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About Psykhe

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  1. Spoilers, obviously. Anyone finished that quest? Should be the last quest for Hiravais. Encountered Scathden at Burial Island with Hiravais, killed him after some talking, but the quest does not progress at all. Also explored all of Burial Island, tried resting a few times, etc. Is it bugged or did I miss something? /Edit - Restarted the game and I got a dialog after I killed him and the quest finishes.
  2. Valve's top ten doesn't work that way. It is based on the games that are currently making the most money in the Steam store. Keys generated to be given out elsewhere make no money for Steam and are not counted. So a game, which has a price of $10, has to sell 4 times as much as a game, which has a price of $40, to rise above it in the top sellers?
  3. Yes, Rock Paper, Shotguns preview is better here. They clearly state they cannot tell us if THE GAME IS GREAT yet. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2015/03/23/pillars-of-eternity-the-first-half-hour/
  4. My got myself a Xbox 360 controller for the PC too and used it for the first 2 hours in the last Tomb Raider game. I have a big TV screen connected to my PC and wanted to try playing it "the console way" from my couch. After that I went back to KBAM (technically G13AM) and my PC screen and haven't used the controller since. KBAM is for me HUGELY more enjoyable. It is a magnitude more precise (which was infuriating me on the controller) and feels for me simply better (with the controller I got sweaty hands which I dislike, I somehow do not get those with KBAM). The only advantage I see for a controller is that you do not need a desk for it like you do for KBAM. "Controllers destroying gaming" is a bit harsh, but it is undeniable that they have a bad effect on PC gaming, mainly because of bad ports. An interface designed for a control does not work well with KBAM, just as an interface designed for KBAM does not work well with a controller. When I see a game which gets ported from console to PC with an unchanged interface it does annoy me. If you yourself prefer a controller anyway you do not notice that, but people who use KBAM there sure do. Mind, without the game being published on consoles it likely wouldn't exist in the first place.
  5. This post makes me wish this forum had a dislike button. This game needs less BG because most of this games real flaws come from them wanting to do something original with vision but being handicapped and having to make it reminiscent of the Infinity Engine games. Mechanically almost everything "original" seems to be a problem. Obsidian should have been original with the races/lore, and be very traditional with the mechanics. When you try to reinvent the wheel there is a good (actualy a 100%) chance that your new hexagonal wheel will not work as good as your traditional round wheel (see guild wars 2 for reference) Apart from what Karkarov already said (that they cannot just copy D&D) this assumes that the old system was perfect. If the old wheel is hexagonal reinventing the wheel might be a good idea. You might make a square wheel, but you also might make one which is rounder than the old one. Into which direction PoE goes remains to be seen. Regarding Mrakvampires points: I wouldn't consider those "constructive criticism", at least not at this stage, He might just as well said "Make the game true Skyrim like 3D". He essentially says "Redo most class mechanics and the whole attribute system". Those are no "easy fixes", that is redesigning a significant part of the game. Realistically it is around a year too late for changes of this magnitude,
  6. Disagreeing there. Firstly, books and movies lack one important thing - interactivity. With a game you can influence the story, which makes game storytelling a lot more engaging. If it has a good story, that is. Secondly, gameplay cannot make a bleak story suddenly interesting. A good example for that is the already mentioned Kingdoms of Amalur. Good gameplay, but a horrible 08/15 story. If a games story is unimaginative and has tons of logic holes in it no amount of gameplay will make the storytelling of the game good. That being said, I doubt anyone of the "story" faction wants a cinematic "game" without any gameplay (nevermind that a "cinematic" game and a game with a great storytelling is not the same thing), just as I doubt that the "gameplay" faction wants a game with good gameplay, but no real story. Personally I would greatly prefer a great story and average gameplay over an average story and great gameplay.
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