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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. 21 hours ago, kirottu said:

    Screw you guys, I like Mandalorian. It's like watching an old school western where men talk little and shoot a lot. 


    same, Chapter 3 could be the greatest 37mins in space opera history


    everyone in the galaxy knows membership in a wretched hive of scum and villainy requires placing a blaster-proof shield over their heart in the event of a showdown with a Mandalorian

  2. 6 hours ago, Gromnir said:

    too many.

    HA! Good Fun!


    would like to know why 'walks back' is every outlet's default for unrepentant reconstruction of truth


    am aware our hope for conviction is flickering and bemoaned but it's all there is to cling to


  3. likely wishful to think, but the piece by McRaven reads as the lone raindrop that will break the dam against conviction in the Senate


    If our promises are meaningless, how will our allies ever trust us? If we can’t have faith in our nation’s principles, why would the men and women of this nation join the military? And if they don’t join, who will protect us? If we are not the champions of the good and the right, then who will follow us? And if no one follows us — where will the world end up?


  4. caught the debate, though we don't have cable news, it was live on the NYT page


    still no breakouts, no one undeniably upfront; an aggressive Klobuchar; peace-maker Booker; practiced-message into-the-camera Steyer; Warren besieged but focused; my guy Mayor Pete strong if overly; Harris confident, kind of indignant; Biden assumed his words have the only gravity; Sanders acted as one with the most to lose; Yang, stuck, in his sphere of expertise; and Gabbard, still refusing to condemn Assad, lie-contending American troops were in northern Syria solely to foment a 'regime-change war'


    more or less united front against the conduct of the president was the upside

  5. he is a plant, both unwitting and willing to further solely his own interests at the feet of Putin


    January, 2017, from the American Intelligence Community's assessment of Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election


    also, Russia committed war crimes in Syria five months ago


    An analysis of previously unpublished Russian Air Force radio recordings, plane spotter logs and witness accounts allowed The Times to trace bombings of four hospitals in just 12 hours in May and tie Russian pilots to each one.



  6. 13 hours ago, ShadySands said:

    They think it's an abscessed tooth but they won't know for sure until the 22nd when they put her under and then go in there and look around. At that point they'll either pull the tooth or biopsy the lump if it's not the tooth.

    okay well then crossing all digits 'til then

    • Like 1
  7. miss storytime, how's the housekeeper ... still alive and reticent, hopefully ... did you keep the vehicle

    can sympathize with the labor perspective; our daily for a long time was repairing the worst impulses of diy'ers and homeowners attempting to 'beautify' their property, although basketball-sized patches were rare and unwelcome

    last year the Section 8 tenant down the street burned the place to the ground, now rebuilt -- says three bedrooms but the structure cannot be more than 1,000 sq. ft., no garage, with an asking rent of 2750 ... another reason we will never own a home down here


    added some clouds today with a sponge to our electric work cart rooftop vista ... the sun was taken from the outline of a roll of masking tape and then cutting in the 'safety yellow' color by hand

    chances of getting in trouble for defacing district property are ... unknown

    • Like 1
  8. lot going on today ...

    one tiny glimmer of a speck inside a mote hidden in an atom


    The opportunity afforded to Romney by Trump here is enormous. The first Republican officeholder of consequence ... who backs Trump’s impeachment and removal will have a chance to become one of the most pivotal figures in American history. Romney could lead some of his Senate colleagues to join him in calling for removal. For other senators, he could provide much-needed cover.



    aww page break, sorry, can never remember to count posts so as to avoid

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