparkling and beautiful mosaics of BG! keep it up, the wait is sweet for the sage ))
  4. Hi, great update!thx for your hard work. i would ask: how many years of work has taken to create BG & BG2? I'd like to wait one more year or two if it's worth for a better job. example: in the trailer i have seen in 2 different scenes the same boring blue mosaic square, i hope to see in the game something more, like the sparkling and beautiful mosaics of BG! keep it up, the wait is sweet for the sage ))
  5. one thing: why should i choose the class instead of became of that class? for example i d like to became a mage , where BECAME means quests, experience, time, patience,ranks in order to achieve the title of mage . Normally choosing a class is an automatic procedure in my vision it's a "neverending" path during all the game
  6. about dungeons i can say, when i played BG & Company, a sense of oppression and stress if they were too long and large, especially if u had to finish them before seeing again sun light ) ok ok maybe i'm a little too druid connected, just like Jaheria ))) so, the word MEGA-dungeon really scary me! i hink it s not so easy calibrate the tension, before the player getting tired....best thing would be give the right rhythm
  7. Hi Wals, thx for the welcome i mean the total degeneration of the last years , not only in the videogames world, but pratically in every human sphere: some ex: in videogames u sure know the rpg are becoming little by little fps games....this is obviously a well planned project.......the same for some tv reality, as Pawn Stars, where in every episode someone, casually, sell them a gun or a rifle and at the end of the episode the try them in a shooting range...Lobbies are really powerfull....
  8. Greetings from Italy!!pls pardon my imperfect english... first of all, i'm so proud of you! I really hope u'll kick in the balls those bast***** militaries who has invaded the RPG reign.... In my humble opinion it would be great if every spell wasn't automatically learnt but acquired after solving a quest. More powerful the spell more difficult and long the quest....Maybe inserted all in a Magic Guild or an Arcane School... About exploration: i'm playing now some spiderweb products and , damn, even if the graphic is ****ting, they really fascinate you because the story and the attention of particulars are at high lvl! For example, the presence of secret passages and secret areas is neverending incentive to explore every wall and room! Also the blocked access to some areas by water or cliff is exciting because u have to return later in the game when u have got some special abilities .... The in game map should be something more than an automatic gadget; it could be linked with a special skill that need to be improved in order to don't lost in a dungeon or to get access to more detailed informations about the world. There can be a Ranger guild that teach u how obtain a always more detailed map... this guild could be similar also to the XIX century exploration associations as, for example, the Nathional Geographic Society, who drive you to explore unknown lands and regions... byebye
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