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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. So been studying Sandro's code as well as trying to figure out how.. eventually I was sitting with something that I had mostly written myself (which was a great feeling) and now I've been trying to solve this problem for about an hour and... here it is :)


    Progress is always fun!

    #include <iostream>


    int main()


    int nInput;

    int nState = 1;

    std::cout << ("***MENU***\n1. Monday\n2. Tueday\n3. Wednesday\n4. Thursday\n5. Friday\n0. Abort\n") << std::endl;



    std::cout << ("\nInput Choice: ");

    std::cin >> nInput;

    if (nInput>=0&&nInput<6) // if the user input is greater than or equal to 0 And if user input is less than 6)


    switch(nInput) // a multiple functional switch with 6 buttons (1-5 and 0)


    case 1:

    std::cout << ("Monday Time") << std::endl;


    case 2:

    std::cout << ("Tuesday Time") << std::endl;


    case 3:

    std::cout << ("Wednesday Time") << std::endl;


    case 4:

    std::cout << ("Thursday Time") << std::endl;


    case 5:

    std::cout << ("Friday Time") << std::endl;


    case 0:

    std::cout << ("Aborting...") << std::endl;

    return 0;



    else if(nInput>=6) // if the user input is greater than or equal to 6


    std::cout << ("Invalid choice. Input a number between 0-5") << std::endl;



    } while (nState != 0); // ask for "Input Choice?" from user while nState is "Not 0".



    I'm curious if there is some way to do a "callback" on the "Menu". Some sort of "Back" command that takes me back to the start of the program and/or simply brings up the "Menu".



    More C++ Resources for the interested:



    Large database of knowledge:



    Haven't checked this one out but it looks good:


  2. #include <iostream>


    int main() {

    std::cout << "Hope you had a good holiday :)" << std::endl;


    return 0;



    I did hoped than this update would have been about Chris Playing Arcanum (you guys did say he will be forced to do so by January :p)


    We don't forget! Some of us upped their pledge only to see that happening XD


    We are legion xD

  3. Following this (which is more a "Q? Is this possible?" on models such as buildings etc. etc.)


    Y = Model

    W = Picture/Screen

    Z = Player Perspective


    Maybe the water on the "off" side isn't required (on the left side of the screen, behind the picture~)


    A = Screen/Picture

    B = Character Model

    C = Water/Model

    D = Hero Player Perspective with some mad Keyboard skills

  4. The good is that the internet and the information is free.

    The bad is that internet is turning into a corporate business more and more. There are already "borders" on the internet, and if the evolution of it goes the wrong way we might find ourselves stuck on "American Internet" versus "European Internet".


    Already internet is starting to get "individualized". Facebook blocks out a ton of news feed, as an example, that in itself is like a "border". If I want specific information I have to search for it, whilst Facebook gives me the information it thinks I want depending on how I surf the internet.


    EDIT: Oh right I can't get Visual Studio 2010 to work... anyone got any clues? This is what I get on this code:


    #include <iostream>


    int main() {

    std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;


    return 0;




    1>------ Build started: Project: Lesson1, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------

    1>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt

    ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========




    EDIT: This might be a solution to my problem:




    This MSDN thread explains how to fix it.

    To summarize:

    • Either disable incremental linking, by going to
      Project Properties
      -> Configuration Properties
      -> Linker (General)
      -> Enable Incremental Linking -> "No (/INCREMENTAL:NO)"
    • or install VS2010 SP1.


    Here's Visual Studio SP1:


  5. That depends on how Obsidian does it. In Baldur's Gate we have hardly much control over the "General Brawling"-phase. It's just bashing mindlessly at each other, and we control the abilities and positioning.


    To stay simplified, Baldur's Gate could've done without the "Auto-Attacking" and just simply been ability-based entirely. The "General Brawling" is just visual filler in Baldur's Gate. Part of the entertainment, serves little function in actually playing the game. The general fighting in Baldur's Gate is something you just observe, which is what this "Glancing" and "Hitting" feels very very much like.


    Visuallizing/Imagining what that could be (in Baldur's Gate-terms) I get a picture of 1 on 1, 2 Gladiators that are facing each other, fighting on equal grounds and bashing at each other. One of them might use one of the abilities and bash their shields, knocking back the other one which in turn activates "Berserk" in the knocked back one, and he uses the ability "Charge" to get back into the fight again and deal some damage before returning back to the "General Brawling".

  6. I love rolling in Baldur's Gate. Could the statistics themselves be tied to the physique and some character appearance features?


    I'd be fine with just changing the color of the character (Like you do in Baldur's Gate, hardly any character customization at all). It'd be fun to see your character look different depending on if they have a high Strength or a high Wisdom.


    A very high Constitution (in relevance to Strength/Muscle) could make your character wider, and if there's any "Tomes" that gives you +1 Constitution in the world it could make you more wider? Could that make the 3D model slightly wider as well?


    Strength = Muscle

    Dexterity = Mobility (Acrobatic muscle)

    Constitution = Fat, Size, Grounded

    Wisdom = Soul/Aura

    Intelligence = Beard, Mind

    Charisma = Charming, Dashing, "Beauty" Appeal


    In Baldur's Gate it was more the classes that determined what kind of "appearance" you had. A Thief always had the hoodie, as an example. It wasn't determined by stats but more dependent on the race+class you chose. I think it'd be cool with a stats based appearance instead, getting a bulky muscular Wizard visually. Not advocating for Obsidian to model any "muscle's" and we'll see that grow or degenerate, more like the model would simply just get +1 size or -1 size in width/height~

  7. A simplified way to look at something~


    Player Turn: Attack

    Enemy Turn: Block

    Enemy Turn: Attack

    Player Turn: Dodge (Critical Miss by enemy)

    Player Turn: Attack (% chance to get a Critical Hit)

    Enemy Turn: Critically Hit (RIP)


    Some extras to take into consideration (Attack Speed, Abilities, Player Skill/Control):

    * How does attack speed work?

    * Does abilities pile up on turns? Or do they interrupt the current action/animation?


    Player: Attack, Click Ability

    Enemy: Block

    Player: Ability Used

    Enemy: Attack, Click Ability

    Player: Block

    Enemy: Ability Used

    Player: Attack

    Enemy: Block

    Enemy: Attack

    etc. etc.

    * Player skill? Can I simply just move the character somewhere else, or will the action "finish" first? (I click the character to go somewhere, but will the current "fight" action/animation finish before he/she does?)

  8. I'd miss a lot of people as well, but I am sure I would meet a lot of people.


    Negative impact about the mobile internet is that those that are close get a little bit more distant. We communicate much further long distance today, some of my best friends live on the other side of the planet. 30 years ago it'd cost a lot for that long-distance phone call, or through that 56k internet connection (Anyone remember that "Ring ring!"?).


    Cool with the code, I haven't done the assignment yet, and I don't want to cheat so I just took a quick glance at it. I want to understand why it works.


    A console program is correct.


    These are weekly, next week there'll be 2 new assignments etc. etc.


    Just to play the devils advocate, I think I miss the 80'es when computers were a rarity and you didn't get pestered 24/7 by mobile devices, people actually talked to each other and Tron was was some LSD dream about what the future would look like.


    Honestly, the only thing I think the world would miss would be some of the advances done in medico science thanks to the increase in computing powers and simulations.


    Well, agreed. If I were in the 80's I'd probably feel a breather as well. One of the "revolution" with mobile internet is that you are now more and more able to work wherever you are on the planet for whatever company. 30 years ago a company I worked for sent out employees (trusted employees) to do jobs in the world and the company wouldn't be able to contact the employee in the same way, it could take a week before they knew what was going on.


    Today I can call from my cell phone, wherever I am, to wherever I want (where there is service). From mobile phone to America.


    With Facebook I randomly stumbled over a job that a friend presented on his wall. I took the risk, 15 minutes later I had a ticket to Austria. Worked there 3 days, 1 month later I had tickets to Fort Worth, Dallas. Regardless, that is also something about the mobility.


    I can buy plane tickets that take me to another part of the world, from my mobile phone. There are probably programs and applications for it as well :) I believe in technology a lot, that it can help humanity. But it can also be used to control humanity, "herd" humanity I guess.


    Negatively, there's so many gadgets everywhere, applications, pop ups, updates, socially pre-Wall-E. Facebook was probably really great in concept, Mark Zuckerberg might've had a beautiful vision about it "Now everyone can be friends!" and then it turned into a soap opera by the users themselves and Mark was probably just happy to become a millionaire/billionaire or whatever he is.


    "Information" also more and more becomes a computer related product. I'd probably miss that as well (the ability to access so much information).

  9. Started a programming course today (applied some 6 months ago).


    Got this thought, "Hey, could I share any of the knowledge at the pace that I am learning it myself?" (see Sources at the bottom of this post), so yeah, do what you will with it :)


    It is very basic stuff and only 2 months of length (Programming One and Programming Two). Thought it'd be fun to discuss, and perhaps you can learn something from it as well.


    Like, this,


    "Historically speaking, computers haven't been around too long. The last 20 years, however, development has been rising at a rushing speed. Today in society there are computers and programs in many different forms. Even if we don't think about it we still use products that have been programmed for our daily uses, e.g., when we fuel the car, cash some money at the ATM or when we scan groceries in the local grocery.


    Imagine that we turn back time about 30 years. Which computer related product would you miss the most that you use today? Which computer related product do you think has influenced the environment with most development the past 30 years, it can be in both positive or negative sense. Motivate your choices and provide source if you refer to fact."



    "Write a program that involves a menu with alternatives. It could, per example, be a lunch menu for a restaurant. Example provided:



    1. Monday

    2. Tuesday

    3. Wednesday

    4. Thursday

    5. Friday

    0. Abort

    Write choice: 1 <enter>


    Monday serves cooked potato, beef and rich swamp* mushroom sauce.


    Above the user has chosen alternative 1 and the food of the day is written on the screen. For the choices, 1-5, different food will be presented.


    When the user writes 0, the program aborts. You must have one "while-loop" that steers the menu, as well as if-statements that controls the users choices. Remember to comment your code.


    Sources: This is what I'm using, there is course literature as well but I don't have it just yet. Internet basically, holds all the knowledge any course literature has (and more).

    * http://en.wikibooks....C _Programming which isn't 100% finished (some stuff in there dated 2006 so I don't think it ever will).

    * Google is your friend :) "How to program C++?"

    I am also using a .pdf that I found in Swedish. Google translate?:

    * http://www.alesnaweb...mmering_ett.pdf


    * " svamp = mushroom" in Swedish :p


    On being teleported back 30 years, to early 80's... what would I miss? The world in my pocket. Communication. Mobility. Accessibility. The ability to communicate with- and travel the world with greater ease. Coming both more virtually and physically close as one world. I'd miss that progress of that (which is also what I think has grown most in the past 30 years). To be honest, if I were in the early 80's and 24 I'd probably just enjoy myself while it lasted before waking up from some strange dream.


    The mobile internet.


    What would you miss?

    What do you think has evolved the most in the past 30 years?

  10. Should I use a weapon that gets more powerful as it makes more kills, the more souls it harvests and feeds on?


    Just going to refer to AGX's post, there's more, I just cut out what I felt most relevant:

    And ignoring the fact that orcs are not going to be in P:E, a sword that can suck up hundreds of souls would be some kind of abomination forged by the most powerful and evil demons of whatever hells might exist in that world. Besides that, such a soul-entrapping weapon filled with 100 souls of 'x' species/race would be hampered by that host of 100 'x' souls. If you have a sword full of vengeful orc ghosts (not in the P:E context since there are no orcs in P:E,) they're going to do whatever they can to hinder you in combat against orcs so that their deaths might be avenged by their own bretheren.


    Intelligent Enemies that linger on in Soul-Form and becomes Intelligent Weapons?

  11. Animal Empathy is limited and on duration as well as "In Area" limited, I'm speaking about a skill which lets you tame an animal and bring it with you as a minor companion character. Doesn't need narration at all but mechanically become "Mine!!". I throw pokeball... wait wait wrong game... I throw leash and get the animal. I wouldn't particularly be able to have 155 animals and collect em all like Pokemon but perhaps a total of 3 animals (if the skill is invested in) that you can do some minor upgrades with.

  12. Maybe fetal position isn't too good of an idea against -that- weapon bro. Sounds like an invitation.


    EDIT: Looting houses in Baldur's Gate. If I loot a sword from some random commoner, wielding it/wearing it, could he react to it somehow? "That's my sword! Thief!" and you get to talk yourself out of it "Oh this? Yeah what about it I bought it". From the outcome of getting away with it to being hunted by guards.

  13. Well, I like (as I've argued a while back in another thread) the idea of having solo-gather information quests, where party members can play to their strengths. (The warrior infiltrating the guard, the rogue sneaking into the shadier parts of town to talk with the local crime syndicate, the bard getting drunk with people in an inn, the wizard searching an academy library. each can find a different piece of information which could help with the next party mission. This way individual failures aren't disastrous, just gives you less of a full picture.)


    I would love a function like this:

    * Burglary Skill, send your designated Thief (Wizard/Rogue/Cipher/Fighter or whatever) out in a City for a duration of time to steal homes etc. etc. Can get caught, sent to jail and you can bail him/her out or break him/her out.


    Sounds like some of those you presented there could work similarly as well.


    Having mixed reputations can bring mixed results, but generally If the city guard knows you did them some favours in the past, they won't suspect those who travel with you when they've worked for the thieves. Hell, maybe they'll ask you to investigate one of your own crimes. :) that could make for interesting choices.

    I also think that eventually the further you go in one faction or another, that should close some doors elsewhere.


    Right! I was supposed to say something here... right! Could the "Thief" be wanted enough to have posters? Then it gets a bit difficult... can items remove "Heat"? Make a character go "incognito" or something in some areas? You might have to sacrifice that awesome Helmet for the duration of your stay in the area and equip a hood to conceal the face of the character.


    ^Is that even anything that's desirable? Can I "Hide" a character in equipment?


    As for party-member conflict. I don't know, they're not exactly my strength, I generally try to please everyone and thus fail to please anyone.


    Try to please yourself before pleasing anyone else. If you are not smiling, then there's a greater chance that no one else is going to~ just generally speaking.


    "Put on the life jacket on yourself before putting it on your child"

    • Like 1
  14. EDIT: Can Forton start to like Aloth if you bring down Forton the same "Reputation" as Aloth? As for a Baldur's Gate example... could we bring down Imoen's personality, make her more evil and instead she welcomes Montaron and Xzar like family into the group..?


    Not narratively but mechanically. Let's take Jaheira+Khalid as an example (who can start a fistfight versus Montaron+Xzar) from a mechanical standpoint, Jaheira+Khalid starts fighting Montaron+Xzar, or I take Jaheira+Khalid down a gloomy path they "act" more friendly (mechanically) to Montaron+Xzar.


    High Wizard Guild members attack Thieves Guild members~ but if I make the Thieves Guild member in good standing with the High Wizard Guild they don't attack.


    How will it work if I have an oddball group that has reputation all over the world in different factions? Will I be attacked by several different mobs/assassins who just chaotically inflict chaos with each other? One faction fights one whilst fighting one of your guys whilst protecting one of your guys~ sounds like it could be fun in some aspects but I think there needs to be some sort of "Average Party Reputation" that differs from the "Individual Character Reputation".


    Guy A has good standing with Faction A and bad standing with Faction B

    Guy B has good standing with Faction B and bad standing with Faction A


    Both these factions being opposing of one another, some questions that follows:


    1. How does Guy A and Guy B work together in the team?

    2. How does interaction with Faction B affect Guy A? Vice versa.

    3. Assassins go after Guy B, would Guy A be involved in the assassination and/or be a target of the assassination as well? What happens if Faction B is going after Guy A at the same time?

    4. Can you bring Guy A into Faction B territory?


    I think you'd need some sort of "Individualized Storyline" for this to work. Kind of what I am hinting with at the "Main Character Dies" thread. The NPC's having their own stories, they move forward in the world. Perhaps entering Faction B territory with Guy A renders him impossible to use? Maybe you can have him wait outside the area or send him off on his own quest? (in essence: He leaves to continue his quest, unless it leads into Faction B territory).


    Can NPC's grow in Reputation as they do their own Quest Tress, individual from being in your party?


    Minsc+Dynaheir example, expanded:

    1a. You meet Minsc in Nashkel (Jump to 2a)

    1b. You meet Minsc+Dynaheir in Nashkel (Jump to 3a)

    2a. Recruit Minsc and save Dynaheir.

    2b. Don't recruit. Moving on (Jump to 4)

    3a. Recruit Minsc, Flashback-mode (Solo play Minsc at the Gnoll Fortress and save Dynaheir)

    3b. Don't recruit. Moving on (Jump to 4)

    4. Traveling the world for a while, you start to hear "rumors" when talking to commoners. Some slight gossip of a woman in a purple robe and a bald barbarian who seems a lil bit crazy talking to a hamster.

    5. You get to Baldur's Gate, where you meet Minsc+Dynaheir. Minsc perhaps bragging aloud of his endeavors.

    6. Recruiting Minsc+Dynaheir at this point could show a different "rep" than what they had before. Likewise, depending on some actions or whatnot what you did in the game could perhaps even change the outcome into something like....

    7. Minsc alone in Baldur's Gate, Dynaheir was slain and Minsc has taken to the bottle in the slummier parts of Baldur's Gate. Having a low low reputation as a dummy hobo or whatever.

  15. But couldn't this already be done with faction reputation? If you pick factions which are more on the down low, whether they're crime syndicates, secret societies, paranoid noblemen or just groups that don't chase fame, you'd get a standing amongst those with an ear to the ground, but not elsewhere. If you pick the gaudy factions to do jobs for, then those who enjoy more discretion might shy away from you, while the public would love you more.




    here's a thought: I'd enjoy it if different party members could have different reputations, so someone might tell something to one party member, but not another.


    That would be really cool. Though, how would that work with combo's? What if I have 1 character that is in good favor with the Thieves Guild, likewise they "hate" the City Watch. In the group I have 1 who has a strong standing with the City Watch, would the Thieves go "hostile" against 1 character or all of the character? Would the City Watch character have to wait outside?


    Likewise, how would the overall Party reputation work? And how would Morale function with that? Would the Thieves Guild character and the City Watch character work well together in the party? Would it be a functioning (with Morale penalties and whatnot) hassle? (E.g. one of the oddball groups)


    Or would we see Jaheira start fighting... that Shadow Druid don't remember her name (Cloakwood).


    I'd like to get a warning somehow. Baldur's Gate with mods, Imoen says something like "Oh I don't like the looks of these guys" about Montaron and Xzar, but in vanilla she says nothing. I'd still have the choice to recruit them, but getting some sort of feedback on "Who are these people?" before recruiting.


    Parties in cities as well, I made a thread about it some time ago, being able to individually send out party members. Sending party members on "Tasks".


    What is the in-party reputation? What do Forton think of Aloth? Could "Reputation" deem it somehow? Does party members react to someone getting a better reputation? Can we help the party members get the reputation they "deserve"? Can we influence the path somehow?


    What I am trying to convey is some sort of "Player Controlled" reputation. Let's say Edair has a steady growth of his reputation according to his own quest tree, but instead of doing that we take Edair off to other adventures and his reputation grows to be like-able by the opposing faction of what he initially goes for... can we influence the NPC's path?


    EDIT: Can Forton start to like Aloth if you bring down Forton the same "Reputation" as Aloth? As for a Baldur's Gate example... could we bring down Imoen's personality, make her more evil and instead she welcomes Montaron and Xzar like family into the group..?

  16. Fun idea! Which is what I liked about your post.


    On the "loosing its appeal" I can see and understand what you're saying, obviously I don't stand on the same ground. I'm not requesting anything, I am simply stirring up the hay to see if there's anything worth savaging. Looking at the posts (from this thread) there might be something fun to find :)


    We'll see.


    Again, not requesting, more like: "Hey! This feature is in Baldur's Gate, can you turn it up a notch? Did you experience any of it? Did you think it was fun?". Oh and the lightning strike. Sure, a random event when raining, but it really felt like a virtual "DM" that struck down his wrath on poor Khalid time and time again. He got hit twice within 5-6 minutes (survived the first) as well on one of the playthroughs xD oh Khalid~ I wonder if that was modded/designed in (Khalid probability to get hit) or if it was just random coincidence.


    Or when you pickpocket everyone you get a cursed item you can't remove from your inventory. Or something like you throw it away but when you enter the next area you've got it in your inventory or something, I don't remember exactly.

  17. Building structures -> Build a village -> Become a faction?


    Trade routes and all that is just filler. "Would you require your own economy?" kind of (not in favor of it, just brainstorming). On the mesh thing, I'm talking specifically about the WC3 thing when you choose "Build" and before you place the object you see a "mesh"-ish thing. It might be when you "Shift+Click" (placing multiple objects). Anyways, you got my point and I got yours, thanks for the link :)


    What I meant with the Stronghold growing, uhm, basically that the Stronghold could act as a "location" that you can place anywhere on the map or even on a map. Placing it on a map would require the stronghold to have some sort of own "ground" texture, something that mixes well with whatever else there's out there.


    Being able to build a stronghold on a mountain, in a swamp, in hell, a proper wizard tower. Either predesignated or "build your own" wherever you want. Basically having an option to build a stronghold at other locations. Likewise, having a Stronghold, could you use it to create your own faction?

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