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About Seryn

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. A zoom would add a lot, IMHO. With the increased resolution, it would be a nice touch--not so much for tactical combat--but for searching, thieving, even just to get a closer look at your avatar's armor, etc. I've been playing a little IWD II recently, and think a feature like this would be useful and appreciated. For situations like walking your party around a town, you could zoom in and get a closer look at your immediate surroundings, instead of just looking at a screen full of rooftops. Same goes for a narrow dead-end tunnel, when the rest of the screen is black. I have this sneaking suspicion that the zoom won't have quite the range you're expecting. The area pixmaps likely won't scale well, so there's no point in allowing zoom down to the point where you can see the armor details. My guess would be down to 2-4 × normal. I would enjoy a 2x zoom, any more would be gravy.
  2. A zoom would add a lot, IMHO. With the increased resolution, it would be a nice touch--not so much for tactical combat--but for searching, thieving, even just to get a closer look at your avatar's armor, etc. I've been playing a little IWD II recently, and think a feature like this would be useful and appreciated. For situations like walking your party around a town, you could zoom in and get a closer look at your immediate surroundings, instead of just looking at a screen full of rooftops. Same goes for a narrow dead-end tunnel, when the rest of the screen is black.
  3. Gotcha with a like! https://www.facebook.com/obsidian
  4. I'm happy to be a part of it! I'm an old-school gamer who's loved your games from the beginning. It was a no-brainer to put my money down to back this effort. Best of luck!
  5. Exactly! Easily customizable for individual personal preference has always been a favorite of mine! Give the UI size and transparency adjusters, on-off toggles, and unlimited (Eternity!) hot buttons. BTW, this is SO cool! Glad to be a part of of this. Yay Obsidian, Yay Kickstarter, Yay all of us players who made it possible!
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