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Everything posted by LaSombra

  1. I think it's ok, though I would like to suggest "Lost in Eternity", "Engulfed by Eternity" and my personal favourite "Road to Eternity"
  2. I agree. This is the kind of information that would be nice to be shown to us backers.
  3. I would say a druid healer for support, elf ranger for ranged attacks and a halfling rogue for chests and traps
  4. I really liked that idea. I think that's a lot of potential in this, though I guess it might make the confluence a little bit strange in terms of storytelling.
  5. It's all about balance, really. Too much sucks, too few doesn't do it as well. As far as they get the balance right, it would be great.
  6. DA:O character background/tutorial quest was really really interesting in my opinion, much better than Mass Effect 1 for example. I don't like have a background thrown at me and settle for it.
  7. I was thinking about writing something useful, but you guys said everything I wanted to say, thank you! I agree with the choices part. An RPG without meaningful choices is just... lame. Doesn't feel like an RPG to me at all, and I'm not talking about which-path-to-take choices, I'm talking about different-storyline choices. Bestial races? I'm not much into that, I like Dark Sun races sans bestial races, though Thri-Kreen were cool
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