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Everything posted by trask

  1. dude... i went to like 4 different stores and everyone had a different release date... i was like "IT COMES OUT TODAY JUST GIVE IT TO ME ALREADY" (caps intentional to show actual emotion) of course my wife thought i was crazy for going to 4 different stores looking for "just a game"
  2. the thing i didnt like about the game was: Bastillla she was stuck up... her side quest sucked and she didnt even use her battle meditation when i wanted her to she annoyed me.. i didnt even like having her in my party... but then again ..i kept HK and Canderous just for their coments..even if i did LS
  3. hey..heres an idea.. they couldnt get the voice actor to bring back the original HK-47.. so instead they made HK-50.. so we could have an HK droid without people complaining about them using a different Voice over for the HK unit... and the original could still make a cameo... just a thought
  4. i think that i read in here someplace that the developers had to finish the game at the same time... even before they pushed up the release date... so they didnt mess up the game by changing release date... they should have just given them more time to do stuff when they wrote the contract
  5. i mean the menu in the actual game the one farthest to the right i think that is for stances ...or weapon configs..(doubtful)
  6. hey.... did anyone notice the last menu item.. it looks like it is for either stances.. or the equipment configs
  7. what I think will happen is that the npcs you use will get a bonus.. or the ones that you dont use will get a penalty on the XP i could be wrong (probably)
  8. Since the title is the Sith Lords.. protect the core worlds from the sith onslaught and i think that would be kinda cool ...im sure you have to kill the sith Lords to do this
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