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Lagole Gon

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Everything posted by Lagole Gon

  1. I'm fine with simple Infinity Engine style potions - lots of variety, not too common occurrence, no alchemy. Everything will be better than Skyrim and DA:O potion spamfest.
  2. Sabers, spears, javelins. And of course katanas! Realistic katanas. Absolutely useless against armors, swords and anything more dangerous than a peasant.
  3. Rare permadeaths. Deaths a little bit more forgiving than BG. For example, negative HP mechanics depending on attributes.
  4. That's it. I call exterminatus upon this world. God Emperor MCA may have mercy on your souls.
  5. Reported... to the interpol, Sanctum Officium and Lithuanian mobsters.
  6. Nope. Horrible idea. This kind of thinking is turning items into soulless loot, bunch of stats and nothing more.
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