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Everything posted by Grrul

  1. What a strange question. Or, perhaps, a strange way to formulate a question... I doubt DA2 even crossed Obsidian's mind when they were making their plans for PE, but what I think you're really asking is whether we think they purposefully picked a type of RPG that isn't really being made anymore to "pull in" gamers who aren't satsfied with today's modern CRPG offerings (like DA2)? And yes, I think it's very likely that they realized this while planning PE, but I also think they -- and many other developers, including those working for BioWare -- genuinly love the Infinity Engine style of 2D, tactical, group-based CRPG's and really really wanted to make a game like that. And so, recognizing the demand for that type of game (a demand that had existed since long before DA2 was released btw) and seeing an opportunity in Kickstarter to satisfy that demand with a great degree of freedom, without the interference of a publisher, and create a brand new Intellectual Property that they would own all the rights to, they simply went for it. And then it became the most succesful video game kickstarter to date There is opportunity.. it has to do with situation in a country and the world.. I love style of 2D... and how amazing the world feels with it. Bioware graphics of games like DAO DA2 or MASS EFFECT are okay. I am an artist and I like some of the art aproach of how the elements where executed.. but never been very appealing to my eyes compare to other games. DAO was fun for me ... just for one reason.. it bring old memories and ME1 is a different game and a Best 3d bioware game! thats for my taste.
  2. Realistic and unrealistic.. come on people.. this is going to be a pure fantasy game.. Stop basing so much on realisting.. and I am not even sure how accuarate some of this information.. Pure fantasy is very open to anything that isn't common sence. Uncommon sence.. something that isn't based on facts or "normal" logic if there is a such thing... that is why I am interested in fantasy in a first place. TT
  3. I take it that you for one welcome our Amazonian overlords Take my lady for one.. lol
  4. Of course this could all work the other way. We could also see matriarchal societies, where men are the ones facing discrimination. isn't that more of a sci-fi trope? no, dark-elf society is matriarchal in D&D IIRC. If anyone never watched a cartoon "Jyo-Oh-Sei: Planet of Beast King" you need too. Man and women are very different and its only normal. I respect everyone equally when I first meet them and for me .. I can't help but to understand how wonderful women are.. becouse they are so trully special to carry our children and no man can love a child like a women and love is a true good, yet thats my person opinion. I don't believe there shuld be sexism or any descrimination.. in character creation way.. I do think that both male and female characters shuld be different from one another... and all different to each other based on a race. When it comes to Role-Playing.. and story ... I always want to play a good character.. and there is so many ways of doing so.. no matter of how dark a story could be as long as my good hero can make me feel like the light in that story. I always say this.. when I am not sure .. and I am mostly unsure becouse I know .. now well that I don't know much but I do like to speak my mind ones in a while... so I hope I am not being too silly.
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