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About atn

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  1. Thanks ! Download just finished... looking forward to scratching my head for character creation. Hard it is !
  2. Downloading the game right now. I've played all IE games since they came out and just finished my last playthrough of BG2 last week. Should I go on hard or expert ?
  3. Yes all is fine. Steam downloads the files, but they are encrypted till the time of the release. Once it is out there is just a small download and the game is ready, but then there should be a patch too, which will need to be downloaded as well. Thanks ! That was my guess as well. I was simply surprised to not even having access to basic info like the size of the game files directory. Thanks to Aarionn as well
  4. Just logged on to get the nice surprise (key !). Steam tells me: "Pillars of Eternity - Pre-load complete; unrel...". However, I can't verify the local content to see if the game truly downloaded since I get the message "Content still encrypted". I'm sort of a noob concerning pre-loading games, is everything fine with the situation I describe. Thanks in advance
  5. Although I don't agree, I can understand that. That being said, I think they did their best and did an awesome job with the whole development process and dialogue with the fans/backers. Well i do not think they did their best with many things. I think they were just not considering things. If planned and prepared it would be possible to ship games to everyone on release day (+/- a day or so). It would be possible for backers to claim their keys weeks before release. But they are a small team and probably very busy. If it were not for Paradox who could have helped them with that which actually is their job as publisher. So no they did not do their best, but i can excuse that as what matters in the end is that they did the best with their game. Still we can hope they learn and do better next time. You can do all the planning in the world. When implementation comes, you'll find out that both the planning and the implementation are not perfect. Moreover, we do not have access to all underlying factors affecting the process of backers receiving their keys. Is it a problem with Steam ? A lack of planning on Obsidian's part ? Something else ? Who knows ? All we can do is speculate or simply be patient for a few hours/days.
  6. It's one thing to talk about a TOPIC. And a whole different thing to talk about PERSONS. Stick to basic civilty instead of calling other peope names, ok? Let me rephrase. The lack of patience exhibited by some posters in this thread resembles that of over-sugared five year olds. I don't mean this as an insult, but as a factual observation having seen my share of kids with no patience. Underlying message: waiting a few days *before* the official release is not a big deal. My serious suggestion: if the waiting is making you rage, go do something else to get your mind off this and vent some steam. (here I mean "you" in the general sense, not LordCrash in particular).
  7. Although I don't agree, I can understand that. That being said, I think they did their best and did an awesome job with the whole development process and dialogue with the fans/backers.
  8. Jesus, have you even ever been to the RSI forums? (And I guarantee my citizen # is higher than yours...) Your complete lack of self-awareness is almost awe-inspiring.... Most likely - I didn't sign up to the website till closer to the end of the KS campaign. I had the opportunity to have been a Golden Ticket holder but didn't think it would have meant much. And yeah the RSI forums aren't always happy - but it's engaged which is a key difference. But you know what I've said my piece those who disagree have that option - those that feel the same as I do aren't going to have their opinions changed by being called babies or told its a temper tantrum. Its too late for Obsidian to fix their idiotic decision we'll all just wait for our keys - those on slow internet will wait longer. I personally wont be bothering with Obsidian in future unless I see some bridge building and will be telling the people I know to stay away, whether or not that effects them (probably not) who can say. But honestly I respected these guys and was really rooting for them to succeed, and sure maybe they will but I'm disappointed in them for their actions I thought they would have been better. What on earth are you talking about? They developed a game. It's set to release Thursday morning at 9 am PST. It's Tuesday at 11:42 PM EST now. The game release hasn't come and passed us by yet. There's nothing to complain about. At all yet. Exactly. I wish they added a "slap on the back of the head" button for all the kids who ate too much sugar and have the patience of five year olds.
  9. Not going to get into a language argument on the word entitled (it has multiple meanings and different countries/societies will use it differently) I know Obsidian is going no where - but by voicing my nonacceptance of their behavior hopefully in the future they will either learn or ignore it - if they're better people they will learn if they don't then thats their consequences to bare. Lets all be completely honest here - not one person here would have been upset in any way shape or form getting their KS editions early. Am I right? is there anyone who would have turned around and yelled at Obsidian for not holding it back and releasing it at the scheduled date? But conversely there are people who are upset at finding out their backer status wasn't important enough to Obsidian for them to put them first above media. These people are allowed to feel slighted and disrespected and are allowed to voice their feelings on the matter. If Obsidian gave a crap about their backers they'll listen if they don't they wont either way their actions get judged. Clearly you are having difficulty comprehending other viewpoints. Would I be "upset" if I got early access to the game? No. But I do honestly believe it would have been the wrong decision, and a weird one to boot, on something this high profile. This is not some crappy spaceflight game for the PS Vita, this is a spiritial successor to Baldur's Gate that will appeal to people who have never even heard of and want no part of Kickstarter. I don't think it is smart marketing to elevate Kickstarter backers over the general populace. In fact, the reality is, Kickstarter backers ceased to be a revenue stream once their pledges were collected. Now, they have to appeal to the general populace. I think that Pillars of Eternity is woefully under-advertised but other than that I think their decisions are savvy. So I'm not sure "upset" is the right word but I think a headstart release would have worked against them, and it's not one I would have necessarily appreciated, no. Again, I look at this holistically, not individually. What is best for Obsidian? What is best for Obsidian is to maximize revenue and profit. And, actually, that works for me individually too because Obsidian's success means more future Obsidian products for me as a fan of Obsidian. Also, your decision not to get into a semantics debate with me over the meaning and use of entitled is a wise one, because you will lose the argument. Stop trying to bait a derail dude - I told you I'm not a troll I'm a pissed off backer. And the jury is in on putting backers before the general public - it gets you more backers - SC has proven it. Whether or not Star Citizen is actually a good game or the backers get what they thought they were getting isn't the argument - its how they treat the people who fund them. Obsidian partnered with a publisher half way through going against what they had said in their initial KS and most of us gave them slack for that but I can't help but notice how much their interaction with their fans changed after getting the publisher. Obsidian just never learned, because whats best for Obsidian is lots of passionate fans and other than the same repeating names in this thread I don't see evidence of lots of happy fans. Just like you're seeing the same names repeating for being unhappy - there are a lot of fans just not even here. Even just hanging out - the forums are patchy and sparse and the interaction is practically seeing its most amount of life today because of what people are finding out. Why not go do something else to get your mind off the subject (hobby, sports, see some friends, etc.) ? In the grand scheme of things, this waiting period is some insignificant stuff. Getting a key is not some crucial time-bomb that needs to be defused *now*. All you're doing now is wasting time in your life on whining that amounts to absolutely nothing positive, for you or anyone else.
  10. The guy has a "Gracie jiu jitsu" tag in his avatar and is throwing a fit because he doesn't have a key yet. I suggested he go roll on the mats and do some bjj (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) to get his mind off things. Don't see anything wrong with that.
  11. Seriously ? Extrapolate much ? Tomorrow if it rains, is it because Obsidian wanted to ruin your day ?
  12. Dude, go do some bjj to keep your mind off this.
  13. I'm considering picking up a new skill, like knitting while waiting for key. Seriously, they said Monday or Tuesday, lettuce wait and see.
  14. I loved BG 1-2 with all their flaws, partly because of the Forgotten Realms setting, but also because of the general atmosphere/story in these games. I find it pretty funny that people playing the game 10 years after its release critique gameplay and other aspects that are clearly linked to the time the game was published and which are "easy fix" issues. Why not talk about gameplay in Donkey Kong while we're at it ? Also, lots of people extrapolating statements about BG to statements about BioWare as a whole. I generally dislike post-EA BioWare, but what in the hell does that have to do with my appreciation of BG ? Do we really have to get married with a brand ? Nice ! I'll look into it.
  15. Also, if my memory serve's me right, in 4th edition rules and later, when the Tarrasque's HP go below a certain level, it simply goes back to it's lair and sleeps (assuming this happens on the Prime Material Plane).
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