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Everything posted by Radwulf

  1. A modernised BG journal would be good and I like the additional flavour provided they don't go over the top with opinions and judgements of events and stick to being more descriptive. What could also be quite cool is including charcoal drawings of important characters and events that you see that breaks up the writing in the journal.
  2. England. For those confused as to why some British people refuse to consider themselves European despite obvious similarities (genetics, language, geography, culture, EU, etc) it's because in some respects the UK is distinctly different from the rest of Europe and much more so than most 'other' European countries are from each other. These include but are not limited to a different political system (two party first past the post vs multi-party proportional representation), legal system (common law vs civic law) and immigration system (border controls vs citizen card internal controls). On top of that the UK has historically been more focussed, or at least successful, internationally than in Europe so shares those differences from Europe with many international countries. When European countries create EU legislation they tend to do so without consideration or perhaps recognition of these differences therefore increasing the barrier of entry for Britain. Whereas it may be a logical continuation for continental countries, in many cases it requires a large overhaul in the UK. Combine that with the fact that Britain has historically been more successful than most if not all European countries with good reason to believe its ways are as good if not better than the ones continentals use and you can understand the opposition.
  3. If 8 is infinity, what is 88? Or 888888? As any respectable order/cult/sect we should fully investigate the philosophical underpinnings of our ideals. Or am I just getting greedy. Perhaps my new name should be 'Treasurer of the Obsidian Order'.
  4. I'm not so sure that drawing too much from D&D v3 multi-class rules would be a good thing. One of the things I liked about BG was that you just popped in your class and played the game, whilst skill in using the class emerged as you got more experience and built a complementary party around it. In NWN2 and MotB on the other hand, multi-classing is encouraged but in order to do so and not screw up (particularly at epic levels) you must either be experienced or do research about all the little rules, feats and statistical quirks of how the game works which may involve seeing other peoples' builds. This is simply not fun. I liked MotB in spite of the ruleset not because of it. Please don't overcomplicate the class system or at the very least provide people with everything they need to make informed choices in game.
  5. You mean the Obsidian Order doesn't have black uniforms?! I'm reconsidering my pledge.
  6. Donated my eight and passed the tribulations of the trial of 40 (characters). I am the......"Obsidian Order's solipsist ken". Whatever that means.
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