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Triple G

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About Triple G

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  • Xbox Gamertag
    oO Triple G Oo


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
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  1. I want gibs. Lots and lots of gibs. A ludicrous amount, some might say.
  2. ...I'd like to branch out to more interesting classes in my RPGs. I often go with the vanilla fighter/paladin, but hearing the idea of the Chanter class, who uses singular or combined words to create different effects, has me interested in trying something new. I enjoy the fact that Skyrim allows you to dabble in spells, while not necessarily leaning too heavily on it, as well as allowing you to combine them for different effects. So my question would be, are there any classes in RPGs available now that would scratch this particular itch? I have all of the Infinity Engine games, as well as every Ultima (including the Underworlds), and almost every Might and Magic cRPG (every one except IX). As you can probably tell, I'm a fan of GOG. Any feedback would be awesome.
  3. Same here. Would've gone for the 35 pledge, but I just couldn't budget it.
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