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Everything posted by Ronan_Berthelot

  1. I love South Park, it could be great !!
  2. Oh my god, I can't wait for this new Fallout since I finished the third yesterday It's a really good news for Obsidian.
  3. I hope we will see those games very soon but it seems to be that Aliens RPG will be released next year. To Actually, I don't trust Gearbox (the makers of Brothers in Arms) for the next Aliens Colonial Marines...
  4. With 2 peaks of activity in january/february 2005 also in january/february 2008 ! Dunno why (Kotor 2 was released on february 11/05 in my country) See you next year for Aliens !!
  5. Awesome !! Can't wait to play this game and hope it will be release next month like expected (in my dreams...) !
  6. Robert Clotworthy - Albatross (voice) http://french.imdb.com/name/nm0167139/ Maybe one of those powerfull secret computers like Eagle Eye ? Or a codename of a contact who calls the heros several times in the game ?
  7. To be honest I'm French and I prefer change the language to English with French subtitles because the translation is better, with famous actors. Actually, Sega have not the habit to translate the tracks on their games like in Sonic or Condemned series. In that case I hope that the game will be release in february worldwide !! Casting from Alpha Protocol : http://french.imdb.com/title/tt1249406/
  8. Thank's for the screenshots ! Looking awesome. I can't wait to play this one and to see how looks like Alien RPG.
  9. Oddworld Stranger's Wrath : For dowload Oddworld's sountracks : http://www.oddworld.com
  10. We have Bioware's Jade Empire Xbox for waiting "In the ancient, mysterious world of Jade Empire
  11. http://www.lucasarts.com/products/swkotor/GI_voice.html Jennifer Hale / Bastila Shan A seasoned actress in film, television and theater, Jennifer also has voice work experience in animations such as The Prom Queens, Mighty Ducks, Spiderman and Power Puff Girls and video games including X-Men and X2, Technu: Wrath of Heaven and Eternal Darkness. In Star Wars
  12. The game freeze after a loading on the Dantooine planet at the time when we owe protect the Khoonda base, when the mercenaries pass defenses and returns in the building... A black screen prevents us from continuing the adventure, thus blocking the principal mission. Bug found on the French version of Star Wars KOTOR II
  13. Xbox-Mag.net (french) : 16/20 (8/10) Xboxmatch.com (french) : 9.0/10 Game-focus.com (french) : 9.1/10
  14. Officiel Xbox Magazine (Fr) : 17/20 Jeux Video Magazine (Fr) : 17/20 Consoles + (Fr) : 15/20
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