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Fionavar last won the day on February 20

Fionavar had the most liked content!


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About Fionavar

  • Rank
    Community Manager

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  • Location
    SK, CAN


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
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  • Black Isle Bastard!
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  1. Hello friends, Please send issues as well to support@obsidian.net. This way I can ensure it gets to the right support team in addition to the request for community help here. F
  2. Hello friends and thanks WRCousCous, I have also passed these on to Admin. Please send issues as well to support@obsidian.net. This way I can ensure it gets to the right support team in addition to the request for community help here. F
  3. Hello friends, I have passed these on to Admin. Please send issues as well to support@obsidian.net. This way I can ensure it gets to the right support team in addition to the request for community help here. F
  4. Hello trolls & Denizens, As you reach out to the community for support, please also send concerns/frustrations/bugs to support@obsidian.net. This will also allow me to get the right support team up to speed in order to expedite resolution. Please PM or reply here with questions, friends. #GameOn!
  5. Hello friends, I have passed this on to Admin. Please send issues as well to support@obsidian.net. This way I can ensure it gets to the right support team in addition to the request for community help here. F
  6. Hello friends, I have passed this on to Admin. Please send issues as well to support@obsidian.net. This way I can ensure it gets to the right support team in addition to the request for community help here. F
  7. Hello friends, I have passed this on to Admin. Please send issues as well to support@obsidian.net. This way I can ensure it gets to the right support team in addition to the request for community help here. F
  8. Hello friends, I have also passed this on to Admin. Please send issues as well to support@obsidian.net. This way I can ensure it gets to the right support team in addition to the request for community help here. F
  9. Hello AuraEvey, I have passed this on to Admin. Please send issues as well to support@obsidian.net. This way I can ensure it gets to the right support team in addition to the request for community help here. F
  10. Hello friends, I have passed this on to Admin. Please send issues as well to support@obsidian.net. This way I can ensure it gets to the right support team in addition to the request for community help here. F
  11. Hello friends, I have passed this on to Admin. Please send issues as well to support@obsidian.net. This way I can ensure it gets to the right support team in addition to the request for community help here. F
  12. Navigating that the core temp tonight will be -40c!
  13. Heya trolls and denizens, new and existing community members, if anyone is interested in the March 7th or beyond, would be great to feature a few blogs about your experience with Avowed. If you have an inkling this might be you, please checkout the Invitation Announcement and reach out to me in PM. Game on! https://forums.obsidian.net/announcement/65-the-community-blog-an-invitation/
  14. This is rather amazing, DevLeon! Thanks for sharing this with the community!
  15. Thanks, @Chilloutman. I will pass this on to Admin
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