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Everything posted by PrimeJunta

  1. Doesn't matter. What I care about is the betrayal of trust and that it was considered OK by everyone concerned, even those who wanted the review published. Edit: and by "OK" I mean "at most worth a finger-wag." In retrospect, what I should've done is this: "Either that thread is retardoed and Sensuki gets a tag, or I'm pulling the plug. You have one hour." More fool me.
  2. Jeez, you really don't get it either, do you. I'm not interested in fighting that war. I simply do not want to play with those rules.
  3. False dichotomy. The Codex sanctions all kinds of stuff, that's what Prosperland and Retardo Land are for. It's not like "complete anarchy" and "carefully moderated" are the only options. Edit: but as I said, unrealistic. In any case, I'm not willing to play by those rules, so I'm taking my ball and going home. So nyah.
  4. I'm not interested in revenge. I'm disgusted, bitter, and hate the idea of even looking at that text. Is there something I want? Yeah, actually, there is. It's completely unrealistic of course but it's there. I want the Codex to draw a line: to acknowledge that publishing a draft without the author's permission is not kosher and declare that it won't happen again. Despite everything I think the Codex does have something of unique value to offer, and I don't think completely unrestricted asshattery is it.
  5. I'm talking about actions, not speculating on what people thought. Publicly posting a first draft without an author's permission = action. Giving explicit approval of above action before the fact = action. Explicitly showing up to confirm that everything is working as intended = action. Those actions are a betrayal of trust, and explicit and continued approval of the betrayal of trust by the site management. What DU, you, Infinitron, Bubbles or anybody else thinks or says about it is irrelevant. What counts is what you did. And what you did isn't pretty. Bottom line is, I will not be submitting any more content to the Codex, because I can't trust that it won't happen again. I may be naive and trusting, but I'm not that naive or trusting.
  6. @BobbinThreadbare You really don't get it, do you? What killed my interest in completing the review wasn't the Codex bile. That I was prepared to deal with; I've been lurking since 2006 and have seen plenty of it. It was the gross betrayal of trust followed by the official Codex approval of that betrayal ("This very thread is the reason the Codex was founded" -- DU). Again: not only what Sensuki did, but that he did it with the official and continued approval of the Codex administration, that, in fact, pretty much nobody there considers that as anything unusual, just "the Codex being the Codex" and "PJ should've been more careful." That I'm not willing to deal with. Edit: as to banning and such, that never was on the table, was it? Sensuki asked the admins' permission beforehand, to make sure it didn't happen. A simple "Nah, posting a first draft without the author's permission isn't cool, even here" at that point would have done it.
  7. Man, Bubbles, you really are an expert troll. You have a quite an eye for what buttons to push.
  8. Rumor has it they're going to revamp the attributes. If it's true, at least I would start a new one.
  9. So far if savegames haven't been compatible, they've been converted automatically. I doubt they'll change that except under extreme circumstances. There's been one patch which rebalanced companion attributes, which would not be applied if you already had them in the party in your savegame though, but that's the only exception I can think of. Party AI means scripts you can give your party members so they take actions autonomously. Currently they only auto-attack if you don't give them other orders.
  10. I have no interest in discussing the review, and would in fact prefer that this thread be nuked altogether, or, failing that, locked.
  11. I'm going by what he said. He said he got permission from DU and VoD. DU did not contradict this in his appearance in the thread.
  12. Sensuki's just a member though. If it had been just him plus the howler monkeys I would probably have soldiered on. What I couldn't cope with is that what he did is considered perfectly okay. There were a few people going "bitch move bro," far outnumbered by the back-slappers, and the site admin himself giving his imprimatur on it. If something reflects badly on the Codex, it's that, not what some lone sociopath did.
  13. Infinitron, who is an editor and moderated the private discussion on it, requested that it be kept under wraps. Sensuki went over his head, to Dark Underlord, the site admin, who gave him permission to post that discussion.
  14. Sensuki wasn't the only one involved, but yes it was absolutely clear that it was a submission to the Codex, and yes, everyone had been explicitly requested to keep it under wraps.
  15. Yes, that's exactly right. It's an official Codex review, but PrimeJunta didn't want it on the Codex anymore after a codexer leaked it. This seemed like the best alternative; I posted this thread at Infinitron's suggestion. Annnnd, now a flat-out lie. The Codex just keeps getting classier. I never said that I don't want it on the Codex. I said that I'm done working on it, and even explicitly pointed out, in public, that should you want to complete and publish it, you have my blessing. Don't pretend not to know that, because you replied to the message to the effect of "We don't need your blessing, you just gave up all rights on it so I can shop it to IGN for $10 if I want."
  16. Yeah, that's ethics in game journalism for ya. Good thing we've got GamerGate elevating them, no?
  17. Something like that, yes. Bubbles did have permission though, I released it into the public domain when I quit. Thought I'd leave my collaborators the option to finish it as they had contributed some work to it.
  18. He did ask the site admin (who wasn't in on the convo) for permission first, to make sure he wouldn't get sanctioned I guess. So on the Codex, that unspoken rule clearly does not hold. (I also reviewed Sensuki and matt's essay on the attribute system, and when he asked me to keep mum about it, I did. That's one reason I figured I'd ask him for feedback, to return the favor as it were. Yes, before you ask, I am somewhat bitter.)
  19. Not done being patched. The expansion will slot into the base game so all the improvements will appear there as well. It's very stable though, and you probably won't even notice most/any bugs on your first go (they're stuff like bonuses not stacking properly, overpowered or sometimes underpowered abilities and so on) so go for it.
  20. In case you're wondering why it's here, the story in brief is that I asked a bunch of people including Sensuki for input on the review; Sensuki didn't want it published at all so in true Codexian fashion he pasted the rough first draft on the forums under the title 'The Shill Brigade Pillars of Eternity Propaganda "Review"'. Twenty-odd pages of concentrated bile ensued. I eventually couldn't take it and threw in the towel. This is why I don't post at the Codex much. I can't cope with their "you gotta be THIS tough to play" mentality. The people actually collaborating on it were cool though and I feel bad about letting them down. I called it quits the first time Sensuki blabbed about another review being in the works, but they talked me into continuing a week later. I don't handle drama very well, and the cumulative effect was that I couldn't stand to look at it anymore. But eh, so it goes. At least I finally managed to try Path of the Damned.
  21. Infinitron should have noted that it's an abandoned WIP, which is why he posted it. But hey, it's Bubbles.
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